Někdy dávno, v hlubokých lesích České republiky, žila malá víla jménem Jelenka. Byla to víla ztělesňující krásu přírody a moudrost pradávných lesů. Jelenka byla nesmírně štědrá a dobrosrdečná, což jí získávalo po celém kraji mnoho přátel. Jednoho slunečného dne se však stalo něco zvláštního. Jelenka objevila bazén, kde se mohla bezstarostně koupat a odpočívat. Tento bazén byl jiný než jakýkoli jiný, protože v noci se měnil v jezero. Jakým způsobem se to stalo a co se stalo dál, to nám poví tento pohádkový příběh o Jelenovi u bazénu.
Once upon a time, in a small village in the Czech Republic, there lived a young princess named Tereza. She was known throughout the kingdom for her great beauty, her kind heart, and her love of the outdoors. Tereza spent many hours each day exploring the lush forests and rolling hills that surrounded her home, and she was always happiest when she was surrounded by the natural beauty of the world around her.
One day, Tereza was strolling through the woods when she stumbled upon a beautiful glade. As she walked closer, she saw that in the center of the glade was a sparkling pool, surrounded by graceful white birch trees. The pool was crystal clear, and Tereza could see all the way to the bottom, where a large, magnificent stag was standing.
Tereza was amazed by this sight, for she had never seen a stag so large or so beautiful. She watched as the stag dipped its head into the pool and took a long drink of water. Suddenly, the stag lifted its head and looked directly at Tereza. Tereza was struck by the intensity of the stag’s gaze, and she knew in that moment that this was no ordinary animal.
The stag spoke to Tereza in a low, rumbling voice. „Greetings, young princess. My name is Jelen, and I have been enchanted to live in this pool for many centuries. Now, I am seeking your help to break the spell that binds me here.“
Tereza was astonished that an animal could speak to her, but she was also filled with compassion for the poor creature. She asked Jelen what she could do to help him.
„First, you must promise me that you will never reveal this secret to anyone. If you do, the spell will never be broken, and I will be doomed to live here forever. And second, you must find and wear the key to the treasure room in the nearby castle. Only then will you have the power to break the spell.“
Without hesitation, Tereza made the promise, knowing that she would do anything to help Jelen. She set out to find the key, which she knew was guarded by a fierce dragon in the castle’s dungeon.
As she approached the castle, she was filled with fear and doubt. But she remembered Jelen’s kind eyes and gentle voice, and she found the courage to enter the dungeon. She walked slowly past the dragon, who snorted and breathed smoke, but did not attack.
Finally, Tereza found the key and put it in her pocket. As she walked away from the castle, she felt lighter and more confident than she ever had before.
Back at the glade, Tereza approached Jelen and showed him the key. He thanked her profusely and asked her to follow him into the water. Tereza hesitated for a moment, unsure of what was happening, but Jelen reassured her with a gentle nudge.
As soon as Tereza entered the water, she felt an electric shock go through her body. She felt herself shrinking and changing, until she finally stood on the other side of the pool, facing Jelen once again. But now, she was no longer human – she was a magnificent doe, with sleek, golden fur and a pair of graceful antlers.
Jelen explained to Tereza that the spell could only be broken with the help of another enchanted creature. Together, they ran through the forest, darting and leaping over the obstacles in their way.
Finally, they reached a small clearing, where a dark-haired woman was sleeping. Jelen nudged Tereza forward, and she gently touched the woman’s forehead with her antlers.
In a burst of light and sound, the woman woke up and transformed before Tereza’s eyes. She was now an enchantress, with a long, flowing robe and a powerful aura.
The enchantress smiled at Tereza and Jelen. „You have done well, my friends. The spell is broken, and you are free.“
Jelen and Tereza turned to each other and bowed, feeling the weight of their transformation lifting off of their shoulders. They ran off into the forest, enjoying their newfound freedom and delighting in the beauty of the natural world around them.
From that day forward, Tereza and Jelen were known throughout the kingdom as the creatures who had broken the spell and restored the magic of the enchanted forest. And although their journey had been long and difficult, they both knew that they had gained something valuable that could never be taken away – the knowledge that anything is possible when you have courage, compassion, and a love for the beauty of the world around you.
In this tale, we see how the power of love and compassion can overcome even the strongest spells. Tereza and Jelen were able to break free from their enchantment and restore the natural beauty of the forest, but only with the help of each other and a powerful enchantress. This tale teaches us that anything is possible when we remember to value and respect the natural world around us.
Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti
Tento pohádkový příběh ukazuje, jak moc lásky a soucitu dokáže překonat i ty nejsilnější kletby. Tereza vstoupila do kouzelného světa, kde se setkala s hnědým jelenním býkem, který ji požádal o pomoc s prolomením kletby, která se na něj snesla. Tereza pro něj musela najít klíč k pokladně, který byl střežen v hradním hradě ohnivým drakem. Tereza dokázala najít klíč a vrátit se zpátky k jelenu a proniknout tak skrz svou odvahu strachem. Společně s hnědým jelenním býkem se musela proměnit v jinou kouzelnou bytost, aby mohli společně prolomit kletbu. Závěrem se učíme, že musíme vážit a respektovat přírodu okolo nás.
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