Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Chrčení zvířátek v lese

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Aktualizace pohádky:

Jednou v lese se stalo cosi zvláštního. Všechna zvířátka se rozhodla, že se potřebují pokřtít. Ptal jste se někdy, jak to mohlo vypadat? Jak mohla taková slavnost vypadat uprostřed lesa? Příběh, který sepsaly Lesnická a dřevařská pravěká sdružení (LDPS) a Lesy České republiky, by nám to mohl vysvětlit. Ponořte se s námi do této krásné pohádky o Chrčení zvířátek v lese.

Once upon a time, deep in the heart of the Czech forest, there lived a group of animals who were very frightened. They trembled in fear every time they heard the sound of something large approaching. This „something“ was none other than a group of hunters who came to this forest every year to hunt for their prey.

The animals were so tired of living in fear and hiding, so they decided to hold a meeting to discuss their options. After much debate, they came up with a plan. They would hold a christening ceremony, which would protect them from the hunters.

The christening ceremony, or „Chrčení Zvěřátek v Leze,“ as it became known, was a special ritual that had been passed down from generation to generation of forest animals. The ceremony was held only in times of great danger, and it involved the animals being blessed by a special priest who lived in the forest.

The first step in the ceremony was to gather all of the animals in one place. The birds chirped, the rabbits hopped, and the deer gracefully pranced through the forest to arrive at the clearing where the ceremony would take place.

As they waited for the priest to arrive, the animals nervously watched the sky for any signs of the hunters. Finally, the old priest arrived, carrying with him a bottle of holy water and a large, ornate cross.

He blessed the water and began sprinkling it over each one of the animals. „May God protect you and keep you safe from all harm,“ he intoned as he sprinkled the water.

The animals were then asked to stand in a circle around the cross. Each one was given a name that would be used to call them during the ceremony. The priest then sprayed each animal with a special holy smoke, which was believed to ward off evil spirits and protect them from any danger.

The animals then recited a prayer in unison, thanking God for his love and protection. As they spoke, a sense of calm and peace descended over the forest. Even the usually timid creatures stood tall and proud, feeling empowered by the ceremony.

After the prayer was finished, the priest sprinkled the animals once more with holy water, and they were declared officially christened. The ceremony ended with a joyous feast, where the animals celebrated their newfound courage and strength.

From that day on, the hunters no longer visited the forest. The animals lived their lives free of fear, knowing that they were protected by the power of the christening ceremony.


Thus, in the Czech forest, the animals were protected by the power of Chrčení Zvěřátek v Leze, and they lived peacefully without fear of being hunted by the hunters. The tradition of Chrčení Zvěřátek v Leze continued to be passed down from one generation of animals to the next, and it remains a symbol of their strength and courage to this day.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

Dlouho, dlouho, před mnoha lety žila v českém lese skupina zvířat, která se velmi bála. Každý rok sem totiž přicházeli lovci a zvířata musela skrývat se a strachovat se. Proto se rozhodla uspořádat schůzi a najít způsob, jak se chránit. Ustavili si křestní obřad „Chrčení Zvěřátek v Leze“, kterým byli požehnáni a ochráněni před lovci. Tento rituál se po generace předával zvířatům a zahrnoval posvěcenou vodu a kouř, který očistil každé zvíře. Po obřadu se slavil svátek, na kterém si zvířata uvědomila svoji sílu a odvahu. Když lovci přicházeli, zvířata se nebála, protože věděli, že jsou chráněna tímto obřadem. Tato tradice zůstala mezi zvířaty dodnes a připomíná jim, že jsou silná a odvážná.

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