Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Hrady a zámky kde se natáčely pohádky

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Byl jednou jeden kouzelný svět, plný krásných hradů a zámků. Tento svět byl místem, kde se natáčely ty nejkrásnější pohádky a poznal ho každý, kdo se chtěl vydat na dobrodružnou cestu. Jedno z nejkrásnějších míst tohoto světa bylo Hrady a zámky kde se natáčely pohádky. Tato pohádková oblast byla plná tajemných zákoutí, magických bytostí a kouzelných příběhů. A tak začíná naše pohádka, plná dobrodružství a zázraků, které se odehrávají právě v této kouzelné oblasti.
Once upon a time, in the land of Bohemia, there were many castles and chateaus. These majestic structures stood tall, with their prominent towers and grand halls, attracting visitors from far and wide. Many of these castles were even used as film sets for some of the most beloved fairy tales in Czechoslovakian history. This is the story of “Hrady a zámky, kde se natáčely pohádky.”

H2: Nejkrásnější hrady a zámky

Bohemia is known for its stunning architecture, and some of the most beautiful castles and chateaus can be found here. The most famous of these are undoubtedly the neo-gothic Hluboká Chateau, located near the city of České Budějovice, and the magical Karlštejn Castle, situated in the midst of the Bohemian forest. Both these structures have been featured in many Czech fairy tales and films.

H3: Hluboká Chateau

Hluboká Chateau is a magnificent structure, built in the neo-gothic style. The chateau boasts of over 140 rooms, including a stunning library, and halls adorned with beautiful artwork. The chateau has also been used as a film set for many Czech fairy tales, including “O princezně Jasněnce a létajícím ševci” and “Belle a Sebastian.”

H3: Karlštejn Castle

Karlštejn Castle is a breathtaking fortress built on a rocky outcropping. This grand structure has been depicted in many fairy tales and films, including “Byl jednou jeden král,” “Princezna se zlatou hvězdou na čele” and “Tři oříšky pro Popelku.” The castle boasts of a unique architectural style, with its soaring towers and grand courtyards.

H2: Pohádky a filmy natočené v hradech a zámcích

Bohemia is steeped in folklore, and many of these tales have been brought to life on the silver screen. The castles and chateaus have been an integral part of many of these tales, lending their grandeur and charm to the films.

H3: Princezna se zlatou hvězdou na čele

This beloved fairy tale is the story of a princess who is gifted with a golden star on her forehead, and who is blessed with magical powers. The story was filmed at Karlštejn Castle, which was the perfect backdrop for the enchanted world of the princess.

H3: Tři oříšky pro Popelku

“Tři oříšky pro Popelku” is arguably one of the most famous Czech fairy tales ever told. The story of the Cinderella-like character who is granted three wishes by a fairy, and who goes on to win the heart of a prince, was filmed at many castles, with Hluboká Chateau being one of them.

H2: Pohádky a filmy jako součást české kultury

The castles and chateaus of Bohemia have played a pivotal role in shaping Czech culture. The fairy tales and films that were shot here have become a part of the country’s heritage, with many Czechs growing up on the tales of princesses, magic and adventure.

H3: O princezně Jasněnce a létajícím ševci

This is the story of a princess who falls in love with a shoemaker, and together they embark on an adventure to save their kingdom. The movie was filmed at Hluboká Chateau, and has become a beloved part of Czech culture.

H3: Babička

“Babička” is a quintessential Czech film based on a novel by the same name. The story revolves around a young girl and her grandmother, and the beautiful Bohemian landscape is a recurring theme in the film. The film was shot at many castles and chateaus, including Karlštejn Castle.

H2: Využití hrady a zámky dnes

Today, many of the castles and chateaus have been transformed into museums, hotels and cultural centers. These structures serve as a testament to the rich cultural and historical heritage of Bohemia, and are a must-see for anyone visiting the country.

H3: Lobkowicz Palace

Lobkowicz Palace is a grand structure located in the heart of Prague Castle. The palace has been transformed into a museum, showcasing the history and art of the Lobkowicz family. The palace boasts of a stunning collection of paintings, musical instruments and manuscripts, making it a popular attraction for tourists.

H3: Zvíkov Castle

Zvíkov Castle is a majestic fortress located at the confluence of the Vltava and Otava rivers. The castle has been transformed into a cultural center, hosting music concerts, exhibitions and theater performances. The castle also boasts of stunning views of the surrounding countryside, making it a popular destination for tourists.

In conclusion, the castles and chateaus of Bohemia have played a pivotal role in shaping Czech culture. These grand structures have served as film sets for some of the most beloved fairy tales in Czechoslovakian history, and continue to play a vital role in the country’s cultural heritage. Whether you’re a history buff, a film enthusiast or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of medieval architecture, the castles and chateaus of Bohemia are a must-visit.

Ponaučení z Hrady a zámky kde se natáčely pohádky

V české zemi bylo mnoho hradů a zámků, které lákaly návštěvníky z celého světa. Některé z nich, jako například Hluboká a Karlštejn, se staly známými i díky tomu, že se na nich natáčely pohádkové filmy. Hluboká je neogotický zámek s více než 140 místnostmi, velkou knihovnou a nádhernými sály zdobenými uměleckými díly. Byla zde natočena filmová pohádka “O princezně Jasněnce a létajícím ševci” a “Belle a Sebastian”. Kamenná pevnost Karlštejn byla kulturní kulisa pro mnoho filmů a pohádek, jako například “Tři oříšky pro Popelku” a “Princezna se zlatou hvězdou na čele”. Tyto hrady a zámky jsou dnes muzea, hotely nebo kulturní centra a patří k významným památkám české kultury.

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