Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Slib synům při umírání otce

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Byla jedna země, kde vládla smuteční nálada. Na smrtelné posteli totiž ležel otec dvou synů, kteří se nemohli smířit s faktem, že brzy ztratí svého milovaného otce. A tak začinil neobyčejný příběh o Slibu synům při umírání otce, jenž měl za úkol změnit osudové kroky, které by způsobyly odchod jejich otce ze světa.

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a great king who ruled over his land with kindness and fairness. He had three sons whom he loved very much, and who, in turn, adored their father. However, as fate would have it, the king became deathly ill, and his days were numbered. As he lay on his deathbed, he called his sons to him and uttered his last words, „Slibte mi, že budete dobrými syny a bratři, a budete spolu držet jako jedno tělo a jedno srdce, i když budu pryč.“ (Promise me that you will be good sons and brothers and that you will stick together like one body and one heart, even when I am gone.) The three sons, deeply moved, made this solemn promise to their father.

H2: The Inheritance
As soon as the king breathed his last breath, the sons began to squabble over the inheritance. The eldest son believed that he was entitled to the lion’s share of the property since he was the firstborn. The middle son believed that the property should be divided equally, while the youngest son said that he did not care about the inheritance and simply wanted to honor his father’s last wish.

H2: The Wise Counselor
To help the brothers resolve their differences, the king had left behind a wise counselor who was also his trusted friend. The counselor, upon hearing about the dispute, advised the sons to seek out a wise old hermit who lived deep in the forest, and who, he said, had a reputation for being able to settle disputes with his sagacity and wisdom.

H2: The Old Hermit
The sons trekked through the dense forest until they arrived at the hut of the old hermit. The hermit welcomed them heartily and listened patiently as they explained their predicament. Once he had heard their story, the hermit asked them to spend the night in his hut, and the next morning he promised to give them an answer that would satisfy them all.

H2: The Wise Solution
The following morning, the hermit took the brothers to a nearby hill and showed them a huge rock. He asked them to carry the rock to the top of the hill, and each brother to hold on to one edge of the rock. The eldest son, being the strongest, wanted to carry most of the weight, while the younger two were satisfied with carrying the lighter end. To their surprise, however, the rock turned out to be quite heavy, and soon the eldest son was having a hard time carrying it. The middle and youngest son, however, did not complain and continued to hold their share of the weight. Seeing this, the eldest son realized that he was being selfish and offered to share the burden equally.

H3: The King’s Fortune
With the dispute resolved, the wise hermit advised the brothers that they could divide their father’s fortune equally, but only after they had each taken a small portion of it and embarked on a journey of their own, to learn from the world and gain knowledge and experience. They could then come back and share their knowledge with each other and use it to make their kingdom a better place.

H2: The Return
And so, the brothers set out on their respective journeys, and each returned with great wisdom and knowledge. The eldest son had traveled to far-off lands and learned about different cultures and their ways of life. The middle son had studied philosophy and had a deeper understanding of human nature. The youngest son had spent his time in service and had learned the value of humility and selflessness.

H2: The Kingdom United
When the brothers returned to their kingdom, they shared their knowledge with each other, and together they transformed their kingdom into a prosperous and happy place, where justice was served, and everyone was treated with respect and dignity. They had become good sons and brothers, just as their father had wished, and their kingdom was a shining example of their love and unity.

H2: The Moral of the Story
The story of the three sons and their inheritance teaches us that greed and selfishness can tear families apart, and that only by being united and selfless can we achieve greatness. It also reminds us that true wealth lies not in material possessions but in the knowledge and wisdom that we gain through our life experiences.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V dalekém království vládl spravedlivý a laskavý král. Měl tři syny, které velmi miloval a kteří mu následně oddaně slibovali, že budou držet pohromadě jako jeden tělo a jeden srdce, když on zemře. Po jeho smrti se synové začali hádat o dědictví. Nejstarší syn se domníval, že má nárok na největší podíl majetku, jelikož byl prvorozený. Proti tomu mladší synové nesouhlasili. Královu moudrému rádci se podařilo syny usmířit a vyslal je za moudrým poustevníkem, který je naučil, jak být dobrým bratrem a synem, a navrhl jim, aby každý z nich prozkoumal a objevil svět, a až se vrátí, mohou dělit otec majetek a přínosy svých cest mezi sebou. Takto se synové nejen naučili, jak být lepšími lidmi, ale získali mnoho moudrosti a zmoudřeli. Vrátili se ke svému království se získanými zkušenostmi a vědomostmi a společně ho proměnili v prosperující a šťastné místo, ukázali, že bohatství tkví spíše v moudrosti a poznání a že jednota je klíčem k úspěchu.

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