Dlouho, velmi dlouho před tím, než se narodila Polly, žil v lesnaté krajině kouzelník, který se pověsil na člověka. Jeho stromořadí zdobilo jedno z nejkrásnějších měst na světě, ale on sám o svůj lesní domov raději pečoval a do města nechodil. Byl šťastný a spokojený sám se sebou a svými zvířecími přáteli. To vše až do doby, kdy se z poledne ozvala malá Polly a začala být jeho životem…
Once upon a time in the beautiful city of Prague, there lived a young woman named Polly. She was known for her beauty and grace, and many men in the town were smitten with her. However, Polly had a heart of gold and was searching for true love, not just someone who was enamored with her looks. This is the story of Polly’s Milostný příběh.
Chapter One: Polly’s Lonely Heart
Polly had been searching for love for several years, but she couldn’t find it anywhere. She would go on dates with men, but she never felt a spark with any of them. She longed for the magical feeling of being swept off her feet and falling head-over-heels in love.
One day, as she was sitting in a coffee shop, she overheard a conversation between two men. They were talking about a prince who was visiting the town for a few days. Polly’s heart fluttered at the mention of a prince. She had always dreamed of marrying a prince and living a fairy-tale life.
Chapter Two: The Prince’s Arrival
The next day, as Polly was walking through the town square, she saw a grand carriage pulled by six horses. Inside the carriage sat a handsome prince, dressed in regal attire. Polly’s heart skipped a beat as she caught a glimpse of the prince. She knew that this was her chance to find true love.
Over the next few days, the prince attended several events and Polly made sure to be present at all of them. She would catch glimpses of him from afar, but she didn’t get a chance to speak to him.
Chapter Three: The Chance Encounter
On the final day of the prince’s visit, Polly decided to take a chance. She dressed in her finest dress and went to the park where the prince was scheduled to take a stroll. As she was walking through the park, she accidentally bumped into the prince. He was charming and kind, and Polly felt like she had known him forever.
The prince and Polly spent the whole afternoon together, talking and laughing. It felt like they had a deep connection between them, and Polly knew that this was the man she had been waiting for her entire life.
Chapter Four: The Proposal
As the sun began to set, the prince took Polly’s hand and led her to a beautiful garden. He got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. Polly’s heart beat faster than ever before as the prince asked her to marry him. She said yes, and they shared a passionate kiss.
Chapter Five: The Happily Ever After
Polly and the prince were married in a grand ceremony and they lived a fairy-tale life together. They traveled the world and had many adventures, but they never forgot their love for each other.
Years passed, and Polly and the prince grew old together. They still held hands and looked into each other’s eyes, just like they did on the day they first met. Their love was stronger and deeper than ever before, and they knew that they were meant to be together forever.
Polly’s Milostný příběh is a testimony to the power of true love. It shows that sometimes, when we least expect it, love can come knocking at our door. It also reminds us that true love is not just about looks or wealth, but about finding that one person who makes us feel complete. Polly found her prince, and they lived happily ever after.
Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti
Dá se říci, že pohádka Polly Milostný příběh nás učí o síle opravdové lásky. Polly toužila po pravé lásce a hledala ji po mnoho let. Věřila v kouzlo pohádkového života s princem, který by jí dokázal splnit její sny. Nakonec, když už téměř ztratila naději, se setkala s princem a okamžitě se do sebe zamilovali.
Tato pohádka nám ukazuje, že někdy se láska objeví, když to nejméně čekáme. Také nás učí, že skutečná láska není o vzhledu nebo bohatství, ale o nalezení té jedné osoby, která nás dokáže doplnit a udělat šťastnými. Polly našla svého prince a spolu žili šťastně až do konce svých dní.
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