Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Kouzelná cesta Passaconawayův do nebe (Passaconaway’s Magical Ride to Heaven)

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Byl jednou jeden mocný sachem jménem Passaconaway. Tento velký náčelník a kouzelník měl neobyčejnou moc nad zvířaty a přírodou. Všichni jeho poddaní ho respektovali a obdivovali pro jeho schopnosti, ale především pro jeho moudrost a sílu. Byl to skutečně výjimečný člověk, ale i on se vzdal svého pozemského těla. Avšak jeho duše se odvážila na neuvěřitelné dobrodružství – na Kouzelnou cestu Passaconawayův do nebe.

Once upon a time, long before the arrival of the white men, there was a great Sachem named Passaconaway. His tribe was the Penacook, and they lived in the forests and valleys around Lake Winnipesaukee.

Passaconaway was a wise and noble leader, respected by all his people. He knew the secrets of nature and the ways of the spirits, and he could make the rain fall or the wind blow at his command.

One day Passaconaway received a vision from the Great Spirit. He saw a magical road leading up to the heavens, and he knew that he had to follow it. He called his most trusted warriors and told them of his vision.

„We must find this road and follow it to the end,“ he said. „We will see wonders that no man has seen before.“

The warriors agreed, and they set out on their journey. They walked for many days through the forest, crossing streams and climbing hills. Finally, they came to a clearing, and there they saw the road.

It was made of pure gold, shining in the sunlight, and it rose up into the sky as far as they could see. Passaconaway led the way, and his warriors followed him.

As they walked, they saw strange and wondrous things. They saw mountains made of silver and trees that glowed with light. They saw lakes of crystal and animals that spoke with human voices.

They walked for many days, and finally they reached the end of the road. There they saw a great gate made of pure pearl, and they knew that it led to the home of the Great Spirit.

Passaconaway stepped forward and knocked on the gate. A voice spoke from within.

„Who seeks entrance to the home of the Great Spirit?“

„It is I, Passaconaway, Sachem of the Penacook,“ Passaconaway replied. „I have followed the magical road to this place.“

The gate opened, and Passaconaway and his warriors stepped inside. They found themselves in a beautiful garden, filled with flowers and trees of every kind. In the center of the garden stood a great palace, shining like the sun.

Passaconaway and his warriors entered the palace, and there they saw the Great Spirit. He was a tall and majestic figure, with eyes that shone like stars.

„You have come a long way, Passaconaway,“ said the Great Spirit. „What is it that you seek?“

„I seek your wisdom and your blessing,“ Passaconaway replied. „I have seen the wonders of your creation, and I know that there is much that I still do not understand. I ask for your guidance.“

The Great Spirit smiled. „You have shown courage and determination, Passaconaway,“ he said. „You and your people will always be blessed by my favor.“

Passaconaway and his warriors stayed in the palace for many days, learning from the Great Spirit and enjoying the wonders of his creation. When it was time for them to return to their own world, the Great Spirit gave Passaconaway a gift.

It was a small stone, but it was unlike any stone that Passaconaway had ever seen. It glowed with a soft light, and it was warm to the touch.

„This stone holds great power,“ said the Great Spirit. „It will protect you and your people from harm, and it will guide you on your journey through life. Take it with you, and remember the lessons that you have learned here.“

Passaconaway and his warriors left the palace and walked back down the magical road. When they returned to their own world, the people marveled at the stone that Passaconaway carried with him. They knew that their Sachem had been on a great adventure, and they knew that he had brought back something truly special.

From that day on, Passaconaway led his people with even greater wisdom and strength. They lived in harmony with nature and with each other, always remembering the lessons that they had learned on Kouzelná cesta Passaconawayův do nebe.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Dlouho před příchodem bělochů byl velký Sachem jménem Passaconaway. Jeho kmenem byli Penacookové a žili v lesech a údolích kolem Winnipegašského jezera. Byl moudrým a ušlechtilým vůdcem, uctívaným všemi jeho lidmi. V jednom okamžiku Passaconaway obdržel vizi od Velkého ducha. Viděl kouzelnou cestu vedoucí do nebes a věděl, že musí jít tuto cestu. Zavolal své nejvěrnější bojovníky a řekl jim o své vizi. Bojovníci souhlasili a společně se vydali na cestu, aby viděli divy, které nikdo dříve neviděl. Zajímavosti, které viděli, zahrnovaly hory zhotovené ze stříbra a stromy, které zářily světlem. Uviděli jezera z křišťálu a zvířata mluvící lidskými hlasy. Po mnoha dnech dorazili na konec cesty, kde viděli velkou bránu z čisté perly a ten věděli, že vedla k domovu Velkého ducha. Passaconaway zazvonil na bránu a uslyšel hlas, který se zeptal, kdo hledá vstup do domu Velkého ducha. Po otevření této brány se dostali do krásné zahrady plné květin a stromů každého druhu, ve středu zahrady stál velký palác, který zářil jako slunce. Passaconaway a jeho bojovníci vstoupili do paláce a tam viděli Velkého ducha. Byl to opravdu vysoký a majestátní muž se zářícíma hvězdnýma očima. Duhová poezie Kouzelná cesta Passaconawayova do nebe od Ele Childs nás učí moudrosti, odvaze a vytrvalosti, když se Sachem Passaconaway vydá na cestu za Velkým Duchem a učí se novým fantastickým světům i o sobě samém. Po návratu poskytuje moudré vedení svému lidu, čerpá z toho, co se naučil a používá své nově získané sily k ochraně a vedení svých lidí.

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