Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Bree a Lesní Víla

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Jednoho dne se ve hlubině lesa narodila krásná Lesní Víla jménem Bree. Její vlasy měly barvu listí na podzim a oči jiskřily jako hvězdy na nebi. Byla však velmi osamělá, protože v okolí nebylo mnoho víl již dlouhou dobu. Nikdo nevěděl, jak se tato osamělá víla bude v lesním království uplatňovat, ale osud měl pro ni připraveno mnoho dobrodružství a kouzelných výzev. Toto je příběh Bree, Lesní Víly, vytvořený kouzelnou rukou lidí a přírodou sama…
Once upon a time in the dense forest of Czechia, there lived a beautiful fairy named Bree. She was a Lesní Víla, which means a forest fairy in the Czech language. Bree was a kind-hearted soul who would help anyone in need. She had big beautiful wings, which were so transparent that they seemed to be made of glass.

H2: The Encounter with a Young Boy

One day, as Bree was fluttering her wings, she saw a young boy sitting under a tree. The boy was crying, and Bree could see that he was lost and scared. She came close to him and asked, „What is the matter, my dear?“

The boy looked up, and upon seeing her, he stopped crying. He was amazed by her beauty and asked her if she could help him find his way back home. Bree agreed and took the boy under her wing, quite literally, and began to fly with him over the forest.

H3: The Flight in the Forest

As they flew over the forest, Bree showed him the paths and the rivers, and the boy was fascinated by the beauty of the forest. He could hear the birds singing and the bees buzzing, and he felt very happy. Bree told him stories about the animals in the forest and the magical creatures that lived there.

H2: The Evil Witch

Suddenly, they came across an old cottage on the ground. As they landed, they saw an old witch sitting outside the cottage. Bree knew about the witch’s evil deeds, and she warned the boy not to go near her. However, the boy was curious and went ahead to talk to the witch.

The witch was pleased to see the boy and invited him inside her cottage. She gave him some food to eat, which was poisoned. Bree had a doubt about the witch’s intention, and she silently followed the boy inside the cottage.

H2: The Rescue

As the boy started feeling unwell, Bree revealed herself to the witch and tried to protect the boy from her evil deeds. The witch got angry and attacked Bree, but Bree used her magic and captured the witch in her wand.

The boy felt better, and they both flew back home safely. The boy was happy to have met Bree, the kind forest fairy, and promised never to go near any strangers again.

H2: The Happy Ending

From then on, whenever someone got lost in the forest, they would call Bree for help. She became known as the protector of the forest and was loved by everyone. The forest became a place of joy and happiness, and Bree spent her days spreading love and kindness.

And thus, the story of Bree, the Lesní Víla, became a legend, and her name was written in the history of the forest forever.

H3: Conclusion

This fairy tale of Bree, the Lesní Víla, teaches us the lesson that we should always be careful while dealing with strangers. It also shows us the importance of kindness and compassion towards others. The story of Bree is a reminder that there is always a positive side to everything and that good always triumphs over evil.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Jednou žila v hustém lesu v Česku krásná víla jménem Bree. Bree byla lesní víla a měla velká, průsvitná křídla. Jednoho dne potkala ztraceného chlapce a pomohla mu najít cestu domů. Během letu chlapec viděl krásy lesa a poslouchal příběhy o jeho obyvatelích. Avšak při setkání s zlou čarodějkou chlapec jí nasedl na lep a ona ho chtěla otrávit. Bree upozornila chlapce a kouzlila na čarodějku, kterou zpacifikovala. Potom se oba vrátili a Bree se stala ochránkyní lesa, ochráncem osob a byla velmi oblíbená. Tento příběh nás učí, že musíme být opatrní při setkání s cizinci. Rovněž nás učí, jak je důležité být laskavý a soucitný k ostatním. Příběh Bree nás také připomíná, že vždy existuje pozitivní stránka věcí a dobré vždy převáží nad zlem.

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