Za sedmi horami, za sedmi řekami se nachází království, kde žila krásná princezna. Její nevšední krása a milá povaha přitahovaly pozornost nejen královských urozených, ale i prostých lidí. Nicméně, princezna měla oči jen pro jednoho – svého milého, kterého se však na veřejnosti bála přiznat. Jednoho dne, když se procházela lesem, potkala krásného holuba, kterého si neodpustila políbit a říct mu svá slova. Co se stalo dál, se dozvíte v našem kouzelném příběhu o Holubí nevěstě – Příběhu princezny, která líbala a řekla.
Once upon a time in a kingdom far far away, there was a beautiful princess named Holubí nevěsta. She was famous for her beauty, kindness, and intelligence. Many princes from all kingdoms came to her father’s palace to ask for her hand in marriage, but Holubí nevěsta had turned them all down. She was waiting for her true love to come and sweep her off her feet.
Spojení s princem
One day, while Holubí nevěsta was walking in the palace gardens, she spotted a dove sitting on a branch. The dove looked sick and weak, so Holubí nevěsta picked it up and took it to her chambers. She took care of the dove, and after a few days, the dove regained its strength. The dove was impressed with Holubí nevěsta’s kindness and decided to help her find true love.
The next day, the dove flew to a nearby kingdom and saw a brave and handsome prince. The dove approached the prince and told him about Holubí nevěsta and her beauty. The prince was intrigued and decided to pay a visit to Holubí nevěsta’s father’s palace.
Holubí nevěsta was happy to see the prince, but she was not willing to marry just anyone. So she came up with a plan to test the prince’s love for her.
Test lásky
Holubí nevěsta asked the prince to solve three riddles. The first riddle was about the sun, the moon, and the stars. The prince answered correctly, and Holubí nevěsta was impressed. The second riddle was about an apple tree, and the prince answered that it was a golden apple tree. Holubí nevěsta was even more impressed. But the third riddle was the trickiest of them all.
Holubí nevěsta asked the prince to find a specific flower that only grew on the top of a high mountain, and it bloomed only once a year, at midnight, and lasted only for a few seconds. Holubí nevěsta thought that the prince would never find the flower, and he would be forced to leave.
Princezna, která líbala a řekla
But the prince was determined, and he left immediately to start his journey. He traveled for days and nights, climbed steep mountains, crossed deep rivers, and faced many dangers. But his love for Holubí nevěsta gave him the strength to carry on.
Finally, he reached the top of the mountain at midnight, and he saw the flower bloom. He plucked the flower and hurried back to the palace. When he met Holubí nevěsta, he gave her the flower and said, „I have found the flower, and I have traveled far and wide to prove my love for you. I will do anything in my power to make you happy.“
Holubí nevěsta was touched by the prince’s love and devotion, and she kissed him on the lips. And at that moment, she realized that she had found her true love. She said, „Prince, I love you, and I will marry you. Let’s live happily ever after.“
And so, Holubí nevěsta and the prince were wedded in a grand ceremony, and they lived happily ever after. Their love story was told for generations to come, and people always remembered the princess who kissed and said, „I love you.“
Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti
Pohádka o Holubí nevěstě nám ukazuje, že nejdůležitější ve vztahu je láska a oddanost. Holubí nevěsta nechtěla jen tak s někým odejít do manželství, čekala na pravou lásku. Princ v této pohádce dokázal, že pro svou lásku udělá cokoli, a tak si získal srdce Holubí nevěsty. Holubí nevěsta si též uvědomila, že je důležité nejen milovat, ale také to říct. Právě díky slovům „miluji tě“ se mohli princ a Holubí nevěsta vzít a žít šťastně až do konce svých dnů.
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