Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Here are some suggestions for fairy tale titles about The Goat’s Ears of the Emperor in Czech:

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„Zlaté Uši Císaře“ or „The Golden Ears of the Emperor“ is a beloved Czech fairy tale that tells the story of an emperor who becomes obsessed with the idea of having golden ears. His fixation leads him on a journey of self-discovery, learning valuable lessons about true beauty, inner peace, and the dangers of vanity. Join us on this magical adventure as we explore the enchanting world of „Zlaté Uši Císaře“ and discover the power of self-acceptance and humility.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was an Emperor who was known for his beautiful, long ears. He loved showing off his ears to everyone, and people from all over the kingdom would come to see him just to marvel at them.

One day, a strange goat wandered into the Emperor’s garden. The goat had two enormous ears that drooped down to the ground. The Emperor was horrified by the sight of the goat’s ears and ordered his guards to dispatch the animal immediately.

As the guards approached the goat, it spoke to them in a human voice. „Please don’t hurt me,“ the goat said. „I can grant you a wish if you spare my life.“

The guards were startled by the revelation and decided to bring the goat to the Emperor. When they presented the goat to the Emperor, it repeated its offer of granting him a wish in exchange for its life.

The Emperor was intrigued and asked the goat what it could possibly offer him. „I can give you ears like mine,“ the goat said.

The Emperor was skeptical but curious, so he decided to take the goat up on its offer. The goat then led him to a nearby grove where it asked the Emperor to close his eyes and stand still while it worked its magic.

After a few minutes, the Emperor opened his eyes and was astonished to see that he now had ears exactly like the goat’s. They were huge and drooped down to the ground just like the goat’s did.

The Emperor was overjoyed with his new ears and decided to show them off to everyone he knew. However, the people of the kingdom were horrified by his new appearance and found it difficult to take him seriously.

The Emperor soon realized that having goat’s ears was not as wonderful as he had thought it would be. He became depressed and withdrew from the public eye, feeling ashamed and embarrassed.

One day, a wise old man came to see the Emperor to offer him some advice. „Your ears do not define who you are,“ the wise old man said. „What matters is what is in your heart and what you do for your people.“

The Emperor took the wise old man’s words to heart and realized that he had been too focused on his appearance instead of his actions. He decided to use his power and influence to make a positive impact on his kingdom.

Over time, the people began to see the Emperor in a new light. They saw the good he was doing and respected him for it, regardless of what his ears looked like.

In the end, the Emperor learned an important lesson about inner beauty and the true meaning of power. He realized that being a great leader meant thinking beyond one’s appearance and focusing on the needs of others.

And so, the Emperor lived the rest of his days with pride in his heart and with the knowledge that his legacy would be one of kindness, generosity, and compassion for all.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Dávno v dáli žil císař, který byl známý svýma krásnýma ušima. Rád je ukazoval každému, kdo přišel, aby se na ně dival. Jednoho dne se do císařova zahrady dostal divný kozel s obrovskýma ušima. Císař byl zrůdného zvířete zděšen a nařídil svým strážím, aby ho okamžitě zabili. Avšak kozel promluvil s lidským hlasem a nabídl jim, že jim splní jeden přání, když ho ponechají naživu. Stráže se rozhodly kozla donést císaři, aby mu předložil svou nabídku. Císař se rozhodl vyzkoušet divnou možnost, a tak kozel vedl císaře do blízkého háje, kde mu nabídl, že mu může dát úplně stejné uši jako své. Císař byl skeptický, ale nakonec souhlasil. Kozel začal pracovat a po chvíli císař otevřel oči a viděl, že má nové uši, které spadaly na zem stejně jako u kozla. Císař byl nadšený z nových uší a chtěl se pochlubit celému království. Lidé se ale na jeho nový vzhled dívali s hrůzou. Císař si však uvědomil, že jeho uši nejsou důležité, a začal jednat pro dobro svého lidu. Lidé si ho pak získali zpět pro jeho dobré činy a království se stalo lepším. Císař se naučil, že důležitá je vnitřní krása a kvality, a ne vzhled.

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