Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Jízda Passaconaweye do nebes

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„Dávno dávno, na území, které dnes nazýváme Česká republika, žila mladá dívka jménem Jízda Passaconaweye. Její krása a statečnost byly známé v celém kraji, ale nikdo z okolí neznal tajemství, které skrývala. Jednoho dne se její osud zvrtne a dojde k neuvěřitelnému setkání s bohyní. Co se stane dál a jak se vyvine tato fantastická pohádka? To už vám prozradí Jízda Passaconaweye do nebes.“
Once upon a time, in the Czech Republic, there was a young girl named Passaconaweye. She lived in a small village with her family, and they were known for their hard work and kindness to others. Passaconaweye had always been fascinated with the stars, and she spent many nights gazing up at the sky, dreaming of what lay beyond.

One day, Passaconaweye heard about a legendary ride to the heavens. It was said that if you could find the right horse, and ride it up to the highest mountains, you would be able to reach the stars. Passaconaweye knew that this was her chance to discover the mysteries of the universe, and she set out on a quest to find the horse that would take her to the sky.

Chapter 1: The Search Begins

Passaconaweye packed a small bag with food and water, and set out on foot into the mountains. She knew that the journey would be long and treacherous, but she was determined to find the horse that could take her to the heavens. As she climbed higher and higher into the mountains, the air grew thin and cold, but she pressed on, driven by her passion for the stars.

Chapter 2: The Encounter

After many days of searching, Passaconaweye came upon a beautiful white horse. She knew at once that this was the horse she had been seeking. The horse was friendly and allowed her to climb onto its back. With a gentle nudge from the horse, they were off, galloping towards the sky.

Chapter 3: The Ascent

The ride was unlike anything Passaconaweye had ever experienced before. The horse galloped faster and faster, and the world below grew smaller and smaller. Passaconaweye held on tightly, her heart pounding with excitement and fear. Finally, they reached the highest crest of the mountain, and the horse soared into the sky.

Chapter 4: The Journey to the Stars

As they climbed higher into the heavens, Passaconaweye felt a sense of wonder and awe. The stars shone brightly around her, and she could feel the warmth of the sun on her face. She knew that she was fulfilling her destiny, and that she would be forever changed by this journey.

Chapter 5: The Return

After what seemed like hours, the horse began to descend back down to earth. Passaconaweye knew that her journey was over, but she was still filled with a sense of wonder and gratitude. When they arrived back in the village, Passaconaweye knew that she had to share her experience with others. She told the story of her journey to the heavens, and soon, the tale began to spread far beyond her small village.

Chapter 6: The Legacy

Passaconaweye’s journey became a symbol of hope and inspiration to people everywhere. They saw her bravery and determination, and it inspired them to follow their own dreams. Passaconaweye’s ride to the heavens became a legend, and generations of people would speak of her journey, and the wonders of the stars.


Passaconaweye’s journey encapsulated the beauty and power of imagination, and the importance of following your passions. Her ride to the heavens became a part of Czech folklore, a reminder to all people that anything is possible if you dare to dream. Today, you can still find people gazing up at the stars, hoping to catch a glimpse of Passaconaweye’s white horse, and to share in the magic of her journey.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Byla jednou mladá dívka jménem Passaconaweye, která žila v malé vesnici v České republice. Byla fascinovaná hvězdami a snila o objevování tajů vesmíru. Jednoho dne se dozvěděla o legendárním výletu do nebe, když naleznete správného koně a vystoupíte na vrchol nejvyšších hor, budete schopni dosáhnout hvězd. Passaconaweye se vydala na cestu, aby našla koně, který ji dovede do nebe. Po mnoha dnech hledání nalezla krásného bílého koně, na kterého se posadila. Koně se vydali směrem k nebi. Cesta tam byla plná vzrušení a strachu, ale Passaconaweye tuto cestu zvládla. V nebi se cítila jako snící a přišla na své. Po návratu z cesty Passaconaweye sdílela svůj zážitek s ostatními, což se stalo inspirací pro další lidi, aby následovali své sny. Její cesta se stala součástí českého folklóru a připomíná lidem, jak je důležité snít a neustále se pokoušet o dosahování svých cílů.

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