Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Poklad Zlatnika (The Goldsmith’s Treasure)

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Bylo nebylo, za sedmi horami a za sedmi řekami, v jednom malém městečku ležel poklad Zlatnika. Tento skvost byl ukryt již po mnoho let a nikdo nevěděl, kde se nachází. Avšak jednoho dne přišel do města mladý švadlen a rozhodl se pátrat po tomto tajemném pokladu. Vyrazil na cestu plnou nebezpečí a dobrodružství, která mu přinesla setkání se zajímavými postavami a zkoušky jeho statečnosti. Podaří se mu najít poklad Zlatnika a stát se tak bohatým mužem, nebo ho čekají temné a nebezpečné dobrodružství? To vše se dozvíte v našem příběhu o Pokladu Zlatnika.
H2: Poklad Zlatnika – A Czech Fairytale of Treasure and Love
H3: The Goldsmith’s Secret
H3: The Golden Engagement Ring
H3: The Envious Merchant
H3: The Mysterious Forest
H3: The Final Treasure

Once upon a time, in a small Czech village, there was a young and talented goldsmith named Jan. Jan was admired by many for his incredible craftsmanship, but what always caught the attention of the villagers was the beauty of his work. His pieces, especially his engagement rings, were the envy of all, and every young couple wanted to have their rings made by him.

Jan, however, was not interested in material wealth as much as he was in the feeling that his art could create in people’s hearts, especially in those who were in love. He was known for creating rings that were not only beautiful but held a deeper meaning, a symbol of the love that two people shared.

H3: The Goldsmith’s Secret

One day, while Jan was working in his shop, a wealthy merchant came in and asked him to create an engagement ring for his daughter, Isabella. The merchant promised to pay Jan a large sum of money for his work, but Jan refused. He explained that he only creates rings for those who are truly in love and that he couldn’t in good faith create a ring for a loveless engagement.

The merchant was furious and began to insult Jan, saying that he would never be successful if he only catered to a specific clientele. However, Jan didn’t falter and remained true to his beliefs.

H3: The Golden Engagement Ring

The next day, a young man by the name of Tomas came to Jan’s workshop asking him to create an engagement ring for his beloved, Lucie. Jan, after learning about their love story, was thrilled to create a ring that would symbolize their love.

Jan put all his heart into creating the engagement ring, and when it was finished, he admired it with great pride. The ring was delicate, with a gold band and a diamond in the center. But what made it special was a secret inscription inside, which only Tomas and Lucie knew about.

H3: The Envious Merchant

As soon as Jan finished the ring, Tomas left with it in hand. Jan watched him leave and sighed, wondering when he would get another opportunity to create such a special piece.

Unknown to Jan, the merchant had been spying on him and saw the ring Tomas had taken. The merchant became envious and greedy, so he hired a thief to steal the ring from Tomas and bring it to him.

The thief succeeded in stealing the ring, but before he could give it to the merchant, he was caught by the village guards. The thief, afraid of punishment, decided to tell the guards everything, including who had hired him.

The villagers, upon learning about the merchant’s greed and envy, decided to punish him themselves. They raided his home and confiscated all his wealth, and the merchant was left with nothing.

H3: The Mysterious Forest

In the meantime, Tomas and Lucie were on a hike in the nearby forest when they saw a shimmering light in the distance. They walked towards it, and to their surprise, they found an old chest filled with gold and gems.

They were both amazed and wondered how such a treasure came to be in the middle of the forest. Little did they know that it was Jan’s treasure, the reward he had received for staying true to himself.

H3: The Final Treasure

Jan, who had seen Tomas and Lucie walking in the forest, approached them and revealed the true secret behind his treasure. It was said that the first person who discovered his treasure would have the right to keep it, for it was a symbol of true love and purity of heart.

Tomas and Lucie, thrilled with their discovery, shared the treasure with the village, giving everyone a share of the gold and gems.

From that day, Jan became known not just for his remarkable talent as a goldsmith, but also for the treasure that he had hidden. For Jan, however, the greatest treasure was seeing the happiness and love that his art could create, and that was something that he would always cherish.

H2: The End – Poklad Zlatnika – A Story of Love and Treasure

The Goldsmith’s Treasure is a tale that teaches us that true love and genuine values are more valuable than material wealth. The story of Jan, Tomas, and Lucie shows us that staying true to oneself and always following one’s heart can lead to great rewards. May we always remember the importance of love, and may we find our treasure in the happiness of the people we love.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Poklad Zlatníka je příběh, který nás učí, že pravá láska a hodnoty jsou cennější než materiální bohatství. Příběh Jana, Tomáše a Lucie nám ukazuje, že zůstat svým vlastním a vždy následovat své srdce může vést k velkým odměnám. Ať si vždy pamatujeme na důležitost lásky a ať najdeme svůj poklad v štěstí lidí, které milujeme.

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