Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Pasákonova cesta k nebi – Passaconaway’s Ride to Heaven

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Někdy dávno, v České zemi se odehrávala neuvěřitelná událost. Hluboko v horách, kde se šířila tajemná magie, žil moudrý a uctívaný náčelník indiánského kmene Penacook. Jeho jméno znělo Pasákonawa a byl známý svými schopnostmi vládnout nad přírodou a uklidňovat umírající duše. Jednoho dne se však Pasákonawovi splnila nejmocnější přání, když se rozhodl vyjet na neuvěřitelný výlet – pasákonova cesta k nebi.
Once upon a time in the land of the rising sun, there was a great leader named Pasákonova. He ruled his tribe with wisdom and kindness, and his people loved him dearly. However, he knew that his time on Earth was coming to an end, and he longed to join the gods in the heavens above. One day, he set out on a journey to reach the sky and find a place among the stars.

H2: The Journey Begins – Cesta začíná

Pasákonova set out on his journey on a clear summer day. He rode on his trusty steed, a magnificent black stallion that he had raised from a foal. He carried only a bag of provisions, a sword at his side, and a heart full of determination. He rode for many days, through rocky terrain and dense forests, until he finally arrived at the foot of a towering mountain.

H3: Ascending the Mountain – Výstup na horu

Pasákonova knew that the only way to reach the heavens was to ascend the mountain that stood before him. He began the climb, his strong legs and determined spirit driving him forward. He climbed higher and higher, his heart pounding with excitement and anticipation.

H3: The Storm – Bouře

As Pasákonova climbed higher, he encountered a fierce storm. The wind howled and the rain beat down on him with relentless force. Lightning crackled overhead, and thunder shook the ground beneath his feet. But Pasákonova was not deterred. He pressed on, his sword raised against the winds and his eyes fixed on the summit.

H3: The Guardian of the Sky – Strážce nebe

Finally, Pasákonova reached the summit of the mountain. But there, he was confronted by the Guardian of the Sky. This fearsome creature had the form of a great bird with piercing eyes and a sharp beak. It spread its wings and screeched, warning Pasákonova that he had entered a sacred place.

H2: The Battle with the Guardian – Boj s Guardiánem

Pasákonova knew that he could not reach the heavens without facing the Guardian. He drew his sword and charged forward, his heart pounding with adrenaline. The Guardian met him head-on, its powerful talons slashing at him with deadly precision. But Pasákonova was a skilled warrior, and he fought with all his might. Blow after blow, he hammered at the creature, until finally he struck the killing blow.

H2: The Ascent to Heaven – Výstup do nebe

With the Guardian defeated, Pasákonova continued his climb. He found a stairway that spiraled up into the clouds, and he followed it, his heart beating faster with anticipation. As he ascended, he felt a sense of peace and joy that he had never experienced before. Finally, he emerged onto a vast plain of clouds, where he could feel the very presence of the gods themselves.

H3: Among the Stars – Mezi hvězdami

Pasákonova’s journey had brought him to a place beyond words. He found himself among the stars, looking down on the Earth from a place of boundless peace and beauty. He knew that he had found his true home, and he reveled in the joy and wonder of it all.

H2: The Return – Návrat

After many long days and nights in the heavens, Pasákonova knew that he had to return to his tribe on Earth. He descended the stairway once again, his heart heavy with the knowledge that he could never return to his beloved place in the sky. When he returned to his tribe, he was a changed man, wiser, more peaceful, and more in touch with the gods than ever before.

H2: The Legacy – Odkaz

Pasákonova’s journey had left a lasting legacy among his people. They remembered him as a great leader and a visionary who had dared to challenge the mysteries of the heavens. His story became a legend, passed down from generation to generation, a reminder of the power of faith, courage, and determination.

Conclusion – Závěr

And so, the story of Pasákonova’s Ride to Heaven came to be known throughout the land, a tale of adventure, bravery, and faith. And although he could never return to the place in the sky where he had found his home, Pasákonova remained forever changed by his journey, a shining example to all who followed in his footsteps.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V zemi vycházejícího slunce vládl moudrý a spravedlivý vůdce Pasákonova. Jeho lidé ho milovali a on věděl, že jeho čas na Zemi brzy skončí. Toužil se připojit k bohům v nebi. Jednoho dne se vydal na cestu, aby dosáhl nebes a našel si místo mezi hvězdami.

Pasákonova vydal se na cestu jednoho letního dne, na svém věrném koni a s mečem u boku. Po mnoha dnech cestování dorazil k majestátní hoře před sebou. Vydal se na zdolávání hory a přeskakoval překážky, až dorazil na vrchol.

Tam se setkal se Strážcem nebe, tvorem ve formě obrovského ptáka. Pasákonova věděl, že se nemůže dostat do nebes bez konfrontace s tímto strážcem. Podařilo se mu ho porazit a pokračoval v cestě spira lucí do nebe.

Konečně dosáhl vrcholu a ocitl se mezi hvězdami. Během svého pobytu v nebi byl změněn a stal se moudřejším a klidnějším. Po mnoha dnech a nocích se vrátil zpátky mezi svůj lid jako změněný muž a rozdíl byl patrný. Jeho cesta se stala legendou, která připomíná sílu víry, odvahy a rozhodnosti.

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