Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Smrtka Bree a kouzelný les

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„V dávných dobách, kdy se ještě slyšely hlasů víla a mořských víl, a když v lesích žili divočáci a zkrocená zvěř, tam žila Smrtka Bree a kouzelný les. Tento les byl proslulý svou kouzelnou energií a mnoho bytostí, o nikoho nevěděli, v něm našlo záchranu a útočiště. Jaké tajemství skrývá tento les a jaké dobrodružství nás čekají? To se dozvíte v tomto kouzelném příběhu o Smrtce Bree a kouzelném lese.“

Once upon a time, in the heart of the Czech Republic, there was a beautiful forest named „Kouzelný les“, which was known for its lush greenery, exotic creatures, and magical atmosphere.

Chapter 1: Smrtka Bree

In this forest, there lived a fairy named „Smrtka Bree“ who was known for her enchanting smile, infectious laughter, and compassion towards all living beings. She lived in a treehouse that was surrounded by colorful flowers and draping vines, and she spent her days exploring the forest and spreading happiness wherever she went.

Chapter 2: The Evil Curse

One day, an evil witch named „Maláta“ entered the forest and enchanted it with a dark curse. Trees withered, flowers wilted, and animals started to disappear. The once beautiful and lively forest was now a desolate and gloomy place. Smrtka Bree was devastated by the curse and knew she had to do something to break it.

Chapter 3: The Quest

Smrtka Bree knew that the only way to break the curse was to find the mystical herb that grew on the other side of the forest. The herb had the power to cure any curse, but it was also guarded by a fierce dragon that lived in a dark and sinister cave. Smrtka Bree knew that this quest was not going to be easy, but she had to save her beloved forest and its inhabitants from this evil curse.

Chapter 4: The Journey

Smrtka Bree embarked on her quest, with her loyal friend, an elf named „Zelwell,“ by her side. They walked through the dense forest, crossed rivers, climbed mountains, and faced many obstacles on their way. But, their determination and courage kept them going.

Chapter 5: The Dragon

After a long and perilous journey, Smrtka Bree and Zelwell finally reached the dragon’s cave. They could hear the deafening roar of the dragon from afar. They cautiously entered the cave and were greeted by the enormous dragon, who was guarding the herb. Smrtka Bree knew she had to convince the dragon to give her the herb and break the curse.

Chapter 6: The Battle

The dragon was not easily convinced and demanded a battle. Smrtka Bree and Zelwell fought fiercely, and in the end, they emerged victorious. The dragon was pleased and gave them the herb.

Chapter 7: The Cure

Smrtka Bree and Zelwell returned to the forest and used the herb to break the curse. The forest was soon restored to its former glory, and all the creatures, including the animals, flowers, and trees, came back to life. Smrtka Bree was hailed as a hero, and the animals, including the dragon, vowed to protect her and the forest from any evil in the future.

Chapter 8: The Happy Ending

The forest was now a happy and lively place once again. Smrtka Bree continued to spread joy and kindness, and the forest flourished more than ever before. Maláta was never seen or heard from again, and peace and love reigned supreme in Kouzelný les.

The End.

In conclusion, the story of Smrtka Bree a kouzelný les is a testament to the power of determination, courage, and kindness. It emphasizes the importance of fighting evil and saving nature. This story is a reminder to us all that we must protect our world and spread love and joy wherever we go.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Dávná pohádka o Smrtce Bree a Kouzelném lese, podtrhuje význam odhodlání, odvahy a laskavosti. Kouzelný les byl kdysi nádherným místem, plným zeleně a kouzla. Jednoho dne se do lesa dostala zlá čarodějnice Maláta a proklela ho temnotou. Smrtka Bree, lesní víla, rozhodla, že prokletí musí zlomit, a tak se vydala hledat kouzelnou bylinu, která se nacházela na druhé straně lesa. Když dorazila do jeskyně kouzelného draka, potřebovala ho přesvědčit, aby jí dal bylinu. Když prohráli bitvu, drak byl smlsan, a poskytl jí bylinu. Když se Smrtka Bree vrátila zpět do lesa, použila bylinu, aby prolomila prokletí. Les byl opět obnoven a Smrtka Bree se stala hrdinkou, zatímco zlá čarodějnice Maláta zmizela bez stopy. Pohádka nás učí významu ochrany světa a šíření lásky a radosti.

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