Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Poklad zlatnika pro dobrý spánek (The Goldsmith’s Treasure for a Good Night’s Sleep)

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Byla jedna země, kde se všichni lidé každou noc probouzeli z nočních můr. Jeden starý zlatník však měl recept na klidný spánek. Jeho tajný poklad, který ukrýval v jeho dílně, se stal hlavní touhou všech těch, kteří trpěli neklidným spánkem. A tak začala dobrodružná cesta za Pokladem zlatnika pro dobrý spánek…
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the rolling hills of the Czech countryside, there lived a goldsmith named Janek. Janek was renowned throughout the land for his exquisite craftsmanship and his ability to transform lumps of dull metal into shimmering works of art.

However, despite his success in his trade, Janek suffered from a problem that many people in his village also faced: a chronic lack of sleep. Night after night, he would toss and turn, unable to find any respite from his restless mind.

One day, as Janek was working in his workshop, he noticed that one of his customers, a wise old man named Pavel, seemed to be unusually alert and energetic, despite his advanced age. When Janek asked Pavel how he managed to maintain such a strong and healthy constitution, Pavel revealed a secret that would change Janek’s life forever.

„Poklad zlatnika pro dobrý spánek,“ Pavel said in a low voice, „The Goldsmith’s Treasure for a Good Night’s Sleep. It is a powerful elixir that my ancestors have used for centuries to calm the mind and ensure a peaceful night’s rest.“

Janek was intrigued by the prospect of finally finding a solution to his problem, and he begged Pavel to reveal the recipe for this legendary remedy.

The secret formula

Pavel promised to share the recipe with Janek, but only on one condition: he had to swear that he would never use it for any other purpose than his own personal use.

Janek eagerly accepted Pavel’s terms, and the old man began to recite the ingredients for the precious brew. It included a blend of herbs and flowers that grew in the meadows and forests around the village, combined with a special type of honey that only the bees in that region produced.

Janek listened intently as Pavel told him the exact measurements and preparation method for each ingredient, his heart racing with excitement at the prospect of finally being able to get a good night’s sleep.

Janek’s creation

With the knowledge of the secret recipe firmly in his mind, Janek set to work creating his own batch of Poklad zlatnika pro dobrý spánek. He gathered the herbs and flowers and sourced the honey from the local beekeepers, following Pavel’s instructions to the letter.

After several long hours of careful preparation, Janek finally had a small vial of the precious elixir in his hands. Excitedly, he drank a few drops and waited for the effects to take hold.

To his amazement, he felt an almost immediate sense of calm wash over him, and soon he was drifting off into a deep, peaceful sleep. When he woke up the next morning, he felt more refreshed and energized than he had in years, and he knew that he had stumbled upon something truly special.

Sharing the secret

Janek shared his secret with his friends and neighbors in the village, and soon word of his miraculous elixir spread throughout the surrounding regions. People came from far and wide to try the Goldsmith’s Treasure for themselves, and many were amazed at the soothing effects it had on their restless minds and bodies.

As a result of his success, Janek’s reputation as a master goldsmith only grew, and he became known as one of the most successful and knowledgeable artisans in the land. It seemed that his secret weapon had not only helped him to overcome his own sleep troubles but had also opened up a new avenue of success for him.

In the end, the Goldsmith’s Treasure became an inseparable part of Janek’s legacy, and his name became synonymous with both excellence in craftsmanship and a peaceful, restful night’s sleep. And the secret recipe remained safe within the walls of his workshop, passed down from generation to generation, always waiting to be rediscovered by those in need of a good night’s rest.


Therefore, the legacy of Janek lives on, even to this day, as a testament to the power of hard work, knowledge, and a good night’s sleep. Thanks to Pavel’s secret recipe and Janek’s skill with a hammer and anvil, the Goldsmith’s Treasure remains a valuable gift to all those who seek solace from the tumultuous demands of modern life. So, if you find yourself struggling to get a good night’s sleep, why not seek out the Goldsmith’s Treasure for yourself and experience the soothing, calming effects that it can bring?

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Byl jednou jeden zlatník jménem Janek, který žil v malé vesnici v českém kraji. Janek byl pro svou vynikající řemeslnou práci a schopnost přetvořit nudné kovy v lesklá umělecká díla znám po celé zemi. Nicméně trpěl problémem, který trápil mnoho lidí v jeho vesnici – chronickým nedostatkem spánku. Jednoho dne mu moudrý starý muž Pavel prozradil tajnou recepturu na elixír pro klidný a dobrý spánek. Janek byl zaujat a Pavel mu recepturu ochotně sdělil. Podle přesných pokynů získal Janek možnost vyrábět elixír, a když ho vypil, cítil okamžitý pocit klidu a brzy usnul v klidu. Okolní lidé se dozvěděli o léku a Janekova popularita ještě vzrostla. Poklad zlatníka pro dobrý spánek se stal důležitou součástí Janekova dědictví, na kterém se jeho jméno spojuje s kvalitním řemeslem a klidným nočním spánkem. Tajná receptura zůstává spolu s jeho jménem v jeho dílně a je předávána z generace na generaci. Fairy tale působí jako důležité odkazy o tvrdé práci, znalostech a klidném spánku.

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