„Bylo jednou jedno království, kde vládla říše císařů a jejich vláda byla úplná. Nikdo se neodvážil oponovat se císařům, dokud se jednoho dne neobjevil chlapec, který měl neuvěřitelný dar – kozy s císařskými uši.“
Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a young goat named Koza. She lived in a small village with her mother and siblings, where they spent their days grazing and playing in the lush meadows. Koza had a peculiar feature that set her apart from the other goats – she had ears as big as the emperor’s.
Koza’s císařskýma ušima (Emperor’s Ears) attracted a lot of attention from the villagers, who would often gather around her and marvel at her unusual feature. They would whisper amongst themselves, wondering what purpose her big ears could possibly serve. Some would praise her, while others would mock her and call her a freak.
One day, the king of the land, who had heard of Koza’s unique feature, decided to visit the village to see her for himself. When he arrived, he was greeted by a group of villagers who led him to where Koza was grazing.
Upon seeing Koza’s císařskýma ušima, the king was taken aback. He had never seen anything quite like it before. He approached Koza and gently stroked her ears, admiring their softness and size.
Impressed by Koza’s unusual feature, the king decided to take her back to his palace and keep her as his own pet. He offered to pay the villagers a large sum of money in exchange for Koza, which they eagerly accepted.
At first, Koza was overjoyed to be living in the king’s palace. She was given the finest food and the comfiest bed to sleep in. However, as time passed, she began to feel lonely and isolated. She missed her mother and siblings and the warm company of her village.
One day, while wandering around the palace gardens, Koza heard a distant sound that caught her attention. It was the sound of other goats, grazing and playing together in a nearby field. Overcome with a sudden feeling of longing, Koza began to follow the sound, determined to find its source.
As she stumbled through the lush greenery, Koza stumbled upon a group of goats, grazing and playing in a nearby field. Overjoyed to see other goats, she ran towards them, eager to make some new friends.
To her surprise, the goats didn’t seem to notice or care about her císařskýma ušima. They were too busy playing and enjoying each other’s company, and Koza realised that her unusual feature didn’t matter as much as she had thought it did.
From that day on, Koza spent all her time with the other goats, grazing and playing together in the nearby field. She had found a new family, one that accepted her for who she was and didn’t judge her based on her appearance. And in the end, that was all that truly mattered to her.
Koza’s císařskýma ušima may have set her apart from the other goats, but it was her kind and accepting heart that helped her find true happiness. In a world where appearances are often judged and scrutinised, it’s important to remember that what truly matters is the kind of person we are on the inside. So, let us all learn a lesson from Koza – that we should embrace our differences and be kind to one another, for it is our character that defines us, not our appearance.
Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc
Když se koza jménem Koza narodila s neobvyklýma ušima, které byly tak velké jako císařovy, získala velkou pozornost od lidí v obci. Někteří ji chválili, ale jiní ji posměšně nazývali freakem. Nakonec ji král viděl a zaujaly ho její uši, tak se rozhodl ji koupit a převést do svého paláce.
Na začátku byla koza nadšená z nového života v královském paláci. Měla nejlepší jídlo a pohodlnou postel. Ale brzy se cítila osaměle a izolovaně bez své matky a sourozenců a z klidné vesnice. Jednoho dne se rozhodla vyjít do palácové zahrady a tam slyšela zvuk koz v dálce. Šla za zvukem a našla tam kozy, které ji přijaly jako jednu z nich, nikoli kvůli jejím uším, ale kvůli její laskavosti a přijímání. Koza se naučila, že je důležité přijmout a objevovat rozdíly mezi sebou, protože je to to, co nás skutečně dělá jedinečnými. A co se týče kozy, byla opět šťastná a spokojená s novými přáteli, kteří ji přijali takovou, jaká je.
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