Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Květiny malých kouzelníků (Little Ids‘ Flowers)

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Byla jednou jedna zvláštní květina, která rostla na kraji lesa. Měla bílé okvětní lístky a malé zlaté tečky. Lidé říkali, že květina má magické schopnosti a že ji ochrání před zlými silami. Květina však nebyla kouzelná bez pomoci malých kouzelníků, kteří ji pečovali. Tito malí kouzelníci, nazývaní Idové, měli své vlastní zahrádky plné těchto květin a pečlivě se o ně starali. Jednoho dne se stalo něco nečekaného, co změnilo osud Království květin pro vždy. Toto je příběh o Květinách malých kouzelníků, o jejich kouzlech a dobrodružstvích, které zažili na cestě za ochranou svého domova.
Once upon a time in a peaceful meadow, there lived a group of little ids, who were well known for their magical powers. They loved nothing more than spending their days in the sun, collecting flowers to use in their spells.

The little ids were particularly fond of a certain type of flower, which they called „Květiny malých kouzelníků,“ or „Little Ids‘ Flowers“ in English. These flowers were small and delicate, with petals that sparkled in the sunlight.

The magic of the Květiny malých kouzelníků was known throughout the land, and people would come from far and wide to seek out the little ids and their captivating flowers. It was said that if you possessed one of these flowers, then you too would be blessed with magical powers.

One day, a young boy named Jakub happened to stumble upon the meadow where the little ids lived. Intrigued by the magical flowers and the stories he had heard, he decided to explore the meadow and see if he could find any of the Květiny malých kouzelníků.

As he wandered through the meadow, Jakub soon came across a group of little ids. They were busy gathering flowers and casting spells, but when they saw Jakub, they stopped and looked at him curiously.

„Who are you?“ one of the little ids asked.

„I’m Jakub,“ the boy replied. „I heard about your magical flowers and I came to see them for myself.“

The little ids looked at each other, and then one of them spoke up. „If you want to see our flowers, then you must help us first. We are searching for a rare ingredient that we need for our spells, but it is very difficult to find.“

Jakub was eager to help. „What do you need?“ he asked.

„We are looking for a piece of a rainbow,“ the little id replied.

Jakub was taken aback. „A piece of a rainbow?“ he repeated.

„Yes,“ the little id said. „It is a very rare ingredient, but we need it for our spells. If you can find it for us, then we will show you our Květiny malých kouzelníků.“

Jakub knew that finding a piece of a rainbow would not be easy, but he was determined to help the little ids. He set out on his quest, traveling far and wide in search of the elusive ingredient.

Days turned into weeks, and Jakub began to lose hope. He had searched high and low, but had not found any trace of a rainbow. Just when he was ready to give up, he saw a glimmer in the distance.

He hurried towards the glimmer, and as he got closer, he realized that it was a piece of a rainbow. It was small and fragile, like a piece of glass, but it shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow.

With the piece of rainbow safely in his possession, Jakub returned to the meadow where the little ids were waiting. When they saw him, they cheered, and one of them took the piece of rainbow from him.

„Thank you,“ the little id said. „You have done a great service to us. And now, as promised, we will show you our Květiny malých kouzelníků.“

The little ids led Jakub to a patch of flowers that were even more beautiful than he had imagined. The Květiny malých kouzelníků shimmered in the sunlight, and their petals glowed with a soft, magical light.

„Take one,“ the little id said, pointing to the flowers. „It will give you magical powers, just like us.“

Jakub picked one of the flowers, and as soon as he held it, he felt a surge of energy run through him. He felt like he could do anything, like he had the power of magic at his fingertips.

Overjoyed, Jakub thanked the little ids for their gift and headed back home, eager to put his newfound powers to the test.

From that day on, Jakub was known throughout the land as a powerful magician, known for his Květiny malých kouzelníků and the magical powers they gave him. He used his powers to spread joy and happiness wherever he went, and the little ids were proud to have played a part in his story.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V kouzelné louce žili malí kouzelníci, kteří měli magické květiny, které se jmenovaly „Květiny malých kouzelníků“. Pokud někdo měl tyto květiny, mohl mít také magické schopnosti. Jednou tam přišel chlapec jménem Jakub, který chtěl najít tyto květiny. Malí kouzelníci Jakuba vyzvali, aby jim našel speciální ingredience pro jejich kouzla – kousek duhy. Jakub se vydal na cestu a nakonec našel kousek duhy a vrátil se k malým kouzelníkům. Ti mu ukázali tyto květiny a Jakub získal magické schopnosti. Jakub je používal k šíření radosti a štěstí. Z této pohádky se můžeme naučit, že když chceme něco získat, musíme se o to opravdu snažit.

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