Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Antonův nos a zlá čarodějnice

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Byla jednou jedna zlá čarodějnice, která žila hluboko v lesích na okraji malého českého městečka. Ve městě byl také mladý muž jménem Antonín, který měl neobvyklý nos. Jeho nos byl nadměrně velký a křivý, což dělalo z Antonína terč posměchu a šikany ostatních obyvatel. Jednoho dne se Antonín rozhodne vydat za čarodějnicí, která mu slíbila, že mu může přinést úlevu od jeho neustálých ponižování. Co se ale stane, když se Antonín ocitne tváří v tvář mocné a zlé čarodějnici? To se dozvíte v této kouzelné pohádce o Antonově nosu a zlé čarodějnici.
Once upon a time, in a small village in the heart of the Czech Republic, there lived a young boy named Anton. Anton was known for his kind heart and his adventurous spirit, but he was also known for something else – his nose.

Anton’s nose was quite long and pointy, and it often got in the way of his daily activities. His classmates would tease him about it, and he would often feel ashamed and embarrassed.

One day, while wandering through the forest, Anton came across a mysterious old woman. The woman was dressed in black, her face was wrinkled, and she carried a long, gnarled staff. Anton was both fascinated and frightened by her.

The old woman introduced herself as a powerful witch, and she asked Anton what was troubling him. Anton shyly told her about his nose and how it made him feel different from everyone else.

The witch smiled and said, „I can help you, my dear. I have a potion that will make your nose disappear forever.“

Anton was ecstatic. He eagerly accepted the potion and drank it down without hesitation. And just like that, his nose was gone.

But as time passed, Anton began to realize that his nose was more than just a physical feature. It was a part of who he was, and without it, he felt incomplete.

He decided to seek out the witch once again, hoping she could reverse the spell. But when he found her, she was not as kind as she had seemed before.

The witch cackled with glee when she saw Anton. „You foolish boy,“ she said. „I knew you would come back to me. And now that you are under my power, I can do whatever I like with you.“

Anton was terrified. He pleaded with the witch to reverse the spell, but she refused. Instead, she handed him a list of impossible tasks and said she would only release him from her spell if he could complete them all.

So Anton set out on a journey to complete the witch’s tasks. His first task was to climb to the top of the tallest mountain in the land and retrieve a magical crystal from a dragon’s lair.

Anton was determined to succeed, and he set off on his journey with nothing but his wits and his courage. When he finally reached the top of the mountain, he found the dragon’s lair and the magical crystal.

But just as he was about to snatch the crystal, the dragon woke up and roared in fury. Anton knew he had to act fast, so he grabbed the crystal and ran as fast as he could.

To his amazement, the dragon did not pursue him. He looked down at the crystal and realized that it had the power to pacify even the fiercest of beasts.

He brought the crystal back to the witch, hoping it would be enough to break her spell. But the witch laughed and said she still had two more impossible tasks for him to complete.

The second task was to find a golden apple from a tree guarded by a hundred venomous snakes. Anton knew this would not be an easy task, but he was determined to succeed.

He spent weeks searching for the tree and fending off the snakes, but eventually, he found it. He plucked the golden apple from the tree and ran as fast as he could back to the witch.

But once again, she was not impressed. She gave him his final task – to bring her a feather from the wing of a phoenix.

Anton had heard of the mythical phoenix, but he had never seen one before. He set out on his journey, determined to find the creature and retrieve the feather.

After many weeks of wandering through the forest, Anton finally came across the phoenix. He managed to pluck a feather from its wing and made his way back to the witch’s lair.

But this time, when he handed the feather to the witch, something miraculous happened. The witch let out a scream, and smoke began to seep out of her body. The smoke twisted and writhed, and suddenly, the witch was gone.

Anton looked around confusedly, wondering what had happened. He noticed that his nose was back in its rightful place on his face. He breathed a sigh of relief and set off for home.

When he arrived in his village, he was welcomed back with open arms. His friends and family were amazed at his bravery and accomplishments, and he was no longer teased for his long nose.

Anton had learned a valuable lesson – that our differences make us unique and special, and that it’s important to value ourselves for who we are. And he knew that he would never again take his nose for granted. The end.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Byl jednou malý chlapec jménem Anton. Měl dlouhý a špičatý nos, a proto byl terčem posměchu jeho spolužáků. Jednoho dne potkal Anton v lese tajemnou čarodějnici, která mu nabídla lektvar, který by mu nos navždy odstranil. Anton s radostí lektvar vypil, ale brzy si uvědomil, že jeho nos je součástí jeho identity a bez něj se necítí úplný.

Anton se rozhodl najít čarodějnici a požádat ji o zvrácení kouzla. Čarodějnice mu však dala tři nemožné úkoly, aby ji mohl prosit o vrácení jeho nosu. Anton první úkol splnil a vyšplhal na nejvyšší horu a získal magický křišťál, který má moc upokojit i nejdivočejší draky.

Druhý úkol byl najít zlaté jablko na stromě střeženém stovkou jedovatých hadů. Anton se postavil výzvě a po několika týdnech hledání našel strom a jablko. Třetí a poslední úkol byl získat pírko z křídla ohnivého ptáka fénixe. Anton se vydal do lesa a po mnoha týdnech hledání fénixe našel a získal pírko.

Když dostal čarodějnice pírko, něco se stalo. Čarodějnice zmizela a Antonův nos se vrátil na jeho místo. Anton pochopil, že jsou každý z nás jedineční a důležité je si sám sebe vážit. S jeho návratem domů byl přivítán s otevřenou náručí svými přáteli a rodinou a už nikdy nebyl posmíván za svůj dlouhý nos.

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