Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

1) Popelka (Cinderella)

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Aktualizace pohádky:

“Bylo nebylo, za devatero horami a devatero řekami, žila jedna dívka jménem Popelka. Byla to dívka plná síly a odvahy, ale její bratranci a nevlastní matka ji trápili a utlačovali každý den. Přesto si stále zachovávala naději na lepší zítřky. Co se však stalo, když se jednoho dne objevil tajemný host a město se změnilo v zářivé království? To se dozvíte v naší pohádce o Popelce.”
Once upon a time in a small kingdom in the heart of Europe, there lived a young girl named Popelka. She was beautiful, kind, and full of life, but unfortunately she lived in a world where beauty was not enough to ensure a good life. Popelka’s mother was no longer alive, and her father remarried a woman who already had two daughters of her own. The stepmother and stepsisters were jealous of Popelka’s beauty and treated her like a servant.

První den

Popelka was always busy cleaning the house, feeding the animals, and taking care of her stepfamily’s needs without complaining. One day, the king announced that he was organizing a grand ball, and all eligible maidens were invited to attend. Popelka’s stepsisters were excited and spent hours looking for the perfect dress and shoes to wear to the ball. Popelka wished she could go too, but her stepmother forbade her from going to the ball and ordered her to stay home.

Druhý den

On the day of the ball, Popelka watched as her stepsisters and stepmother left the house, leaving her alone. As she was sweeping the floor, she heard a knock on the door. It was an old woman who asked for a glass of water. Popelka was kind enough to give the old woman some water, and in return, the old woman gave her a beautiful dress and a pair of glass slippers.

Jak Popelka oblekla krásné šaty a zlaté střevíce

Popelka couldn’t believe her luck, and she quickly put on her new dress and glass slippers. She looked stunning, but she didn’t know how to get to the ball. Suddenly, a fairy appeared and offered to help her.

Třetí den

At the ball, Popelka danced with the prince, who couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was the most beautiful maiden he had ever seen. They danced all night, but when the clock struck midnight, Popelka had to leave the ball and return home. The prince tried to stop her, but she ran away, leaving behind one of her glass slippers.

Královská proklamace

The prince was determined to find the owner of the glass slipper, and he organized a search. Every eligible maiden in the kingdom tried on the slipper, but it didn’t fit any of them. Finally, he arrived at Popelka’s house, and her stepsisters tried on the slipper. It didn’t fit, but Popelka secretly tried it on, and it fit perfectly.

Čtvrtý den

The prince recognized Popelka and asked her to be his bride. She accepted, and they lived happily ever after. Popelka’s stepfamily was shocked when they found out that she was going to marry the prince, but Popelka forgave them and invited them to her wedding.


The wedding was the most beautiful event in the kingdom, and Popelka was the happiest bride in the world. She had finally found her prince, and her life was complete. She never forgot her humble beginnings and used her wealth and power to help the less fortunate. Popelka was loved by all, and her story became a legend that was told for generations to come.

Ponaučení z pohádky pro děti

V pohádce “Popelka” zjistíme, že krása není všechno, co následuje k dobrému životu. Popelka byla krásná a laskavá dívka, ale žila v domě, kde byla krása ignorována a její nevlastní matka a sestry ji týraly. Popelka se přesto snažila splnit jejich požadavky a pracovala jako služebná v domě. Jednoho dne král vyhlásil bál, na který byly pozvány všechny nevdané dívky. Popelka nebyla pozvána, ale díky pomoci víly získala krásné šaty a zlaté střevíce. Na bálu tančila s princem, ale musela ho opustit před půlnocí a nechala za sebou jedno ze střevíčků. Princ hledal majitele střevíčku po celé zemi, ale nakonec ho našel u Popelky. Princ ji požádal o ruku a ona přijala, ačkoli byl její rodina překvapena. Popelka nezapomněla na své ponižující začátky a využila svého vlivu k pomoci méně šťastným a svoji krásu a laskavost přenesla na budoucí generace.

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