Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Slavnost slibů synů zemřelému otci

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Byla jednou jedna rodina, jejichž otec nás opustil před lety. Avšak, jako každý rok, synové se setkávají u jeho hrobu, aby mu slavnostně slíbili, že budou stále držet pohromadě. Ale tento rok se všechno změní. Setkání bude vedené kouzelnou bytostí a synové budou muset projít řadou nebezpečných zkoušek, aby svou slib splnili. Připravte se na poutavé dobrodružství plné magie a kouzel v pohádce “Slavnost slibů synů zemřelému otci”!
Once upon a time, in a small village in the Czech Republic, there was a family of three brothers. Their father had passed away a year ago, and they were left in charge of their family farm. The eldest brother, Jan, was responsible for leading the family and taking care of the farm. The middle brother, Pavel, was in charge of the livestock, and the youngest brother, Tomas, was tasked with the planting and harvesting of crops.

One day, as they were working on the farm, Jan suggested that they make a promise to their father that they will take care of the farm and make it prosper. The other two brothers agreed, and they decided to hold a ceremony to honor their father’s memory and make their promises.

Příprava na slavnost slibů

Before the ceremony, the brothers spent weeks preparing. They cleaned the farmhouse and barns, and Pavel made sure that all the animals were healthy and well-fed. Tomas worked tirelessly in the fields, making sure that everything was ready for the harvest.

Jan, on the other hand, was in charge of inviting all the villagers to the ceremony. He went from door to door, personally inviting everyone in the village. The villagers were touched by the brothers’ devotion to their father and promised to attend the ceremony.

Finally, the day of the ceremony arrived. The brothers woke up early to finish the final preparations. Pavel made sure that all the food was cooked, and Tomas decorated the farmhouse with flowers.

Slavnost slibů

As the sun began to set, the villagers started arriving at the farmhouse. They were welcomed by the brothers, who had put on their best clothes for the occasion. The farmhouse was beautifully decorated, and the aroma of fresh food filled the air.

Jan welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. He then explained the purpose of the ceremony and asked his brothers to come forward.

Pavel, the middle brother, stood in front of everyone and promised to take care of the animals and ensure that they were healthy and happy. He promised that he would work tirelessly to make sure that the farm’s livestock was the best in the village.

Tomas, the youngest brother, came forward next. He promised to work hard in the fields and ensure that they were always productive. He promised to make sure that the farm was always full of fresh, healthy crops.

Finally, it was Jan’s turn. He stood in front of everyone and promised to be a good leader for his family. He promised to take care of his brothers and ensure that the farm prospered. He promised to work tirelessly to make sure that their father’s legacy lived on.

The villagers were deeply moved by the brothers’ promises. They knew that the farm was in good hands and that the brothers would do everything in their power to make it prosper.


The ceremony ended with a feast. The villagers enjoyed the delicious food that Pavel had prepared, and they danced and sang until late into the night. The brothers were proud of themselves for making such a touching tribute to their father.

From that day on, the brothers worked even harder on the farm. They were filled with renewed purpose and determination to make their father proud. The villagers looked up to them as examples of devotion and dedication, and the family farm became the envy of the whole village.

And so, the three brothers lived happily ever after, always remembering the promises they had made to their father, and always striving to be the best they could be. Their father’s memory lived on in the success of their farm, a testament to the love and respect they had for their family and the land.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Byla jednou vesnička v České republice, kde žila rodina se třemi bratry. Jejich otec zemřel a nechal jim na starost rodinnou farmu. Nejstarší Jan vedl rodinu a staral se o farmaření, prostřední bratr Pavel staral se o zvířata a nejmladší Tomáš pracoval na poli.

Jednoho dne Jan navrhl, aby slíbili svému otci, že se postarají o farmu a budou ji rozvíjet. Ostatní souhlasili a rozhodli se uspořádat slavnost na počest svého otce a svých slibů. Před slavností strávili bratři týdny přípravami. Dům i stáje byly vyčištěny, Pavel se postaral o zvířata a Tomáš pracoval v poli, připravoval úrodu.

Jan měl za úkol zvát všechny obyvatele, a tak chodil po vsi a osobně je pozval. Občané byli pohnuti touhou bratrů postarat se o svého otce a slíbit mu, že se o farmu postarají. Sliby byly slavnostně přijaty a slavnost mohla začít.

Bratři se oblékli do nejlepších šatů a přivítali hosty, kteří přišli sledovat ceremonii. Pavel ten den slíbil, že se postará o zvířata tak, aby byla zdravá a spokojená. Tomáš slíbil, že bude tvrdě pracovat na poli, aby sklizeň byla plodná a přinášela stále zdravé plody. Na závěr Jan slíbil, že bude dobrým vůdcem rodiny, postará se o své bratry a farmu a udrží otcovo dědictví.

Návštěvníci byli hluboce dojati sliby bratrů, věděli, že farma je v dobrých rukou a že bratři udělají vše, co je v jejich moci, aby se stala nejlepší v obci. Slavnost skončila slavnostní hostinou, kde se hosté najedli z výborně připravených jídel od Pavla. Občané tančili a zpívali až do pozdní noci.

Od té doby se bratři ještě více snažili na farmě a pracovali s velkým odhodláním, aby byl jejich otec hrdý. Farmu obdivovala celá vesnice a rodinný statek se stal příkladem oddanosti a oddanosti k rodině a k zemi.

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