Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Slunce a princezna

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Byla jednou jedna princezna jménem Slunce. Její krásu uznávali všichni kolem. Královna matka se rozhodla najít jí vhodného ženicha a tak vyhlásila královský bál. Na bál dorazil mnoho princů, ale nikdo nezaujal princeznu jako princ z vzdálené země. A tak začal příběh o lásce mezi Sluncem a princem.
Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there was a prince named Jan. He was known throughout the land for his kind heart and fairness. One day, he received word of a beautiful princess named Slunce who was said to be the fairest in all the land.

H2: The Search for Slunce

Prince Jan knew that he wanted to meet this princess and set out on a perilous journey to find her. He asked every villager he met if they had seen her or knew where she was. For many days, he traveled through dense forests, across raging rivers, and over treacherous mountains.

H3: The Wise Old Sage

Finally, the prince came across a wise old sage who lived in a small cottage at the edge of a clearing. When he asked the sage if he knew where the princess was, the sage replied, “Yes, I do know where she is, but it will not be an easy journey to find her. You must first pass through the enchanted forest and then cross over the great river that separates our land from hers.”

H2: The Enchanted Forest

Prince Jan thanked the sage for his advice and set out for the enchanted forest. As he walked through the forest, he heard strange whisperings in the trees and saw magical creatures darting amongst the branches. He walked for what felt like days without rest, but at last, he came through the other side of the forest and saw the great river.

H3: The Great River

The river flowed fiercely, and it was clear that crossing it would not be an easy task. Prince Jan searched for a way to get across when he heard a faint voice from the other side of the water. It was Slunce, the princess he had been seeking all this time. She called out to him and asked him to come to her side.

H2: The Meeting of the Prince and Princess

Prince Jan searched for a way to cross the river and eventually found a sturdy boat that would take him to the other side. When he reached Slunce, he was struck by her beauty and was immediately taken with her gentle nature. They spent many hours talking by the river, and before the sun had set, they knew that they were meant to be together.

H3: Marriage and the Happy Ending

The prince and the princess returned to Jan’s kingdom where they were married in a grand ceremony. From then on, they lived together in a beautiful castle and ruled the land together. They were known throughout the kingdom for their fairness and kindness, and their love for each other only grew stronger with each passing day.

H2: Conclusion

And so, dear reader, the story of Prince Jan and Princess Slunce came to a happy ending, showing us that love and compassion always triumph over adversity. It is a tale that will be passed down through generations and will continue to inspire those who seek true love and happiness.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V dávné říši žil princ Jan, který byl známý pro své dobré srdce a spravedlnost. Jednoho dne se dozvěděl o krásné princezně Slunce, která byla nejkrásnější v celé zemi. Rozhodl se ji najít a vydal se na nebezpečnou cestu, aby ji našel. Po mnoho dní putování přes husté lesy, řeky a hory se setkal s moudrým starým mudrcem, který mu poradil, že musí projít kouzelným lesem a překročit velkou řeku, která odděluje oba světy. Po krátké době dorazil do kouzelného lesa a na druhé straně řeky uslyšel hlasy. Byla to princezna Slunce, se kterou se sešel. Zkoušel najít způsob, jak překonat řeku, když Slunce zavolala na druhou stranu a požádala ho, aby se dostal na její stranu. Nakonec našel pevný člun a přeplaval k ní. Zamiloval se do její krásy i něžnosti a společně se vrátili do jeho království, kde se vzali. Stali se dobrými a láskyplnými vládci, kteří vždycky sloužili svému království a svým občanům. Příběh nám ukazuje, že láska a soucit vždycky zvítězí nad protivenstvím.

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