Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Trest Loky

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Byl jednou jeden království, ve kterém vládl mocný král. Přestože jeho země byla plná blahobytu a radosti, jedno místo bylo od nepaměti zakleté. Byl to hvozd nazvaný Trest Loky – místo, kde zvířata nechtěla žít a lidé se báli kráčet po jeho temných stezkách. Ale jednoho dne se tam vydal odvážný mladý hrdina, který měl všechno potřebné, aby s tím zakletím zatočil a propustil z tohoto temného lesa jeho obyvatele. A tak začíná pohádka o Trestu Loky.
Once upon a time in the Czech lands, there was a village called Trest Loky. It was a small, quaint village nestled in the heart of the Bohemian Forest. The villagers lived simple lives, tending to their farms and livestock. However, something strange was happening in Trest Loky. People were disappearing without a trace, and the villagers were frightened.

Chapter One: The Mystery of Trest Loky

As more and more people disappeared, the villagers began to suspect that there was something supernatural at work in their village. They called upon the local witch, Baba Yaga, for help. Baba Yaga was a wise and powerful witch who lived in a small hut in the nearby forest. She agreed to help and asked the villagers to bring her one strand of hair from each person who had disappeared.

Chapter Two: Baba Yaga’s Magic

Baba Yaga used her magic to create a potion from the hair. She then gave the potion to a brave young man named Janek and instructed him to drink it before he went to sleep that night. Janek was hesitant, but he knew that he had to do everything he could to help his village. So, he drank the potion and fell asleep.

Chapter Three: Janek’s Dream

In his dream, Janek saw a beautiful fairy who told him that she was the one responsible for the disappearances in Trest Loky. She explained that she was angry with the villagers for cutting down trees in the forest and destroying her home. Janek pleaded with the fairy to spare his village and promised that the villagers would replant the trees they had cut down.

Chapter Four: The Fairy’s Promise

The fairy was touched by Janek’s sincerity and promised to spare Trest Loky. However, she warned Janek that she would be watching and that if the villagers went back on their promise, she would return and take them all away. Janek woke up and immediately went to the village square to tell the villagers what he had learned.

Chapter Five: Replanting the Forest

The villagers were skeptical at first, but Janek’s passion and conviction convinced them to take action. They set to work replanting the forest, and soon, the trees began to grow once again. The fairy watched from afar and was pleased with the villagers‘ efforts. She decided to reward them for their hard work.

Chapter Six: The Fairy’s Gift

One day, a group of villagers stumbled upon a hidden meadow in the forest. There, they found a beautiful, sparkling spring. The water was clear and pure, and it had a magical quality that made everyone who drank from it feel rejuvenated and happy. The fairy had sent them a gift, and the villagers knew that they were blessed to have it.

Chapter Seven: Trest Loky’s Legacy

Trest Loky became famous throughout the Czech lands for its magical spring, and people came from far and wide to drink from it. To this day, Trest Loky remains one of the most beautiful and peaceful villages in the Bohemian Forest. The villagers still take care of the forest, and the trees continue to grow tall and strong. And, every now and then, a traveler will catch a glimpse of a beautiful fairy watching over Trest Loky, a reminder of the village’s past and its connection to the magical world.


Trest Loky’s fascination with the supernatural folklore and its understanding of the importance of taking care of nature, inspires us to preserve the essence of our forests and the environment itself by giving back to nature, the same that it has always given us.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Z pohádky o Trestu Loky se můžeme poučit o důležitosti péče o přírodu a ochraně životního prostředí. Obec Trest Loky byla kdysi proslulá tím, že se lidé z ní nevysvětlitelně ztráceli bez stopy. Baba Jaga, místní čarodějka, pomohla odhalit původ záhadných zmizení a ukázala obyvatelům důsledky svého nerozumného jednání – rozplýtvaní lesa, odstraňování stromů, znečišťování vody. Trest Loky se nakonec dozvěděl, že kouzelné bytosti, které obyvatelům dříve přinášely bohatství a blahobyt, se rozhodly od nich odejít. Lidé byli tvrdě potrestáni za své špatné jednání. Po pochopení pokut od kouzelný bytostí začali obyvatelé Trestu Loky obnovovat les a po zemi rozptylovat semena, aby tak obnovili přírodu, kterou dříve ničili. V odměnu za svůj snažení dostali dárek, průzračný a kouzelný pramen vody, který jim přinášel zdraví a štěstí. Trest Loky se stalo slavným pro svůj kouzelný pramen a dodnes je považován za jedno z nejkrásnějších a nejpeacefullnějších míst v České republice.

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