Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Popelka (Cinderella)

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Dávno, dávno, před mnoha lety, existovala v zemi Čech krásná dívka jménem Popelka. Její matka zemřela, když byla ještě malá, a její otec se poté oženil s nevděčnou a krutou ženou, která měla dvě zlé dcery. Popelka byla nucena pracovat jako služka, kuchyňská pomocnice a pracovat na poli, zatímco oni si užívaly pohodlné a luxusní živobytí. Jednoho dne, se však stalo něco magického, co proměnilo život Popelky na věčnost.
Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a beautiful girl named Popelka. She was sweet, kind, and loved by everyone she met. However, she was unfortunate enough to live with her stepmother and stepsisters who treated her unkindly and made her do all the household chores. This is the story of how Popelka found true love and happiness despite her struggles.

H2: Popelka’s Life Before the Ball

H3: Popelka’s Struggles with her Stepmother and Stepsisters

Popelka’s life was anything but easy. Despite being beautiful and kind, she was often mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters. They made her do all the household chores, from scrubbing the floors to cooking dinner, while they lounged around the house all day. Despite this, Popelka never lost hope and continued to work hard and stay kind.

H3: Popelka’s Animal Friends

Popelka’s only friends were the animals in the forest. They would often come to her aid and help her with her chores, keeping her company and giving her a little bit of solace from her struggles. Her closest friends were her two mice companions, who would often help her with her work and keep her spirits up.

H2: The Royal Ball

H3: The Announcement of the Ball

One day, the king announced that there would be a grand ball at the palace. Every eligible maiden in the kingdom was invited, and the prince would choose a bride from among them.

H3: Popelka’s Dream

Popelka longed to go to the ball, but her stepmother forbade it, saying that she was too poor and could never compete with the other noble maidens. Heartbroken and dejected, Popelka resigned herself to watching the festivities from afar.

H3: Popelka’s Fairy Godmother

But then, something miraculous happened. Popelka’s fairy godmother appeared, ready to grant her wish to go to the ball. With a wave of her wand, she transformed a pumpkin into a carriage, and Popelka’s rags into a stunning gown. She also gave her a pair of glass slippers and sent her on her way.

H2: The Ball

H3: Popelka’s Entrance

At the ball, Popelka was the talk of the town. Her beauty and grace were unmatched, and everyone marveled at her stunning gown and glass slippers. The prince, too, was taken by her, and they danced the night away.

H3: The Clock Strikes Twelve

But then, disaster struck. As the clock struck twelve, Popelka realized that she had to leave before her fairy godmother’s spell wore off. She rushed out of the palace and lost one of her glass slippers on the way, much to the prince’s dismay.

H2: Happily Ever After

H3: The Search for the Missing Owner

Determined to find his mysterious love, the prince searched the kingdom for the owner of the lost glass slipper. Every maiden in the kingdom tried it on, but none fit. Until, at last, they came to Popelka’s house. Her stepsisters tried the slipper on, but it was too small. Finally, Popelka stepped forward, and the slipper was a perfect fit.

H3: Popelka and the Prince

Overjoyed, the prince took Popelka as his bride, and they lived happily ever after. Her stepmother and stepsisters were punished for their cruelty, and Popelka never had to do any chores again. Finally, she had found true love and happiness, and her struggles were nothing but a distant memory.

H3: Popelka’s Animal Friends

Even better, Popelka’s animal friends were welcomed into the palace, and they lived happily alongside her and the prince. It was a true happily ever after, and everyone in the kingdom marveled at the beauty of Popelka’s tale.

In conclusion, Popelka’s story is a powerful testament to the endurance of hope and the power of love. Despite her struggles, she never gave up, and in the end, she found the happiness and love she deserved. Her story is a reminder to us all to never lose hope, and to always stay true to ourselves no matter what.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Popelka, krásná a laskavá dívka, musela žít s nevlastní matkou a nevlastními sestrami, kteří s ní nebyli vůbec laskaví a nechalíce ji, aby dělala všechny domácí práce. Přesto nikdy neztratila naději a nadále tvrdě pracovala a zůstávala laskavá. Její jediní přátelé byli zvířata v lese, kteří by jí často pomohli s úkoly a zvedli jí náladu.

Jednoho dne král oznámil velký bál v paláci a každá nubile dívka v království byla pozvána. Popelka si přála jít, ale nevlastní matka jí to zakázala, tvrdila, že je příliš chudá na to, aby mohla soutěžit s ostatními urozenými dívkami. Nicméně, Popelka má kouzelnou vílu bílého kmene, která ji poslala na bál v kočáře vyrobeném z tykve a s kouzelným šatem a skleněnými střevíci.

Na plese Popelka upoutala pozornost prince a tančili spolu celou noc, ale v půlnoci musela rychle odejít, aby se její kouzlo nevytratilo. Ztratila jeden ze svých skleněných střevíčků a princ se vydal hledat dívku, která mu patří a skleněný střevíček jí padne. Nakonec došel až k Popelčině domu a její nevlastní matka a nevlastní sestry se pokusily na střevíček vejít, ale byl příliš malý. Poté se Popelka přihlásila a střevíček se perfektně hodil.

Prince ji vzal jako svou nevěstu a žili šťastně až do konce svých dní. Její nevlastní matka a sestry byly potrestány za svou krutost a Popelka už nikdy nemusela dělat žádné domácí práce. Navíc si mohla nechat své zvířecí přátele. Popelčina pohádka nás učí, aby jsme nikdy neztráceli naději a vždy se drželi svého charakteru, bez ohledu na to, co nás potká.

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