Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Hody Aegira

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Za dávných dob, kdy země ještě nebyla ovládána lidmi a byla plná kouzel a zázraků, žila v hlubinách moře malá víla pojmenovaná Hody Aegira. Tato krásná a statečná víla měla jedinečnou schopnost ovládat oceán a jeho obyvatele, a tak se stala strážkyní všech tajemství a pokladů, které se skrývaly v hloubkách pod hladinou. Když se jednoho dne setkala s mladým námořníkem, jejich osud se navždy změnil a Hody se musela postavit nejen před nebezpečím v oceánu, ale i před svými vlastními city.
Once upon a time in the magical forests of the Czech Republic, there lived a young fairy named Hody Aegira. She was known for her kindness, compassion, and love for nature. Being the guardian of the forest, she found joy in taking care of all the creatures that lived there.

Hody Aegira was also known for her beautiful voice. Her singing could calm even the fiercest of animals and bring peace to the forest. Many creatures would gather around her to listen to her melodious voice.

One day, a group of hunters entered the forest with their guns and dogs. Their mission was to capture as many animals as possible and sell them in the city. Hody Aegira, being the guardian of the forest, could not let this happen. She went to the hunters and asked them to leave the forest peacefully.

However, the hunters refused to listen to her and instead, they laughed at her. They told her that the forest belonged to them and not to a mere fairy. Hody Aegira was deeply saddened by their behavior and decided to take matters into her own hands.

She used her magical powers to create a thick mist that covered the entire forest, making it impossible for the hunters to hunt. The mist was so thick that the hunters could not even see their hands in front of their faces.

The hunters were terrified and begged Hody Aegira to lift the mist. She agreed on one condition – they would promise never to come back to the forest to hunt again. The hunters promised and left the forest as fast as they could.

The animals in the forest were overjoyed and happy that Hody Aegira had protected them. They came to her and thanked her for her kindness and bravery. In return, they invited her to a grand feast to show their appreciation.

Hody Aegira accepted their invitation and went to the feast. It was a grand celebration with delicious food, music, and dance. Hody Aegira danced with the animals and sang songs that she had composed for them.

The animals declared Hody Aegira as the protector of the forest and promised to always respect her and her magical powers. They also promised never to harm each other or the forest again.

From that day on, the forest was a peaceful place where all creatures lived harmoniously. Hody Aegira continued to protect the forest and sing her melodious songs, bringing joy and happiness to all who lived there.

The End.


Hody Aegira byla mladou vílou, která žila v kouzelných lesích České republiky. Byla známa pro svou krásnou píseň a přátelský postoj ke všem bytostem, které v lese žily. Jednoho dne se objevili lovci, kteří chtěli chytit a prodat zvířata. Hody Aegira se postavila do jejich cesty a s pomocí svých kouzelných schopností ochránila les a jeho obyvatele. V současné době je Hody Aegira uctívána jako ochránkyně lesa a pokračuje v ochraně přírody a v zpěvu svých nádherných písní.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc


Z této pohádky se můžeme poučit o důležitosti ochrany přírody a všech bytostí, které v ní žijí. Také nám ukazuje sílu dobra a odvahu se postavit proti zlu, i když jsme jenom malé bytosti jako Hody Aegira. A nakonec nás učí, že pokud jsme laskaví a staráme se o druhé, budeme odměněni nejen vděčností, ale také radostí a spokojeností.

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