Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Chumelené zimní pohádky o zvířátkách

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Bylo jednou jedno kouzelné místo, kde v zimě žili malí zvířátkové. Tyto zvířátkové byly tak kouzelné a plné překvapení, že celé místo získalo název Chumelené zimní pohádky o zvířátkách. Toto místo bylo také plné pozoruhodných příběhů, které se v něm odehrávaly každou zimu. Tyto příběhy byly zcela unikátní a nádherné, jako kouzlo této krásné zimní krajiny. A tak začala jedna z mnoha krásných pohádek z Chumelených zimních pohádek o zvířátkách.
Once upon a time, in a cold and snowy land, there were many little animals who lived in a small village called Chumelené. These animals loved the winter season because it was their favorite time of the year. They enjoyed the snow and ice, making snowballs and sliding down hills, and exploring the forest.

Hledání Nových Dobrodružství

Hedvika, the little hare, and Víťa, the brave squirrel, decided they wanted to go on a big adventure. Hedvika was known as the fastest hare in the village while Víťa was an excellent climber. They left the village early in the morning, looking for new and exciting things to do. They skated on the frozen river, crossed the icy forest, and even climbed to the top of a mountain.

Překvapení na konci cesty

When they reached their destination, they found a beautiful winter wonderland, filled with twinkling lights and enchanting music. They had stumbled upon the Winter Fairy’s castle, the queen of all winter fairies. At first, they were intimidated by the grandeur of the castle, but they decided to explore it anyway.

The Winter Fairy welcomed them with open arms, showing them around the castle and introducing them to all the other winter fairies. Hedvika and Víťa were amazed at all the winter magic happening around them. There were fairies skating on the frozen pond, making snowflakes, and even dancing on the snow.

Setkání se Sněhulákem

One of the fairies, Jana, gave them a special mission. They had to find the Snowman, who had mysteriously disappeared. The Snowman was the protecter of Chumelené, and without him, the village would be in trouble. Hedvika and Víťa were determined to find him.

They set off on their journey, following clues provided by the Winter Fairy. They traveled across mountains and through caves, over frozen lakes and forests, until they finally found the Snowman. He was trapped in a snowdrift, and the fairies had not been able to free him.

The duo worked together to dig him out, and the Snowman was grateful. He had been trapped for days and would have died without their help. As a reward for saving his life, he granted them one wish each.

Splnění Přání

Hedvika wished for a new toboggan, while Víťa wished for a magic acorn that would allow him to climb any tree. They were pleased with their rewards, and the Snowman thanked them once again.

Kouzlo zpět do Chumelené

They returned to Chumelené and told their villagers about their adventure. They were celebrated as heroes, and the Snowman became even more respected in the village. Hedvika and Víťa went back to their cozy homes, grateful for the exciting adventure they had experienced and the gifts they were given.

Společný výlet

From that day on, Hedvika and Víťa went on many adventures together. They explored the forest, met new animals, and discovered new things. They were grateful for their friendship and the magic of winter, which had brought them on this exciting adventure. And every year, they made sure to visit the Winter Fairy and thank her for the wonderful experience they had shared together.

The End.

Ponaučení z Chumelené zimní pohádky o zvířátkách

V pohádce „Hledání nových dobrodružství“ se dozvídáme o dvou zvířátkách, zajíčkovi Hedvice a veverce Vítovi, kteří se rozhodli vyrazit na velké dobrodružství. Po cestě se setkali se Sněhulákem, který jim řekl, že se musí vydat na cestu, aby zachránili ochránce jejich vesničky, Soumrakového muže. Po mnoha nebezpečných překážkách se Hedvika a Víťa dostali k Soumrakovému muži, který uvězněný v závěji a bez jejich pomoci by zemřel. Soumrakový muž jim nakonec splnil jejich přání a Hedvika dostala nový sáňka a Víťa magický žalud, kterým může vylézt na jakýkoli strom. Po návratu byli oba oslavováni jako hrdinové a od té doby spolu prožívali mnoho dobrodružství. Z pohádky se dá poučit, že s odvahou, přátelstvím a pomocí můžeme překonat veškerá nebezpečí.

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