Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Trpnutí a ponížení vedou k nebesům

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„Bylo jednou jeden chudý a ponížený chlapec, který se jmenoval Josef. Často trpěl nespravedlivostí a závistí svých blízkých. Avšak jednoho dne se mu stala neuvěřitelná věc. Trpnutí a ponížení, které mu bylo způsobováno, ho nakonec přivedlo až do nebeského království. A tak začíná příběh, který nese název „Trpnutí a ponížení vedou k nebesům“.“

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there was a young peasant girl named Marie. She was very beautiful and kind, but unfortunately, she was also very poor. Her parents had died when she was young, and she had to take care of herself. Marie’s only source of income was her small garden, where she grew vegetables and herbs that she sold in the market.

One day, while Marie was tending to her garden, the king’s messenger came by. He was looking for someone who could make a special potion for the queen, who was very sick. Marie had heard of this potion, and even though she had never made it before, she offered to help. The messenger was skeptical, but Marie was very persuasive. She convinced him that she could make the potion, and the messenger agreed to take her to the palace.

When they arrived at the palace, Marie was immediately taken to the queen’s chambers. She saw the queen, who was very pale and weak. Marie knew that she had to act fast. She asked for some time to prepare the potion, and the queen agreed.

Marie worked tirelessly, gathering the herbs and other ingredients for the potion. She mixed them together and prayed that it would work. When the potion was ready, she gave it to the queen, who drank it eagerly. Within minutes, the queen’s color returned, and she felt much better. She thanked Marie for her help and offered her a job at the palace.

Marie was overjoyed. She had always dreamed of living a life of luxury, and now her dream had come true. She worked hard and was soon promoted to head maid. She was respected by everyone at the palace, except for the jealous cook, who was envious of Marie’s success.

One day, while Marie was preparing a meal for the king, the cook sabotaged her dish. Marie didn’t realize this until the king took a bite and became violently ill. Marie was devastated. She had never wanted to harm anyone, and she knew that she had to take responsibility for the mistake.

Marie went to the king and confessed what had happened. The king was furious, and he banished Marie from the palace. She was left with nothing but the clothes on her back and the knowledge that she had failed.

But Marie didn’t give up. She remembered the lessons that her parents had taught her, about hard work and perseverance. She decided to start over again, and she returned to her small garden. She worked hard, tending to her plants and selling her produce in the market.

Years went by, and Marie had become known throughout the kingdom as a wise woman. She had helped many people with her herbal remedies, and her kindness had earned her the respect of all who knew her. One day, the king himself came to see her. He was old now and very sick. He asked Marie to help him, but she refused. She told him that he had banished her from the palace when she had made a mistake, but now he expected her to save him. She told him that she would pray for him, but she would not make a potion.

The king was surprised by Marie’s response. He realized that he had been wrong to banish her all those years ago. He begged for her forgiveness, and Marie accepted. She made a potion for the king, and he recovered fully. He asked Marie to come back to the palace, but she refused. She told him that she was happy with her simple life.

And so Marie lived out the rest of her days in peace, surrounded by the love and respect of her community. She had learned that it was not wealth or power that led to happiness, but rather hard work and humility. And in the end, she had found her way to the heavens, where she was greeted as a true heroine.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Byla jednou jedna chudá dívka jménem Marie. Žila v království, kde byla velmi pěkná a milá, ale bohužel velmi chudá. Její rodiče zemřeli, když byla malá, takže se musela postarat o sebe. Marie prodávala večeře a bylinky, které si sama pěstovala.

Jednoho dne při práci v zahradě přišel královský posel, který hledal někoho, kdo by dokázal udělat speciální lektvar pro nemocnou královnu. Marie tuto směs nikdy před tím nedělala, ale nabídla se, že pomůže. Posel nebyl přesvědčen, ale Marie ho přesvědčila, že tuto směs dokáže udělat, a tak ji posel odvezl na zámek.

Marii odvezli přímo ke královně a Marie začala pracovat na směsi. Po chvíli práce dokázala směs dokončit. Královna se ihned cítila lépe a nabídla Marii práci na zámku.

Marie byla velmi šťastná, ale jednoho dne byla z práce vyhozena kvůli chybě, kterou nechtěně udělala vařečka. Marii to velmi rozhodilo, ale po čase si uvědomila, že musí pokračovat. Vrátila se ke své zahradě a opět začala pracovat jako dřív.

Marii se poté stalo známou díky svým léčivým bylinám. Jednoho dne ji navštívil král, který byl velmi nemocný. Počátečně Marie odmítla pomoci, ale nakonec přemýšlela, co její rodiče udělali a udělala lektvar, který ho vyléčil úplně. Král se snažil Marii přesvědčit, aby se vrátila k práci, ale Marie mu řekla, že je šťastná se svým životem, a tak žila až do konce svých dnů v klidu a štěstí.

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