Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Lokeovo trestání (Loke’s Punishment)

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Dlouho, dlouho před tím, než se vůbec narodil první člověk, žili bohové a bohyně v říši Ásgardu. Mezi nimi byl také Loke, boh trickster, plný lstí a intrik. Jeho neustálé žertování a podvody však nakonec došly zlomu a bohové se mu rozhodli vyměřit trest. Tak začíná příběh o Lokeově trestání – vyprávění, jak Loke musel zaplatit za své hříchy a čelit nesmírnému utrpení, které se stalo jeho osudem.
Once upon a time, in the land of the gods, Loke tried to outsmart the other gods and caused chaos in their world. To punish him, the gods came up with a plan to teach him a lesson. This plan came to be known as „Lokeovo trestání“ in the Czech language, which translates to „Loke’s Punishment.“

Loke was the god of mischief and was always looking for ways to cause trouble. He was known to be cunning and deceptive, and the other gods did not trust him. However, Loke was determined to prove that he was smarter than the rest of the gods, and this led him to his downfall.

The gods decided to punish Loke by locking him up in a cave and torturing him every day. Loke was tied up with chains, and a venomous snake was placed above his head, ready to drip its poison onto his face. However, the gods were not satisfied with this punishment and decided to add more tortures to Loke’s suffering.

The first torture that Loke endured was the constant dripping of the venomous snake’s poison onto his face. The poison was an acid that burned through his skin, causing him unbearable pain. However, Loke was a strong god, and he did not let his pain show, nor did he ask for mercy from the other gods.

The second torture that Loke experienced was the constant dripping of icy water onto his chest. The cold water made Loke shiver uncontrollably, and his teeth would chatter loudly. The other gods watched as Loke went through this torture, but they did not show him any mercy.

The third torture that Loke had to endure was the constant gnawing on his shoulder by a wolf. The wolf was hungry and would constantly bite into Loke’s flesh, causing him immense pain. However, Loke did not complain, nor did he beg for mercy.

Over time, Loke grew weaker, and the tortures became harder to bear. One day, the gods decided to free Loke from his punishment, thinking that he had learned his lesson. However, Loke did not forget the way he was treated, and he decided to seek revenge on the other gods.

Loke’s revenge led to an event known as the „Ragnarok.“ This was a great battle between the gods, and it led to the destruction of their world. The gods and their enemies died in battle, and the world was left in chaos. Loke’s punishment had led to the downfall of their world, and his cunning and deceitful ways were the cause of its destruction.

In conclusion, Loke’s Punishment, or „Lokeovo trestání“ in the Czech language, was a severe punishment that he had to endure for his mischievous ways. He suffered immensely, but he did not show any weakness, nor did he ask for mercy. However, his revenge led to the destruction of their world, and his cunning ways led to his downfall. The story of Loke’s Punishment teaches us the valuable lesson of not being deceitful and mischievous, for it can lead to our own destruction.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Příběh o Lokeově trestání nám ukazuje důležitost toho, abychom nebyli lstiví a záludní, protože to může vést ke svému vlastnímu zničení. Loke, bůh lstivosti, se snažil přelstít ostatní bohy a způsobil chaos ve světě bohů. Bohové se rozhodli ho potrestat a zavřeli ho do jeskyně, kde na něj kape jedovatý hadí jed, stékají na něj ledová voda a vlk ho kouše do ramene. Loke tuto nelítostnou mučení snáší, ale nakonec se odvděčí a jeho pomsta vede k nevratnému zničení světa bohů. Příběh nás učí o důležitosti toho, abychom nebyli lstiví a nezpůsobovali zmatek a chaos svými činnostmi, protože nás to může dovést k pádu.

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