Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Synové slibující nanebevstoupenému otci

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Byla jednou jedna mladá princezna jménem Synové. Její otec byl králem, ale Synové si přála něco mnohem víc – nanebevstoupení. Jednoho dne tedy vydala se na nebe a slíbila svému otci, že se vrátí až poté, co se stane nanebevstoupenou. Toto je příběh o Synové a její cestě k nebesům.
Once upon a time in the mystical land of Czechia, there was a father who always dreamt of soaring high into the heavens above. He had spent his entire life gazing up at the skies, longing for a chance to leave behind this mortal world and ascend to the heavens where he believed he truly belonged.

As he grew older, the father began to worry about what would happen to his family once he eventually passed away. He began to gather his sons around him, imploring them to make a solemn promise to him – that they would do everything in their power to help him achieve his lifelong dream of ascension.

The sons, who dearly loved their father, were more than happy to make such a pledge. They knew how important this dream was to him, and they promised to help him achieve it in any way they could.

For years, the father and his sons worked tirelessly, researching and studying every possible method of achieving the father’s dream. They visited wise men and sages, read ancient texts and mythical tales, and even consulted with powerful wizards and witches.

Despite their best efforts, however, they could find no way to help the father ascend to the heavens. Time was running out, and the father became increasingly desperate.

One day, a wise old sage came to the father and his sons and revealed to them a secret that had been passed down for generations. He told them that the only way to achieve ascension was to make a pilgrimage to a faraway land, where they would find a magical spring that could grant their father’s wish.

The sons knew what they had to do. They immediately set out on a long and perilous journey, braving dangerous terrain and treacherous waters, fighting off fierce beasts and battling dark magic.

But they pressed on, driven by their love for their father and their burning desire to see him achieve his dream.

Finally, after many weeks of travel, the sons arrived at the magical spring. They filled a flask with its blessed water and carefully made their way back home.

When they arrived, they presented the flask to their father, who drank the precious liquid with trembling hands. And then, before their very eyes, the father began to rise up into the sky, higher and higher, until he had disappeared from sight.

The sons watched with tears in their eyes as their father soared up towards the heavens, finally achieving the dream he had held onto for so long.

And from that day on, the sons lived on, proud of the promise they had fulfilled and comforted by the knowledge that their father had finally found the peace and happiness he had always sought.

Do you have a dream like the father in this story? Remember to always chase it with all your heart, because dreams do come true, even in the mystical land of Czechia.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Jednou v mystické zemi Čechy žil otec, který snil o létání a vzletu do nebeských výšin. Snažil se po celý život najít způsob, jak opustit tento pozemský svět a vystoupat do nebes, kde se cítil opravdu doma. Když se však otec stával starší a bál se o svou rodinu, začal se obracet na své syny a prosit je, aby mu slíbili, že udělají všechno, co je v jejich silách, aby mu pomohli splnit jeho sen. Synové mu slíbili, že mu pomohou jakýmkoliv způsobem.

Otec se se syny roky snažil najít cestu, jak vystoupat do nebes, ale nepodařilo se jim nic najít, a čas utíkal. Jednoho dne se setkali s moudrým starcem, který jim prozradil tajemství, které koluje už po generace. Pojíždět do vzdálené země, kde najdou magický pramen, který může splnit otcova přání.

Synové pochopili, co musí udělat. Vydali se na dlouhou a nebezpečnou cestu bojujíc s nebezpečenstvím i kouzly, aby splnili otcovo přání. Když dorazili k magickému prameni, naplnili flašku jeho vodou a vrátili se domů, kde otec vypil tuto vzácnou tekutinu.

Pak před očima jeho synů začal stoupat do nebe, až zmizel z dohledu. Synové plakali, ale byli na sebe hrdí, že splnili slib otci a přinesli mu štěstí. A tak si pamatovali, že splnění snu je možné ve vzdálené a mystické zemi Čechy, a že by měli vždycky následovat své sny se srdcem.

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