Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Pasákonova cesta k nebi – Passaconaway’s Ride to Heaven

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Dávno, dávno dávno, za časů, kdy se ještě kouzla a čáry-máry považovaly za každodenní záležitosti, žil v malé indiánské vesnici muž jménem Pasákonawai. Tento muž byl starý a moudrý, plný namáhavých zkušeností a hlubokých myšlenek. Jednoho dne se rozhodl podniknout neuvěřitelnou cestu – cestu k nebi, kam se díky svým činům a moudrosti chtěl vydat za svým dokonalým životem. A tak začíná příběh Pasákonovy cesty k nebi – bájného výletu, který dokázal změnit nejen jeho život, ale i životy všech, kdo s ním přišli do kontaktu.
Once upon a time in the beautiful land of the Czech Republic, there was a great chief named Passaconaway. Passaconaway was known for his remarkable leadership and amazing riding skills. He was respected and loved by his people who looked up to him for inspiration.

One day, the chief received news that his time on earth was coming to an end. This news troubled Passaconaway deeply as he suddenly realized that he had not yet accomplished his life’s mission. Passaconaway had always yearned to visit the heavens above and meet the gods who ruled over the skies.

Determined to fulfill his wish, Passaconaway decided to embark on a journey to the heavens that he had heard so much about. The journey was long and arduous, but he refused to give up. With his trusty horse by his side, Passaconaway set out on his quest to reach the heavens.

The Road to the Heavens

Passaconaway and his horse began their journey from the center of the Czech Republic. They traveled through dense forests, over steep mountains, and across vast plains. Passaconaway galloped his horse with urgency as he needed to reach his journey’s end before his time on earth ran out.

As he traveled, Passaconaway met many obstacles. He encountered fierce predators who threatened to end his journey prematurely. But Passaconaway was a great warrior, and he fought valiantly against his enemies. He used his riding skills and his intelligence to overcome the challenges and continue on his journey.

Eventually, Passaconaway and his horse arrived at the edge of a cliff overlooking the vast sky above. The sight was breathtaking, and Passaconaway knew that he was getting closer to his ultimate goal.

The Path to the Heavens

As he looked into the sky above, Passaconaway saw a path that led to the heavens. The path was narrow, and it seemed treacherous, but Passaconaway was fearless. He mounted his horse and began to ascend the path towards the heavens.

The path was steep, and the higher Passaconaway climbed, the more difficult the journey became. The winds howled around him, and the darkness of the sky was almost too much to bear. But Passaconaway persevered, and he pushed on with determination.

The Gates of the Heavens

At last, Passaconaway and his horse arrived at the gates of the heavens. The gates were gigantic and guarded by fearsome gods. Passaconaway dismounted his horse and approached the gates, ready to face whatever was on the other side.

The gods were impressed by Passaconaway’s bravery, and they agreed to let him enter the heavens. They welcomed him with open arms and showed him around their magical land. For Passaconaway, it was a dream come true, and he felt a sense of peace that he had never felt before.

A New Beginning

After spending some time in heaven, Passaconaway knew that he had accomplished his life’s mission. He had finally met the gods that he had always been curious about, and he had seen the beauty of the heavens with his own eyes.

As the time came for him to return to earth, Passaconaway was not afraid. He knew that he had made the most of his time on earth and that he would now go to a better place. With a sense of contentment in his heart, Passaconaway closed his eyes, and his spirit returned to the heavens.


The tale of Passaconaway’s ride to heaven is one of great bravery and perseverance. Passaconaway showed that when you have a goal in life, you should never give up until you achieve it. His journey to the heavens reminds us that there is more to life than what meets the eye, and that there is always something to aspire to.

Passaconaway’s story may be a fairy tale, but it teaches us important lessons that we can apply to our own lives. We can all learn from his courage and determination to overcome challenges and pursue our dreams. May his story continue to be an inspiration to us all.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Byla jednou jeden velký náčelník jménem Passaconaway v krásné zemi České republiky. Passaconaway byl známý pro svou vynikající vůdčí schopnost a úžasné jezdecké dovednosti. Byl ctěn a milován svými lidmi, kteří se na něj dívali jako na zdroj inspirace. Jednoho dne však náčelník dostal zprávu, že jeho čas na Zemi se chýlí ke konci. Passaconaway se rozhodl splnit své přání navštívit nebesa a setkat se s bohy, kteří vládnou nad nebeskou sférou. S jeho věrností k tomuto cíli se vydal na cestu vstříc nebesům, která byla dlouhá a únavná. Setkal se mnoha překážkami, ale díky své vůli a odvaze se mu podařilo překonat tuto výzvu. Závěrečná část jeho cesty se odehrála v nebi, které Passaconaway nikdy předtím neviděl. Po návratu na Zemi měl Passaconaway pocit naplnění a spokojenosti v srdci. Jeho příběh je inspirován odvahou a odhodláním překonávat překážky a pronásledovat své sny.

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