Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Skříňka s tabákem (The Snuff-Box)

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Byl jednou jeden chaslivý kouzelník, který nosil sebou všude svou kouzelnou skříňku s tabákem. Tento tabák měl takovou moc, že když si ho kdokoliv nasypal do nosu, okamžitě se ocitl v jiném světě. Ale pozor, kouzelník nechtěl, aby tento zázračný prach používal kdokoliv, a tak svou skříňku s tabákem pečlivě střežil. Jednoho dne však se stalo něco nečekaného, co změnilo osud nejednoho člověka.

Once upon a time, in a small Czech village, there was a man who was known for his love of snuff. He would always carry a small snuff-box with him wherever he went. This snuff-box was very special to him as it was given to him by his grandfather who had taught him the art of snuff-taking.

One day, as the man was walking down the road, he accidentally dropped his precious snuff-box. It fell into a nearby stream and was carried away by the running water. The man tried to look for it but it was nowhere to be found. He was heartbroken and could not imagine life without his beloved snuff-box.

Months went by and the man had given up hope of ever finding his snuff-box again. One day, while walking in the forest, he stumbled upon a small cottage. He knocked on the door and an old woman answered. The woman was kind and invited him in. She noticed that he looked sad and asked him what the matter was. The man told her about his lost snuff-box and how much it meant to him.

The old woman listened to him attentively and then she said, „I might be able to help you. There is a snuff-box that I have heard of which can grant wishes to its owner. It is called Skříňka s tabákem (The Snuff-Box). If you find this box and make a wish, your wish will come true“.

The man was overjoyed to hear this and asked the old woman where he could find the snuff-box. The old woman told him that the box was in the possession of a wealthy merchant who lived in a nearby town. She warned him that the merchant was very protective of his snuff-box and would not part with it easily.

Undeterred, the man set out on his quest to find Skříňka s tabákem. He travelled to the town and made his way to the merchant’s house. The merchant was indeed protective of his snuff-box and refused to let the man have it. The man explained his situation and begged the merchant to give him the snuff-box but the merchant would not budge.

The man did not give up. He decided to stay in the town and observe the merchant’s habits. He noticed that the merchant was very fond of his garden and spent most of his time tending to his plants. One day, the man managed to sneak into the garden and hide behind a bush. He waited patiently until the merchant left the garden and then he quickly made his way to the house.

He searched high and low and finally found Skříňka s tabákem. He opened the snuff-box and made his wish – to have his own snuff-box back. Suddenly, the snuff-box started to glow and a gust of wind blew past him. He felt a strange sensation and then the world went black.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself back in his own village. He looked down and saw his snuff-box sitting in his hand. He could not believe his eyes. He opened the snuff-box and took a pinch of snuff. It was the best snuff he had ever tasted.

From that day on, the man was never without his snuff-box. He lived happily ever after, taking his snuff and sharing his story with anyone who would listen.


The story of Skříňka s tabákem is one of perseverance and determination. It teaches us that we should never give up on our dreams, no matter how difficult they seem. The man in the story was able to find the magical snuff-box through sheer determination and he was rewarded with his heart’s desire. We can all learn from his example and strive to achieve our own dreams.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Byl jednou jeden muž, který měl rád tabák. Měl speciální krabičku na tabák, kterou dostal od svého dědečka. Jednoho dne mu ale krabička vypadla do řeky a muž byl z toho zklamaný. Poté, co už nechal naději, že ji najde, se setkal s jednou starou ženou, která mu řekla o krabičce s tabákem, která splní každé přání. Muž se rozhodl krabičku najít, i když byla v rukou mocného obchodníka, který se o ni velmi pečlivě staral. Nakonec muž získal krabičku tím, že sledoval zvyky obchodníka a čekal, až půjde pryč, a poté se vloudil do jeho zahrady, aby ji odtamtud ukradl. Muž si v krabičce splnil přání a najednou ucítil podivnou senzaci, když svítila a foukal na něj vítr. Když se probral, zjistil, že je zpátky ve své vesnici a jeho krabička na tabák je zpět v jeho ruce. Tento příběh nás učí, abychom nevzdávali své sny a dosáhli svých cílů díky své vytrvalosti a rozhodnosti.

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