Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Syn Vědmařův – The Soothsayer’s Son

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Bylo nebylo, za sedmi horami a za sedmi řekami, žila v lesích a hájích tajemná Syn Vědmařův. Tento mladý muž byl synem slavné vědmařky a soothsayera, který měl moc zjistit budoucnost a číst osudy lidí. Syn Vědmařův ale toužil po něčem víc než jenom prorokování – toužil po dobrodružství, po objevování a poznávání nových světů. A tak se vydal na cestu, která ho zavedla do nejrůznějších koutů země, kde musel čelit nebezpečí a překonávat těžké překážky. Ale nebyl sám. Syn Vědmařův měl své tajemné schopnosti a povahu statečného rytíře, který se nikdy nevzdává. A tak se stal hrdinou mnoha dobrodružství a získal si srdce mnoha přátel i nepřátel. Příběh Syna Vědmařova je příběhem odvahy, odhodlání a neuvěřitelných záhad, které jsou skryty v koutcích světa.
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the rolling hills of the Czech Republic, there lived a soothsayer named Syn Vědmařův. He was famous throughout the land for his ability to predict the future and offer wise counsel to those who sought his guidance.

Syn Vědmařův had a son who was also blessed with the gift of foresight, and it was said that the boy’s predictions were even more accurate than his father’s. As a result, the villagers regarded the young man with a mixture of reverence and fear.

H2: The Gift of Prophecy

From a very young age, Syn Vědmařův’s son had displayed remarkable abilities. He would often stare out into the distance, lost in thought, and then suddenly utter prophecies that would leave the villagers stunned.

As he grew older, the young man’s powers only grew stronger. He would often retreat to the forest, where he could commune with the spirits of the wild and gain deeper insight into the workings of the world.

Despite his impressive abilities, Syn Vědmařův’s son was a kind and humble soul. He would use his gift only for the benefit of the village, offering guidance and advice to those in need.

H2: The Baron’s Dilemma

One day, a wealthy baron from a neighboring town came to visit Syn Vědmařův. The baron was in a quandary – he had a large sum of money that he needed to invest wisely, but he was unsure of where to put it.

The soothsayer’s son listened carefully to the baron’s concerns, and then closed his eyes in deep concentration. After a few minutes, he opened them again and spoke.

„You must invest your money in a new mine that will be discovered in the next few months. It will yield a rich vein of silver, and your investment will bring you great wealth.“

The baron was initially skeptical, but he decided to take the young man’s advice. Months later, a new silver mine was indeed discovered, and the baron’s investment paid off handsomely.

H2: The Jealous Rival

Not everyone in the village was happy with Syn Vědmařův’s son, however. There was a jealous rival named Král who envied the young man’s powers and coveted his position as the village’s sole soothsayer.

Král was determined to undermine Syn Vědmařův’s son, and he began spreading rumors that the young man’s predictions were not as accurate as they seemed. He even accused the young man of using black magic to gain his powers, and demanded that he be banished from the village.

H3: The Test of Prophecy

Syn Vědmařův’s son was deeply hurt by Král’s accusations. He knew that his powers were genuine, and he was determined to prove it to the villagers once and for all.

He proposed a test of prophecy – he would predict the outcome of a competition the villagers would hold the following day. The competition would involve a group of archers shooting arrows at a target, and the young man promised to predict the exact number of bulls-eyes that would be hit.

The villagers agreed, and the next day the competition was held. Syn Vědmařův’s son watched intently as each archer took their turn, and then closed his eyes in deep concentration. When he opened them again, he calmly declared that there would be seven bulls-eyes in total.

The archers let fly, and when the arrows came to rest, there were indeed seven bulls-eyes on the target. The villagers cheered and embraced the young man, and Král slunk away in defeat.

H2: A Legacy of Wisdom

In the years that followed, Syn Vědmařův’s son continued to use his gift of prophecy to guide and help the villagers. He became known throughout the land as a wise and respected soothsayer, and his legacy lived on long after he was gone.

Even today, the people of the village tell stories of Syn Vědmařův’s son and his incredible powers of foresight. They speak of him as a legend, a man who possessed a rare and precious gift, and who used it for the good of his community.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V rolnické vesnici na svahu v České republice žil významný vědmař Syn Vědmařův, který měl syna, jenž byl ještě schopnější v předvídání budoucnosti. Syn se vzdal pokušení černé magie, a použil svůj dar k prospěchu vesnice. Bohatý baron pátral po způsobu, jak zainvestovat své peníze a Syn Vědmařova syna mu doporučil investovat do nového ložiska stříbra, které bude nalezeno v následujících měsících. Tento investiční tip se ukázal jako úspěšný a baronovi jeho investice značně obohatila. Však ne každý v obci byl nadšen Syn Vědmařova syna, zejména podezíravý Král mu záviděl schopnosti a chtěl vyvolat podezření ohledně jeho předpojitých výkladů. Aby se Syn Vědmařova syna osvobodil od těchto pomluv, navrhl test předpovídání výsledků lukostřelby během soutěže. Jeho předpověď byla správná a Král se musel plést pryč se svým ocasem mezi nohama. Syn Vědmařova syna je dodnes považován za moudrého a respektovaného vědmaře, jehož odkaz pokračuje do současnosti v západočeské vesnici.

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