Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Passaconawayova Cesta do Nebes

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“Dávno, dávno, v dávných časech žil mocný indiánský náčelník jménem Passaconawayova. Tento udatný bojovník byl známý svou moudrostí a schopnosti slyšet hlasy z přírody. Jednoho dne se Passaconawayova setká s nebeským poslem, který mu ukáže cestu do země nad oblaky. Tato nevídaná anabáze se stane základem pro uchování dávných tradic a příběhů o dávných zázracích. Tuto pohádku vám přinášíme pod názvem “Passaconawayova Cesta do Nebes”.”
Once upon a time in the Czech Republic, there was a young maiden named Passaconawayova. She lived in a small village in the heart of the Bohemian Forest, surrounded by lush greenery and the sounds of nature. Passaconawayova was a curious child, always exploring the nooks and crannies of her village, eager to learn and discover new things.

One day, Passaconawayova overheard an old man talking about a mystical pathway that leads to the heavens. This sparked her interest, and she asked the old man more about the path. He told her that the pathway was called Passaconawayova Cesta do Nebes, and it was believed to be a gateway to the celestial world. The old man warned Passaconawayova that the pathway was dangerous and that only the bravest and purest of heart could make the journey.

Passaconawayova was both nervous and excited about the idea of going on this journey, and she began to prepare herself for the adventure ahead. She set off early one morning, leaving a note for her family and friends, explaining her journey.

Heading 2: The Journey Begins

Passaconawayova spent her first night of the journey in a small village on the outskirts of the forest. She met friendly village folk who shared stories and some wisdom about the trail ahead. They warned her about the treacherous terrain, unexpected twists and turns, and that the path was often blocked by obstacles that needed to be overcome.

The next day, Passaconawayova resumed her journey, taking in the wondrous beauty of the Bohemian Forest. In the distance, she could see the mountains, and as she walked closer, she could hear the distant sounds of thunder. She realized that she was approaching one of the obstacles that the village folk had warned her about.

Heading 3: The Mountain’s Challenge

As Passaconawayova drew closer to the foot of the mountain, she saw that the thunder she had heard was literal. The mountain was alive and booming with the sound of thunder, and it sent shivers down Passaconawayova’s spine. She saw that the path up the mountain was steep and treacherous, and the dark clouds looming overhead made the trail unclear.

Passaconawayova took a deep breath and set forth, determined to conquer the mountain before her. As she walked, she began to hear a voice, which she recognized as her inner voice. The voice reminded her of what the old man had said, that the journey was one of bravery and purity of heart.

With her head held high and with her heart full of courage, Passaconawayova tackled the mountain with all her strength. She climbed higher and higher, surrounded by the thundering clouds and the dark waves of wind. At last, she reached the peak of the mountain and looked up to see the stars twinkling above her.

Heading 2: The Celestial World

To Passaconawayova’s amazement, she saw that she was no longer on Earth. She had entered a new realm, the celestial world. Everything around her seemed brighter, more vibrant, and more alive. She walked along a path, which she quickly realized was carved out of gold, taking in the sights all around her. She saw emerald green forests, sapphire blue oceans, and ruby red deserts. There were fields of flowers in every color imaginable, and in the distance, she could see a palace made of pure white marble.

Heading 3: Meeting the Celestial Beings

As Passaconawayova walked along the golden path, she met celestial beings. They looked similar to humans but had ethereal features, pointed ears, and glowing eyes. Each had unique abilities such as healing, creating, and shape-shifting. They welcomed Passaconawayova and took her to the palace, where she met the king and queen of the celestial world.

The king and queen of the celestial world welcomed her warmly, and Passaconawayova felt honored to be in their presence. They thanked her for her bravery and purity of heart, and they conferred upon her the gift of wisdom.

Heading 2: The Return Journey

With her head filled with wisdom and her heart overflowing with joy, Passaconawayova started her journey back to Earth. As she retraced her steps, she felt a new sense of purpose and determination. The journey back was as challenging as the journey forward, but with the gift of wisdom, she had gained insight to overcome any obstacle.

Heading 3: Sharing Her Journey

When Passaconawayova returned to her village, she shared her story with her family and friends. They listened in awe and amazement, and they felt inspired by her brave journey and the wonders she saw. Passaconawayova inspired them to chase their dreams and to embark on their own journeys.

In conclusion, Passaconawayova Cesta do Nebes is a fairytale of bravery, determination, and the rewards that come from venturing out of one’s comfort zone. It teaches us that no obstacle is too great to overcome with the right attitude and that the most significant rewards come from the journey itself.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Byla jednou jedna dívka jménem Passaconawayova, která žila v malé vesničce v srdci českých lesů. Jeden den se dozvěděla o mystické cestě do nebe, která je plná nebezpečí a může ji překonat pouze nejstatečnější a nejčistší srdce. Passaconawayova se rozhodla, že se na tuto cestu vydá, a připravila se na překonání mnoha překážek. Během cesty se setkala s vesničany, kteří ji varovali před nebezpečným terénem a nástrahami na cestě. Passaconawayova však svou cestu pokračovala a dokázala překonat nejtěžší zátah – výstup na vrchol hory. Zde se ocitla v nebeské říši, kde poznala nebeská stvoření, kteří jí udělili dar moudrosti. Po návratu do své vesnice se Passaconawayova podělila se svými zážitky a inspirovala ostatní lidé, aby se nevzdávali svých snů a vydali se na své vlastní cesty plné dobrodružství. Příběh nám ukazuje, že odvaha, přetrvávání a správná nálada jsou klíčem k úspěchu a největší odměna spočívá v samotné cestě.

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