Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Pruhovaná deka a kouzelný les

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Když se začnou stmívat a měsíc vyjde na oblohu, vyprávějí se v srdci kouzelného lesa příběhy o neuvěřitelných záhadách a tajemstvích. Mezi těmito romantickými příběhy byl jeden, který proslul všemi kouty lesa. Tento příběh pojednával o zázračné přikrývce, která byla schopná plnit všechna přání. Tato přikrývka byla nazývána Pruhovaná deka a mnoho dobrodruhů se již vydalo do lesa, aby ji našli. Nicméně, tajemství, které tato deka skrývá, je velmi složité a mnoho lidí to zaplatilo svým životem. Přestože se tento příběh zdá být jen mýtem, mnoho lidí si dodnes přeje, aby byl pravdivý, a touží po zázracích, jaké by Pruhovaná deka mohla přinést.
Once upon a time in the mystical and wonderful Czech Republic, there was a magical forest named „Kouzelný les.“ The forest was lush with greenery, and the trees towered high into the sky. The leaves rustled pleasantly in the gentle breeze, creating harmonious melodies that could be heard from miles away.

Pruhovaná deka, the protagonist in our tale, was a kind and gentle soul who lived in a small cottage at the edge of this magical forest. She spent most of her days tending to her garden, singing songs with the birds and admiring the magnificent beauty of the forest nearby.

One day, while walking through the forest, Pruhovaná deka stumbled upon a magical stream that was surrounded by wildflowers of every color imaginable. She carefully knelt down and dipped her hand into the water; to her surprise, her hand came out covered in glittering sparkles.

Excited about her discovery, she took a few steps closer to the stream, and as she did so, a sudden gust of wind blew and lifted her off the ground. She soared through the air with the wind, and when she finally landed, she was in a clearing she’d never seen before.

In the center of the clearing was a massive oak tree, its trunk as big as a house. The tree appeared to have thousands of leaves, and the leaves sparkled like crystals in the sunlight. It was a sight to behold.

Pruhovaná deka approached the tree and touched its trunk. To her surprise, she heard a voice.

„I am the Guardian of Kouzelný les. Who are you, and why are you here?“

Pruhovaná deka introduced herself to the Guardian and told her about her love for the forest. She shared her discovery of the magical stream and the sparkling hand that returned.

The Guardian smiled at Pruhovaná deka and uttered, „My dear, you have been chosen by the forest to receive a special gift.“

She then led Pruhovaná deka to a hidden part of the forest and pointed to a patch of wildflowers that glimmered under the moonlight.

„You must pick the flowers at the stroke of midnight,“ the Guardian said. „They hold the secret to your special gift.“

Pruhovaná deka was both nervous and excited at the same time. She waited patiently as the day turned to night and the minutes ticked by until midnight.

Finally, the clock struck twelve, and Pruhovaná deka began plucking the wildflowers. She gathered them in her basket and continued on her journey through the forest.

As she walked, the wind began to pick up, tugging at her hair and dress. And then, suddenly, a flash of bright light illuminated the path ahead. It was as though the entire forest was shining, casting shadows that danced and spun around her feet.

Pruhovaná deka gazed up at the sky, and to her amazement, saw a magnificent display of colors streaming across the stars. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

The flowers she had plucked began to glow in her basket, and then, suddenly, they transformed into the softest and most beautiful blanket she had ever seen.

She wrapped herself up in the blanket and felt the warmth and love that emanated from it. It was as though the entire forest had come alive to hug her.

From that day forward, Pruhovaná deka became a beloved member of the Kouzelný les community. She shared her magical blanket with everyone who needed it, and her kindness and generosity became known far and wide.

The villagers called her the „Guardian of the Magical Blanket“ and spread the word of her incredible gift. Through her selflessness, countless people reaped the benefits of love and kindness that radiated from the blanket.

And so, the tale of Pruhovaná deka and the magical forest of Kouzelný les has become a legend throughout the Czech Republic, as a symbol of kindness, generosity, and the beauty of nature. May we all strive to embody these traits like Pruhovaná deka and live in harmony with the wonderful magic of our world.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Byla jednou jedna Pruhovaná deka, která žila na okraji Kouzelného lesa. Tento les byl plný zeleně a vysokých stromů, jejichž listí šustilo harmonickou melodii. Jednoho dne se Pruhovaná deka vydala do lesa a objevila kouzelný potok plný třpytivých jisker. To ji přivedlo ke strážkyni lesa, která jí ukázala tajné místo, kde měla Pruhovaná deka nasbírat zářivé květiny. Ty se poté proměnily v nejhezčí deku, kterou kdy viděla. Tato deka se stala symbolem její láskyplné a štědré povahy a mnoho lidí se díky ní učilo o kráse přírody a důležitosti laskavosti a štědrosti.

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