Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Princ Neočekávaný a Jablečná Princezna (Prince Unexpected and the Apple Princess)

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Bylo jednou jedno království, kde vládl král Jindřich a královna Amálie. Jejich syn, princ Neočekávaný, se narodil jako nejmladší z pěti bratrů a byl obklopen nadlidskými schopnostmi a darů. Jeho krásnou příběhu však nedokáže konkurovat nikdo jiný než krásná Jablečná princezna. Tato princezna se narodila z jablka ojediněle a měla moc, jakou nikdo jiný neměl. Spolu by mohli být nezlomitelným párem, ale jak se budou jejich osudy v průběhu jejich života vyvíjet?

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there lived a prince named Neočekávaný. He was unlike any other prince you had ever met. He was kind and gentle, but also had a mischievous side to him that made him stand out from the rest.

Jablečná princezna

One day, while taking a walk in the forest, Prince Neočekávaný stumbled upon a beautiful apple tree. As he was admiring the tree, a voice interrupted his thoughts.

„Excuse me, sir, but I am the guardian of this tree. If you wish to take any of its apples, you must first answer my riddle,“ said the voice.

Prince Unexpected was intrigued, and he replied, „I accept your challenge. What is your riddle?“

The voice responded, „I am not alive, but I grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air; I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?“

The Prince thought for a moment and then answered confidently, „Fire.“

„Correct,“ said the voice. „You may take an apple.“

The prince plucked an apple from the tree and took a bite. As he savored the sweet taste, he suddenly felt a strange sensation in his body. He looked around and saw the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

She introduced herself as the Apple Princess and thanked Prince Neočekávaný for freeing her from the spell that had transformed her into the apple tree. In gratitude, she offered to accompany him on his journey.

And so, the two set off together, journeying through the forest and facing many challenges along the way.

The Jealous Witch

One day, they came across a clearing filled with beautiful flowers. As they were admiring the view, they were approached by a witch who was jealous of their love.

The witch cast a spell on Prince Neočekávaný that caused him to forget about the Apple Princess and fall in love with her instead.

The Apple Princess was devastated, but she refused to give up on the man she loved. She decided to fight the witch and break the spell.

With her wit and strength, the Apple Princess was able to defeat the witch and free Prince Neočekávaný from her spell.

True Love Prevails

With the witch defeated, Prince Neočekávaný remembered his true love for the Apple Princess. He declared his love for her and asked for her hand in marriage.

The Apple Princess accepted, and they were married in a grand ceremony in the kingdom’s castle.

From that day on, Prince Neočekávaný and the Apple Princess ruled the kingdom with compassion and kindness. And every year, they would return to the apple tree where they first met, to remember their magical journey and give thanks for their love.


In the end, Prince Neočekávaný learned that true love can overcome any obstacle, even the jealousy of a witch. He found love in the most unexpected place and was rewarded with a lifetime of happiness. The story of Prince Unexpected and the Apple Princess is a timeless tale of love, courage, and the power of the human spirit that will continue to inspire generations to come.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Jak jsme se dozvěděli z této pohádky, princ se může projevovat jako dobrý a laskavý, zároveň však může mít také roztomilý a koketní výraz. To mu umožňuje být jedinečný a vyniknout mezi ostatními. Princ Neočekávaný potkal překrásnou princeznu-jablko, kterou osvobodil ze kletby způsobené čarodějkou. Jejich láska však nestačila na žárlivost čarodějky, která vzala prince do své moci zapomenout na princeznu-jablko. Princezna však bojovala a dokázala svou bystrostí a silou porazit čarodějku a osvobodit prince ze své moci. Nakonec princ Neočekávaný díky tomuto zápasu dokázal vzít svou pravou lásku za ženu a společně žili šťastně až do konce svých dní. Tato pohádka ukazuje, že pravá láska dokáže překonat všechny překážky, dokonce i žárlivost kouzelnic.

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