Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Lůžková lekce pro Lokyho (Bedtime Lesson for Loki)

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Byla jednou jedna malá víla, která se rozhodla naučit hříšného boha Loka, jak spát. V této pohádce se dozvíte o neobvyklé lůžkové lekci, kterou malířská malá víla připravila pro změkčení srdce náročného boha. Bude Loki schopen na sobě pracovat a naučit se spát jako správný člověk nebo bude trvat na svém a válčit se svými vnitřními démony? Najděte si pohodlné místo a připravte se na poučný příběh o významu spánku a odpuštění.
One evening, Loki, the mischievous god, was feeling particularly restless. He had spent the day playing tricks on his fellow gods, but now that it was time for bed, he found himself unable to settle down.

As he tossed and turned in his bed, he heard a gentle voice whispering to him. „Loki, my child, it’s time for a lůžková lekce (bedtime lesson). Close your eyes and let me guide you to a peaceful slumber.“

Surprised, Loki sat up in his bed, wondering where the soothing voice had come from. And then he saw her – a beautiful fairy, with delicate wings and a kind smile on her face.

„Who are you?“ asked Loki, still in disbelief.

„I am Třešnička (Cherry Blossom), the fairy of peaceful sleep,“ she replied. „I have been sent by the gods to teach you the importance of a good night’s rest.“

Loki scoffed. „I don’t need any lessons. I am a god. I don’t sleep like mortals do.“

Třešnička smiled patiently. „That may be true, but even a god needs rest. And besides, sleep is not just about closing your eyes and resting your body. It is a time for your mind and soul to rejuvenate and heal.“

Intrigued, Loki listened as Třešnička began her lůžková lekce (bedtime lesson). She spoke of the importance of a comfortable sleep environment, of having a regular sleep schedule, and of avoiding stimulating activities before bed.

Loki was surprised to learn that even the gods had a bedtime routine, and he listened attentively as Třešnička shared her tips for getting a good night’s sleep.

As the lesson came to a close, Třešnička offered Loki a special gift – a magical pillow, imbued with the powers of peaceful sleep.

„Place this pillow under your head tonight,“ she instructed. „And see the difference it makes in your sleep. But be warned – if you abuse the power of sleep, you will lose it.“

Loki thanked Třešnička and settled down to sleep with his new pillow. And he was surprised to find that he slept better than he ever had before.

From that night on, Loki took his lůžková lekce (bedtime lesson) seriously. He followed Třešnička’s advice and developed a regular sleep routine. And he cherished his magical pillow, using it every night to help him drift off into a restful sleep.

And while he still enjoyed his mischievous pranks during the day, Loki now understood the importance of rest and rejuvenation. Thanks to Třešnička’s lůžková lekce (bedtime lesson), he was a happier and healthier god.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Loki, the mischievous god, learned an important lesson about the value of a good night’s sleep from the fairy Třešnička (Cherry Blossom). Initially, Loki believed that he didn’t need any lessons on sleeping as he wasn’t like other mortals. But Třešnička, the fairy of peaceful sleep, explained the significance of having a comfortable sleep environment, a regular sleep schedule, and engaging in soothing activities before going to bed. Loki was surprised to know that even the gods followed a bedtime routine. Třešnička gave him a magical pillow, which helped him sleep better than before. From that point on, Loki started taking his bedtime lessons more seriously and developed a regular sleep routine. He cherished his magical pillow and realized the importance of rest and rejuvenation for a happier and healthier life.

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