Polly a její milovaný byla nadpozemská láska, která se svítila jako zlatá hvězda na temné obloze. Jejich osud byl napsán v zázracích a magii, ať už byli kdekoliv na světě. Avšak čáry mohou být zrádné a zlí lidé se objevili, aby zkazili jejich štěstí. Tak začíná příběh o Polly a jejím milovaném, ve kterém následuje mnoho dobrodružství, nejistoty a všech emocí, které se vztahem může přinést.
Once upon a time, in a far away land there lived a beautiful girl named Polly. She was a kind-hearted and gentle soul, and her beauty was known all over the kingdom. One day, while she was out on a walk, she caught the eye of a handsome knight named Jan.
Obsah článku
Jan a jeho láska ke Polly
Jan was instantly smitten with Polly, and he knew he had to find a way to win her heart. He began to follow her around, hoping to catch her attention. Polly soon noticed Jan’s presence and was flattered by his attention. She thought he seemed like a nice young man, but she wasn’t quite sure how she felt about him yet.
Janův plán
Jan knew he had to do more than just follow Polly around if he wanted to win her heart. He spent many sleepless nights devising a plan to impress her. Finally, he came up with an idea. He decided to go on a quest to find the rarest flower in the kingdom, one that only bloomed once every ten years. He knew that Polly loved flowers, and he hoped that finding this rare bloom would win her heart.
Janova cesta do lesa
Jan set off on his journey to find the flower, which was said to be hidden deep in a dark forest. He traveled for many days, crossing rivers and climbing mountains, until he finally reached the edge of the forest. As he entered the dense foliage, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding. The forest was dark and eerie, and he had heard stories of strange creatures that lived within its depths.
Jan a setkání s čarodějovou
As he walked deeper into the forest, Jan suddenly heard a strange voice calling out to him. He followed the voice until he came to a clearing, where he saw an old witch standing by a bubbling cauldron.
„Who are you, young man?“ asked the witch.
„I am Jan, and I am on a quest to find the rarest flower in the kingdom,“ replied Jan.
„I can help you with that,“ said the witch. „But in exchange, you must answer a riddle.“
Jan agreed to the witch’s terms, and she gave him the riddle. He thought long and hard before finally coming up with the answer. The witch was impressed, and she pointed Jan in the direction of the flower.
Januv úspěch a Pollyho srdce
Jan followed the witch’s directions and soon came upon the rare flower. He quickly picked it and began his journey back to the castle to present it to Polly. When he arrived at the castle, he found Polly sitting in the garden. He approached her, holding out the rare flower.
„Dear Polly,“ he said, „I have traveled far and wide to find this flower. It is a symbol of my love for you, and I hope that it will show you how much I care.“
Polly was touched by Jan’s gesture, and she realized that she had come to care for him deeply. They began dating and soon fell deeply in love.
Jan and Polly’s love only grew stronger with time, and they spent the rest of their lives together, always remembering the quest that brought them together. And the rare flower that Jan found became a symbol of their enduring love, a love that would last a lifetime.
Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti
V pohádce se dozvídáme o lásce mezi krásnou Polly a rytířem Janem. Jan se rozhodne získat Pollyino srdce a vydává se na cestu za nejvzácnějším květem v království. Na cestě potkává čarodějnici, která mu dává hádanku, kterou Jan dokáže vyřešit a dostane tak informace o květu. Jan se úspěšně vrací s květem do královské zahrady a Polly je dojata jeho gestem. Oba se do sebe zamilují a žijí spolu šťastně až do konce života. Pohádka nás učí, že láska může být nalezena mimo běžné cesty a že romantické gesto může zlomit ledy.
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