Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Kralewna Petrezelova (Parsley Queen)

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Byla jedna krásná princezna jménem Kralewna Petrezelova, která žila v kouzelném království plném zázraků. Její matka a otec ji milovali nad všechno na světě a věnovali jí všechen svůj čas a pozornost. Jejich království bylo plné blahobytu a veselí, ale jednoho dne se náhle změnilo v mrazivou pustinu. Kralewna Petrezelova musí najít způsob, jak zavrátit kletbu a vrátit svému domovu soukromí a radost. Připravte se na dobrodružství, plné magie a kouzel s královnou Petrezelovou.

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom in the heart of Europe, there lived a beautiful princess named Kralewna Petrezelova. She was the daughter of the mighty king and queen who ruled the land with wisdom and justice. Kralewna Petrezelova was known for her stunning beauty, her kindness, and her love for the people of her realm. She was also famous for her passion for gardening and her amazing skills with herbs.

The Parsley Queen and Her Magical Garden

Kralewna Petrezelova had a special garden near her castle where she grew all kinds of herbs and vegetables. Her garden was not like any other garden in the kingdom. It was a magical garden that was tended to by the fairy queen who had become Kralewna’s friend. The fairy queen taught Kralewna how to use the herbs to make healing potions, delicious dishes, and fragrant perfumes.

The garden was full of colorful flowers, fruits, and vegetables, but the herb that grew in abundance was parsley. The Parsley Queen was known for her delicious parsley soup, which was a favorite dish among the people in her kingdom. Her soup was so tasty, and people from far and wide came to taste it.

The Envious Queen from a Neighboring Kingdom

One day, a queen from a neighboring kingdom heard about Kralewna’s parsley soup and her magical garden. She was envious of Kralewna’s beauty and blessings and wanted to ruin her reputation. The envious queen planned her revenge and plotted with a wicked witch.

The Witch’s Treachery

The wicked witch who the envious queen had hired, cast a spell on Kralewna’s garden overnight, and all the herbs, vegetables, and fruits withered away, leaving only the parsley. The witch turned the once beautiful and magical garden into a dull and monotonous place.

Kralewna was devastated when she saw her once-beautiful garden destroyed. She wondered how she would continue to make her delicious soup or prepare her healing potions without her garden. She decided to travel to the neighboring kingdom to seek help from the envious queen. She hoped that the queen would help her restore her garden to its former glory.

The Queen’s Challenge

When Kralewna arrived in the envious queen’s kingdom, the queen promised to help her, but on one condition. She challenged Kralewna to make a soup from parsley that was so delicious that it would make her forget all other soups. If Kralewna could do that, the envious queen would help her restore her magical garden.

Kralewna agreed to the challenge and went to the queen’s kitchen to prepare her soup. She used the parsley from her garden, which was the only herb that had survived the witch’s treachery. Kralewna made the soup with all her heart, and when the envious queen tasted it, she was amazed by how delicious it was. She had never tasted anything like it before.

The Triumph of Goodness

Overwhelmed by the Parsley Queen’s soup, the envious queen immediately ordered that Kralewna’s garden be restored to its former glory. She also apologized for her wickedness and jealousy towards Kralewna. The Parsley Queen forgave the envious queen and made a new friend in the process.

From that day on, the Parsley Queen’s garden flourished, and once again, it was a magical and beautiful place. Kralewna continued to make her delicious parsley soup that became even more famous than it was before. The people in her kingdom loved their beloved queen more than ever, and she lived happily ever after.


The story of Kralewna Petrezelova, the Parsley Queen, teaches us the importance of kindness, forgiveness, and the triumph of goodness over evil. It reminds us that even in the face of adversity and treachery, kindness and love will always triumph.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Tento příběh o královně Petrezelové nás učí důležitosti laskavosti, odpouštění a vítězství dobra nad zlem. Ukazuje nám, že i v tváři protivenství a zrady budou laskavost a láska vždy zvítězit. Když královna Petrezelová čelí napadení své zahrady a závisti okolní královny, ukazuje svou laskavost a získává si novou přítelkyni. Je neuvěřitelně štědrá, když přijme výzvu královny z jiného království a vyrobí tak lahodnou polévku ze zelené natě, že se temná královna rozhodne znovu obnovit její zahradu do původní podoby. Petrezelová nás také učí, jak může přátelství a láska překonat závist a zlobu.

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