Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Pohádka o Tanci Démonů (Fairytale about the Demon’s Dance)

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Byla jednou jedna malá vesnička, kde se lidé báli tajemného lese plného démonů a zlých duchů. Jednoho dne se ale ve vsi uskutečnila velkolepá slavnost, na které se děti dozvěděly o tajemném tančení démonů v lese. A tak začala Pohádka o Tanci Démonů, která vypráví o odvaze, přátelství a tajemství, které se skrývá v temných zákoutích lesa.
There once was a dark and eerie forest in the Czech Republic, where the demons were thought to roam. Amongst the trees and the shadows lived a group of demons who loved nothing more than to dance.

H3: The Demons of the Forest

The demons of the forest were a strange and mysterious group. They were unlike any other creatures in the forest, for they would often be seen dancing in the moonlight, without a care in the world.

Each night they would gather in a clearing deep in the forest, and dance until the sun began to rise. Their dances were wild and frenzied, and their music was strange and haunting.

The other creatures of the forest whispered and muttered about the demons, fearing their strange ways. But the demons paid them no mind, for they were lost in their dance, lost in the rhythm and the music of the night.

H2: The Girl and the Demon’s Dance

One night as the demons were dancing in the clearing, a young girl stumbled upon them. She had been lost in the forest, and had heard the strange and haunting music that the demons were playing.

As she watched the demons dance, she was entranced by the rhythm and the music. She felt as though she had been transported to another world, a world where the only thing that mattered was the dance.

The demons noticed the girl and stopped their dance. They were curious about her and wondered why she had come to their secret gathering.

The girl was afraid at first, but then she saw that the demons were not as scary as she had thought. They were just creatures, like any other in the forest.

The demons invited the girl to dance with them, and she was hesitant at first. But as the music began to play once again, she felt the rhythm pulse through her veins, and she began to move.

At first, her movements were awkward and clumsy, but soon she found her rhythm. She twirled and spun, lost in the dance, and the demons were amazed at her skill.

H2: The Curse of the Demon’s Dance

As the night wore on, the girl began to feel tired. But the demons were not ready to stop dancing. They urged her to keep going, to keep dancing, to keep moving.

The girl tried to stop, but the music and the rhythm pulled at her. She couldn’t resist their call, and she danced on and on, until the sun began to rise.

When the girl finally collapsed from exhaustion, the demons disappeared back into the shadows of the forest.

For the girl, the night would be the start of a curse. She could no longer resist the call of the demon’s dance, and she would dance every night until she could dance no more.

H3: The Lesson of the Demon’s Dance

The girl’s family searched for her, but she was nowhere to be found. Eventually, they gave up and assumed that she had been lost in the forest forever.

Years later, a group of travellers stumbled upon the same clearing in the forest. There they saw the girl’s skeleton, still posed in the position of a dance.

The story of the girl and the demon’s dance spread far and wide, becoming a warning to all who entered the forest. It was said that the demons would lure you in with their dance, but that the price of joining in was a curse, one that would lead you to dance until you could dance no more.

And so, the demons continued to dance in their clearing, lost in the rhythm and the music of the night. But they no longer invited any outsiders to join them, knowing the curse that it would bring upon them.

The story of the demon’s dance became a cautionary tale, a warning of the dangers of giving into temptation. For those who enter the forest and hear the music of the demons, it is said that the best thing to do is to run far, far away, before it is too late.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V pohádce „The Demons of the Forest“ se setkáváme s tajemnou skupinou démonů, kteří milují tancování v noci, když lesem duní tajemné a strašidelné hudby. Jednou noci se do jejich tajného shromáždění dostala ztracená dívka, kterou tanečníci pozvali, aby se k nim přidala a tančila. Dívka se nejprve bála, ale poté se nechala unést hudbou a rytmem a tančila až do úplné vyčerpání. Poté už nemohla přestat tančit a byla prokleta k nekonečnému tanci. Její rodina ji hledala, ale nakonec předpokládala, že se ztratila navždy. Po mnoha letech byly na místě nalezeny její kostry, stále v taneční pozici. Pohádka tak ukazuje, jak nebezpečné mohou být přísliby okouzlení a jak je lepší se těmto pokušením vyhnout.

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