Bylo nebylo, za sedmi horami a za sedmi řekami, v samém srdci lesa, kde rostou pouze nejkrásnější kytky, žil malý chlapec jménem Id. Jednoho dne se vydal do lesa pro zvláštní kytku, kterou chtěl darovat své matce k jejímu narozeninám. Tato kytička byla však kouzelná a mohla splnit každé přání. Tak začala pohádka o Malého Idova kvítka.
Once upon a time, in a small village located at the foot of the Krkonoše mountain range, there lived a young girl named Lucia. She was known throughout the village for her love of nature and her great knowledge of herbs and flowers. One day, she came across a legend about a magical flower called Malého Idova kvítka, also known as Little Id’s Flowers.
Czech legend says that a long time ago, there was a boy named Id, who was often mocked and bullied for being small and weak. Despite this, he was able to find solace in the beauty of nature that surrounded him. One day, while wandering through the forest, he found a small, delicate flower. Its bright blue petals seemed to sparkle in the sunlight and its sweet fragrance was unlike anything he had ever smelled before.
Id carefully picked the flower and brought it back to his village, where he showed it to his fellow villagers. They were astounded by its beauty and realized that it had great healing powers. From that day forward, the flower was known as Malého Idova kvítka, Little Id’s Flower.
Word of the flower’s healing powers spread throughout the land, and people from all over began to seek it out. It was said that the flower had the ability to cure any ailment, from the common cold to more serious diseases. The flower became highly coveted and was considered to be worth more than gold.
Lucia became fascinated by the legend and began to study everything she could about the flower. She believed that if she could find the flower, she could help many people in her village and beyond.
Lucia decided to set out on a journey to find Malého Idova kvítka. She climbed through the dense forests and trekked over jagged mountains, all the while searching for any sign of the elusive flower. She met many people along the way who claimed to know where the flower could be found, but their directions always seemed to lead her down a dead end.
As the weeks turned into months, Lucia grew tired and discouraged. She wondered if she would ever find the flower and fulfill her dream of helping others. Just when she was on the brink of giving up, she met an old woman who told her that she knew the location of the flower.
The old woman explained that Malého Idova kvítka could only be found in one place- a meadow that was guarded by a fierce dragon. The meadow was located in the valley of the mountains, where the sun never fully reached. The old woman warned Lucia that the journey would be treacherous and dangerous, but Lucia was determined to find the flower.
With the old woman’s instructions, Lucia set out on the final leg of her journey. She trudged through the snow and battled against the biting cold. Finally, she arrived at the meadow where Malého Idova kvítka was said to grow. Sure enough, the dragon was there, breathing fire and fiercely guarding the meadow.
Lucia was terrified, but she knew that she could not turn back now. She approached the dragon, calling upon the knowledge and courage that she had gained on her journey. As she spoke to the dragon, she saw that its eyes began to soften, and it listened to her plea. Lucia explained that the flower was needed to heal the sick and that it was not something to be hoarded or used for personal gain. The dragon, moved by her sincerity, allowed her to enter the meadow.
Lucia marveled at the beauty of the meadow, filled with Malého Idova kvítka in shades of blue, purple, and pink. She carefully picked the flowers and began her journey back home.
When Lucia returned to her village, she was greeted as a hero. The people were overjoyed that the flower had been found, and Lucia used it to help cure many of the villagers‘ ailments. To this day, Malého Idova kvítka is still considered one of the most precious flowers in all of Czech legends.
The story of Malého Idova kvítka, Little Id’s Flowers, is a reminder that the most beautiful things in life often require great effort and perseverance to be found. Like Lucia, we may encounter obstacles and challenges on our journey, but if we stay true to our beliefs and keep moving forward, we will eventually achieve our goals. Whether it be finding a rare flower or fulfilling our dreams, we can all learn from Lucia’s courage and determination in the face of adversity.
Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti
Dávné legendy o Malém Idově kvítku, nevysvětlitelném modrém květu s velkými léčivými schopnostmi, inspirovaly dívku jménem Lucii k výpravě na hledání této zázračné rostliny. Po měsících putování přes hory a údolí dorazila do údajného místa, kde by květ měl růst. Tam ji ale čekal ohromný drak, který jej střežil. Lucia se však nevzdala a svou statečností a znalostmi odradila draka od svého úmyslu. Nakonec ji drak dovolil vstoupit na louku s Malým Idovým kvítkem a vypěstovala ho pro svou vesnici. Touto legendou se ukazuje, že to nejkrásnější a nejužitečnější v životě si vyžaduje velké úsilí a vytrvalost. Lidé musí trvat v tom, co věří, a s takovým přístupem a odvahou mohou dosáhnout svého cíle.
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