Byla jednou jedna vědma a ta měla syna, který se jmenoval Syn vědmařovy. Již od narození bylo zřejmé, že se narodil s neobyčejnými věšteckými schopnostmi. Jeho matka mu předala celou svou moudrost a naučila ho, jak předvídat budoucnost a číst myšlenky lidí. Syn vědmařovy byl svědkem mnoha překvapivých událostí, které se staly v jeho kraji a brzy se stal známým jako zdroj moudrosti a rady pro své spoluobčany. To je začátek příběhu o Synu vědmařovy, který se stal nejen slavným, ale také legendou.
Once upon a time in a small village in the Czech Republic, there lived a soothsayer named Vědmař. She was renowned throughout the land for her ability to see into the future and make accurate predictions. People from all walks of life came to her for advice and guidance and she was respected and revered by everyone in the village.
Vědmař had one son, whom she named Syn vědmařovy. From a young age, Syn showed great promise in the art of divination. He possessed a natural ability to read people’s energies and predict the outcomes of events. Vědmař recognized her son’s talent and nurtured it, teaching him everything she knew about the secrets of the universe.
As Syn grew older, he became more and more skilled at predicting the future. He could see things that others could not and his reputation spread throughout the surrounding villages. People came from far and wide seeking his advice and he became known as the greatest soothsayer in the land.
One day, a rich and powerful nobleman came to Syn seeking his assistance. The nobleman had a beautiful daughter who he feared would be cursed by a rival noble family. He needed Syn to predict the outcome of the feud and protect his daughter from harm.
Syn agreed to help the nobleman but warned him that he would need to make a sacrifice in order to ensure his daughter’s safety. The nobleman was hesitant at first but eventually agreed to do whatever it took to protect his beloved child.
Syn made a potion from rare herbs and instructed the nobleman to pour it over a sacred tree at midnight. The nobleman, who was afraid of the dark, offered to pay Syn more money to do it for him but Syn refused. He explained that it was necessary for the nobleman to make the sacrifice himself in order for the potion to work.
Despite his fears, the nobleman carried out Syn’s instructions and poured the potion over the tree. The next day, the nobleman’s daughter was safe and sound. The curse had been lifted and she was free from harm.
The nobleman was thrilled and grateful to Syn for his help. He asked Syn what he could do to repay him and Syn asked for nothing. He explained that he was happy to help those in need and that his greatest reward was the satisfaction of knowing he had helped someone.
From that day on, Syn continued to use his gifts to help anyone who came to him seeking his help. He became a beloved figure in the village and his name was passed down through the generations as a symbol of wisdom and guidance.
The end.
Syn vědmařovy was a gifted soothsayer whose talents were surpassed only by his generosity and his desire to help others. His story is a reminder that true happiness comes not from material possessions but from the joy of helping those in need. His legacy lives on today as a symbol of hope, guidance and inspiration for generations to come.
Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti
V této pohádce se setkáváme se synem Vědmařovy, který byl díky své matce zručným věštcem. Díky svému nadání si získal uznání všech, kteří ho poslouchali a jeho pověst se šířila do okolních vesnic. Jednou jej oslovil mocný šlechtic a požádal ho, aby mu pomohl chránit jeho dceru před prokletím nepřátelského rodu. Syn vědmařovy souhlasil, ale varoval šlechtice, že bude nutné obětovat něco cenného, aby se to podařilo. Šlechtic nakonec souhlasil, Syn mu připravil lektvar ze vzácných bylin a nařídil mu, aby ho při půlnoci vylil na posvátný strom. Šlechtic byl však ztřeštěný strachy a nabízel víc peněz, aby to udělal za něj Syn. Ten však trval na tom, aby šlechtic obětoval sám a díky této vlastnosti Synovy poctivosti a ochotě obětovat čas a energii k pomoci všem přicházejícím k němu se dary a penězi nezaměnitelnými. Pohádka tak ukazuje, že pomoc druhým může být největším zdrojem radosti a štěstí.
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