Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Otrávené jablko

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Dávno, dávno, před mnoha lety existovalo malé království, kde žila krásná princezna jménem Zuzana. Jednoho dne jí však bylo podstrčeno otrávené jablko, které ji odmrzelo a uvěznilo věčným spánkem. V této pohádce se dozvíte, jak se našemu hrdinovi podaří Zuzanu probudit a porazit zlého kouzelníka, který za všechno mohl.
Once upon a time in a beautiful kingdom of Czechia, there lived a beautiful princess named Ivana. She was blessed with stunning looks, breathtaking grace, and kindheartedness that endeared her to all the kingdom’s inhabitants.

Ivana’s father was the king of the land, and he loved his daughter more than anything in the world. As a result, he spared no expense in ensuring that Ivana lacked nothing in life. She had attended the best schools, enjoyed the finest outfits, and eaten the most delicious meals.

One day, an old and wicked witch paid a visit to the castle and gave Ivana a tray of beautiful, shiny red apples. „Dear princess,“ the witch said, „I offer you these apples as a gift to show you my goodwill. They are the most delicious apples you will ever taste.“

Ivana accepted the apples with a grateful heart and devoured them whole. Within minutes, the princess became very sick, and she grew paler and weaker each passing minute. The king summoned the best physicians in the kingdom, but none of them could cure Ivana’s ailment.

As Ivana lay dying, her father heard of a legendary tree that held the key to her daughter’s remedy. This tree was found in a faraway forest that was guarded by formidable and fierce creatures.

Filled with hope, the king set forth a challenge to his knights: whoever could bring the remedy from the tree would marry his daughter and ascend to the throne. But every knight who ventured into the forest never returned, and the people of the land began to despair.

A humble farmer boy named Jakub took up the challenge, seeking to save the princess and win her heart. He set forth on a journey that took him through perilous forests, raging rivers, and formidable mountains.

Eventually, Jakub arrived at the forest where the legendary tree was found. He braved his way past the guardians and climbed the tree to pluck the prized fruit. Just as he was about to return to the kingdom, he encountered the evil witch who plotted the princess’s misfortunes.

The witch disclosed to Jakub that she had poisoned the apple he plucked, and he would never make it back to the kingdom. But Jakub refused to give up and continued his journey. He eventually found the cure for the princess and returned to the kingdom.

Jakub managed to cure Ivana of her illness, and she regained her health in due time. Overwhelmed with joy and gratitude, the king kept his promise and crowned Jakub as the prince of the land. Jakub and Ivana married and lived happily ever after.


The fairy tale of Otrávené jablko teaches that it is possible to conquer your fears and overcome obstacles in life. It also emphasizes the importance of courage, humility, and persistence in the face of daunting challenges.

Through the bravery of Jakub, the land was saved, and the princess was restored to good health. This story is a testament to how determination and faith can bring about positive outcomes despite the odds.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Byla jednou krásná princezna jménem Ivana, která byla milá a laskavá ke všem obyvatelům království. Jednoho dne jí stará a zlá čarodějnice nabídla dary, ale jedno z nich bylo otrávené jablko. Princezna se velmi rychle omrzela a onemocněla. Nikdo neuměl najít lék, dokud se král nedozvěděl o legendárním stromu, který mohl princeznu vyléčit. Každý rytíř, který do lesů odešel, se nikdy nevrátil, nikoho se nepodařilo najít lék. Ale skromný farmářský chlapec jménem Jakub se rozhodl vzít výzvu a vydat se na cestu. Po dlouhé a nebezpečné cestě se mu podařilo najít lék a vrátit se domů, i když čarodějnice ho chtěla zastavit. Nakonec se podařilo princeznu vyléčit, a Jakub byl korunován jako princ a oženil se s Ivou. Tato pohádka ukazuje, že odvaha, pokora a vytrvalost jsou důležité v tváří výzev a že díky ní se mohou vyřešit i velké problémy.

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