Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Pohádka o Nádobě s Ukazovátkem

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Bylo nebylo jednou jedno království, kde se odehrávaly neuvěřitelné příběhy a kouzelné dobrodružství. Mezi mnoha legendami a bájemi se vyprávěla i pohádka o neuvěřitelné nádobě s ukazovátkem, která byla schopna splnit jakékoli přání. Příběh se stal velmi oblíbeným mezi dětmi a dospělými a stále se vypráví i v dnešní době. Jaká je tato zázračná nádoba a co se děje v této pohádce? To se musíte dozvědět sami. Připravte se na dobrodružství plné kouzel, záhad a nečekaných obratů!
Once upon a time, in a small village in the heart of Czechia, there lived a little girl named Anička. Anička was known among the locals for her inquisitive nature and her love for adventure. She spent most of her days exploring the nearby woods and collecting little trinkets that caught her eye.

One day, while she was wandering through the forest, she stumbled upon an old oak tree with a peculiar hollow in its trunk. Curious as always, Anička reached inside the hollow and felt something cold and hard. It was a small pot with a lid and a little pointer on the side.

Intrigued by the pot and its pointer, Anička decided to take it home and examine it more closely. As soon as she got back to her house, she opened the lid to see what was inside. To her amazement, the pot was completely empty, and the pointer began to spin rapidly.

Suddenly, a voice boomed out of nowhere, “Hear ye, Hear ye! This is the Pot with the Pointer, and it will lead you to your heart’s desire. Turn the pointer to the left, and it will guide you to wealth, turn it to the right, and it will lead you to love.”

Anička was in awe of the pot and its magical powers. She immediately set out to test its abilities by turning the pointer to the left. As soon as she did, the pointer began to spin rapidly and finally landed on a direction.

Without hesitation, Anička followed the direction of the pointer, and it led her to a clearing in the forest. There, she found a small wooden box buried under a pile of leaves. Excitedly, she opened the box to find piles of gold coins and precious gems.

Overjoyed with her newfound wealth, Anička decided to try the pot once more. This time, she turned the pointer to the right, hoping to find true love. Just as before, the pointer began to spin, and this time, it landed on a different direction.

Anička followed the pointer, and it led her to a small cottage deep in the heart of the forest. There, she met a young man named Adam, who was as kind and adventurous as she was. The two of them hit it off immediately and spent the whole day exploring the woods and talking about their dreams.

In the following days, Anička and Adam spent every moment together, exploring the world and experiencing new adventures. They grew to love each other deeply and decided to get married and spend the rest of their lives together.

As a symbol of their love, they decided to bury the pot with the pointer under the very same oak tree where Anička had found it. They hoped that it would guide another curious soul to their heart’s desire, just as it had led Anička and Adam to each other.

And so, the Pot with the Pointer became a legend in the small village, and people from all over came to try their luck with its magical powers. Some found wealth, some found love, and some found wisdom. But every person who used the pot knew that it was a symbol of hope and adventure in a world filled with uncertainty.


The Pohádka o Nádobě s Ukazovátkem is a charming fairy tale about hope, adventure, and the power of curiosity. It teaches us that even the smallest and most unremarkable things can lead us to great discoveries and that we should always be open to new experiences.

It also reminds us that true happiness comes not from wealth or material possessions, but from the people we love and the memories we create with them. And finally, it shows us that every person has their unique destiny, and it’s up to them to follow the trail that leads them to their heart’s desire.

So if you’re ever lost or uncertain about the direction you should take, remember the Pot with the Pointer and believe that it will guide you to your destiny. Who knows what adventures and treasures you might discover along the way!

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Pohádka o Nádobě s Ukazovátkem je okouzlující pohádka o naději, dobrodružství a síle zvědavosti. Učí nás, že i ty nejmenší a nejvíce nevšední věci nás mohou vést k velkým objevům a že bychom měli být vždy otevřeni novým zážitkům.

Připomíná nám také, že opravdové štěstí nepřichází z bohatství nebo hmotných věcí, ale od lidí, které milujeme a způsobu, jakým spolu tvoříme vzpomínky. A konečně nám ukazuje, že každá osoba má svůj jedinečný osud a je na ní, aby následovala cestu, která ji dovede k jejímu srdcovému přání.

Takže pokud jste někdy ztraceni nebo nejistí ohledně směru, který byste měli vzít, pamatujte na Nádobu s Ukazovátkem a věřte, že vás dovede ke vaší osudové cestě. Kdo ví, jaká dobrodružství a poklady se na této cestě mohou objevit!

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