„Bylo jednou jedno království, kde žil jeden velmi bohatý a mocný král. Ten měl tři dcery – Synové. Když se králi přiblížil konec jeho života, svolal je k sobě a požádal je o slib – slib, že budou stát po jeho boku a budou se navzájem podporovat. Synerům se slib podařilo splnit, ale jedna z nich se ocitne v nebezpečí…“
Once upon a time, deep in the heart of the Czech countryside, there lived a wealthy and respected craftsman. He was a father of three sons, each of whom had their own unique talents, but none of them could surpass the skill and mastery of their father.
As the years went on, the craftsman grew ill, and his time on this earth was coming to an end. In his final moments, he called his sons to his bedside and told them that he wanted each of them to promise him something before he passed away.
„Synové slibuji stálost svému umírajícímu otci,“ he said. „Promise me that you will honor the legacy of our family and continue our craft, no matter what challenges you may face.“
The three sons stood beside their father, each with a heavy heart as they made their promise to him. They promised to uphold the traditions of their family and continue their father’s craft with the same level of skill and dedication that he had.
After their father’s passing, the three brothers set out to make good on their promise. The eldest son, who was the most skilled of the three, quickly established himself as a master craftsman and built a successful business. He became known throughout the land for his skill and dedication to his craft.
The second son was not as talented as his older brother, but he was determined to carry on the family legacy. He worked tirelessly to improve his skills and eventually established a respectable business of his own.
The third son, who was not as gifted as his brothers, struggled to make a name for himself. He faced many hardships and setbacks, but he refused to give up. He continued to work tirelessly and never lost sight of his father’s final request.
One day, while the youngest son was on a journey to sell his wares, he stumbled upon a small village that was in dire need of a skilled craftsman. He saw an opportunity to prove himself and decided to stay and start his business there.
Despite the challenges he faced, the third son slowly built up his business and became the most respected craftsman in the village. He was known for his dedication, hard work, and the quality of his products.
Years passed, and the three brothers grew old. They looked back on their lives and realized that they had fulfilled their promise to their father. Each of them had honored his legacy and continued the family craft in their own way.
The eldest son, who had built a successful business, realized that what he cherished most was the satisfaction of creating something beautiful with his hands. The second son, who had worked hard to establish his own business, realized that his true value lay in the bonds he had formed with his customers and fellow craftsmen.
And the third son, who had struggled but never gave up, realized that the true reward was not in the success he had achieved but in the knowledge that he had fulfilled his father’s final request.
As they sat together, each brother realized that they had learned valuable lessons from their experiences. They had learned that success was not just about wealth or prestige but about the satisfaction of fulfilling one’s duty and keeping a promise.
And so, the legacy of the craftsman and his three sons lived on, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps and never forget the importance of a son’s promise to his dying father.
The end.
O Synové slibuji stálost svému umírajícímu otci
The craftsman’s dying wish
The three sons‘ promise
The fulfillment of a promise
The eldest son’s success
The second son’s determination
The third son’s struggles
The lessons learned
The true meaning of success
The importance of keeping a promise
Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti
Byl jednou řemeslník žijící s třemi syny na venkově v České republice. Po dlouhé době se řemeslník rozhodl na smrtelné posteli, že každý z jeho synů mu slíbí, že budou pokračovat v rodinné tradici řemesla, které otec vytvořil. Jeho tři synové mu slíbili, že budou pokračovat v rodinné tradici řemesla stejnou úrovní zručnosti a oddanosti jako jejich otec. Po smrti otce se synové vydali naplnit svůj slib. Nejstarší syn se velmi rychle etabloval jako mistr a založil úspěšný byznys. Druhý syn se také snažil uspět, i když to nebylo tak snadné, a nakonec si vytvořil svůj respektovaný byznys. Nejmladší syn se ačkoliv nebyl zručný jako jeho bratři a mnohokrát čelil těžkostem, nikdy neztratil pohled na poslední otcovu prosbu. Nakonec si našel místo v malé vesnici, kde si budoval svůj byznys a stal se tam největším živnostníkem.
Když bratři zestárnou, uvědomí si, že svůj slib splnili. Každý z nich si uvědomil, co pro ně znamená práce rukama, spojení se zákazníky a spoluzávislost řemesla. Pochopili, že úspěch neznamená jen bohatství a prestiž, ale spokojenost z toho, že splnili svou povinnost a dodrželi slib. Tím se podařilo splnit otcovu poslední prosbu a život a řemeslo žil dál, jako inspirace pro další, aby nikdy nezapomněli na důležitost synova slibu svému umírajícímu otci.
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