„Bylo jednou jedno kouzelné město, kde se každý den dělo něco zvláštního. A právě v tomto městě se odehrává naše pohádka o Vřetí a prstenu. Praví se, že ten, kdo nalezne tento záhadný prsten, získává moc nad celým královstvím. Avšak, ne každý, kdo si jej půjčil, se k němu později dokázal vrátit. Jak to asi dopadne s naším hrdinou? To se můžete dozvědět v následujících řádcích.“
Once upon a time in a far-off kingdom known as České země, there lived a young prince named Vřetí. He was a handsome and brave prince, loved by all his subjects, but he had a secret desire to find a magical ring that would bring him endless joy and prosperity.
Vřetí would search the lands far and wide, venturing deep into the forests and scaling the mountains, but he never seemed to find the ring he was seeking. He would return home to his castle exhausted and discouraged, but he never gave up hope.
One day, while out on a hunting trip Vřetí came across an old witch sitting by a stream. He drew near to her and asked her if she knew of a magical ring that could bring him the joy and prosperity he so desired. The old witch cackled and told him that there was indeed such a ring, but it was guarded by the evil queen of the neighboring kingdom.
Determined to find the ring, Vřetí set out to face the queen. He journeyed to the neighboring kingdom of Moravská to meet with the queen, but before he could reach the palace, he was waylaid by the queen’s loyal knights. They took him prisoner and brought him before the queen’s throne, where she sat with the ring on her finger.
The queen, who was jealous of Vřetí’s happiness and popularity, mocked him and his quest for the ring. She challenged him to a wager, stating that if he could answer her riddle and be victorious in a game of chess, the ring would be his. But if he failed, he would have to forfeit his life.
With high stakes in his favor, Vřetí bravely accepted the queen’s challenge. She presented her riddle, and he correctly answered it. He then challenged her to a game of chess and emerged victorious.
The queen, true to her word, handed over the ring to Vřetí. It was a breathtaking ring, beautiful beyond words, with the power to grant any wish or desire. Vřetí slipped the ring onto his finger and made his wish: to return home safely to his kingdom.
The magical ring granted his wish instantly, and Vřetí was transported back to his castle where his subjects and family received him with great joy. From that day on, Vřetí was known as the prince with the magical ring.
Word of Vřetí’s victory soon spread throughout the lands, and his fame and popularity grew even more. Many came to his castle to ask him for favors, but Vřetí always used the ring wisely, granting only the most deserving their wish.
The evil queen of Moravská, who had lost the wager, grew angry and resentful. She refused to acknowledge Vřetí’s victory and began to plot her revenge. But her efforts were in vain as Vřetí was now protected by the magic of the ring.
In the end, Vřetí lived happily ever after, ruling his kingdom wisely and justly, and the magical ring remained a symbol of his victory and the goodness of his heart.
The end.
Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti
Dávno dávno v království zvaném České země žil mladý princ jménem Vřetí, který toužil najít kouzelný prsten, který by mu přinesl nekonečnou radost a prosperitu. Vřetí hledal prsten daleko a široko a vydal se i na nebezpečné expedice do lesů a hor. Jednoho dne se vydal na lovecký výlet a potkal starou čarodějnici, která mu řekla, že prsten, který hledá, je střežen zlou královnou sousedního království. Proto se Vřetí vydal bojovat proti královně a přijal její výzvu ke stolní hře. Pokud prohraje, bude muset obětovat svůj život. Vřetí však výzvu přijal a nakonec vyhrál. Královna mu nakonec předala kouzelný prsten, který mu splnil jeho největší přání – bezpečně se vrátit domů. Od té doby Vřetí žil s kouzelným prstenem a používal ho moudře jen pro ty, kteří si to zasloužili. Závistivá a zlá královna se pokoušela pomstít Vřetímu, ale díky prstenu byl chráněn. Vřetí vládl svému království s moudrostí a spravedlností a kouzelný prsten byl symbolem jeho vítězství a dobroty v jeho srdci.
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