Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Olivovník a fíkovník

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Byla jednou jedna krásná zahrada plná zeleně, květin a ovocných stromů. Mezi nimi se nacházel Olivovník a Fíkovník, dva nejkrásnější stromy v celé zahradě. Zatímco Olivovník byl velký a silný, Fíkovník byl menší, ale plný vitalit a energie. Ať už bylo pochmurné počasí, nebo slunce svítilo, oba stromy se společně těšily z každého dne, který v zahradě proběhl. Jednoho dne však přišla na zahradu velká vichřice, která změnila všechno…

Once upon a time, in a vast forest hidden from mortal eyes, lived two trees far apart from each other. The first was an Olivovník, tall and gnarled with branches that twisted and turned like serpents, while the second was a Fíkovník, shorter, but with foliage that made it a veritable oasis in the heart of the woods.

Chapter 1: Olivovník and Fíkovník

Olivovník and Fíkovník were the two most admired trees in the forest, where the sun shone on them with equal grace. Olivovník proudly boasted about its ancient roots, while Fíkovník basked in the attention its fruit attracted. Although they were respectful towards each other, there was an unspoken rivalry between them. Deep down, each thought it was superior to the other.

Chapter 2: The Challenge

One summer day, the forest was abuzz with the news of a challenge. It was said that the first tree to reach the sky would be crowned the king of the forest. Olivovník and Fíkovník looked up, imagining their branches stretched far into the heavens, jockeying for the top spot.

Chapter 3: The Climb

The next day, they began their climb. Olivovník’s bark was rough and scaly, giving it the grip it needed to ascend steadily. However, the heat of the sun dried its foliage, making its climb more arduous. Fíkovník, on the other hand, had smoother bark which made the climb easier. Its leaves were lush, and the fruit refreshed it, providing the energy it needed to ascend rapidly.

Chapter 4: The Setback

As the days went by, Olivovník and Fíkovník advanced toward the sky at a breathtaking pace. Olivovník had taken the lead, its twisted branches reaching ever higher. Fíkovník was not far behind and was catching up fast. However, the challenge of reaching the sky was far from over.

A sudden gust of wind knocked Olivovník’s crown off, and the branches that had been twisted and turned like serpents fell limp. Fíkovník, too caught in the moment, did not notice the change in Olivovník and suffered a setback of its own. A hungry bird had eaten most of the fruit that was hanging from its branches.

Chapter 5: The Realization

As Olivovník and Fíkovník looked back at the ground, they realized their climb was more than just a race to the top. They had both suffered setbacks, but not given up. They had learned to rely on their particular strengths and were moving forward at their own pace. Olivovník realized that its twisted branches made it the perfect hideout for the timid creatures of the forest, while Fíkovník’s lush foliage was a haven for the birds.

Chapter 6: The Decision

It was in that moment that Olivovník and Fíkovník made a wise decision. Instead of competing against each other, they decided to work together, taking care of the forest they both called home. Olivovník and Fíkovník shared their fruits with the other creatures of the forest, which in turn, brought the forest to life. Together, they had learned that they were both vital components of the ecosystem, complementing each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Chapter 7: The Coronation

As time passed, the forest thrived. The other trees took notice of the change and transpired that Olivovník and Fíkovník deserved to be crowned as kings of the forest. They had shown respect for each other’s strengths and weaknesses and had created a bond that had brought the forest to life. And so, Olivovník and Fíkovník were crowned as kings of the forest, a title they both shared equally.


Olivovník and Fíkovník remained kings of the forest for many years. They continued to work together and complement each other’s strengths, and the forest thrived because of it. The other trees learned the lesson that the trees had learned – that they were all different but equally important elements of the ecosystem. And now, the forest is a place of rare beauty, where trees stand tall and proud, and creatures of all shapes and sizes live in perfect harmony.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Byl jednou jeden les, kde žili dva stromy, Olivovník a Fíkovník. Oba se chlubili svými jedinečnými schopnostmi a byli obdivováni všemi zvířaty v lese. Jednoho dne se v lese objevila výzva, že strom, který se dostane nejvýše, bude korunován králem lesa. Olivovník a Fíkovník se rozhodli o výzvě závodit. Ani jeden si nevěřil natolik k dostání se až do nebes, ale rozhodli se to zkusit. Během výzvy se naučili spolupracovat a zjišťovali, že mají oba své jedinečné schopnosti, ale že spolupráce a respekt k těm druhým ve skutečnosti vedou ke skutečnému vítězství. Nakonec se oba stromy spojily a rozhodly se pracovat společně, místo aby soutěžily. To přineslo prosperitu a krása, a tak byli nakonec korunováni jako společní králové lesa. Les se stal dokonalým biotopem s různými druhy zvířat a všemi druhy stromů, kteří si respektovali a pomáhali.

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