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Pohádka o Březe Smrti (A Fairy Tale about Death Bree)

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Byla jedna bříza, jejíž listy byly tmavě fialové a kořeny zasahovaly až do podsvětí. Tato bříza se jmenovala Smrt Březa a byla symbolem smrti. Nikdo se nikdy neodvážil jít příliš blízko k této bříze, aniž by se neobával nejhoršího. Avšak jednoho dne se objevil odvážný mladík, který se odhodlal jít až k samotné Březe Smrti…
Once upon a time in a far-off land, there lived a beautiful and mystical creature known as Březa Smrti, or Death Bree in English. She was a legendary spirit, who was said to lure travelers into the enchanted forests and take their souls away to the underworld.

H2 – The Legend of Březa Smrti

According to the legend, Březa Smrti was a daughter of the powerful god of death, who roamed the forests and hills, searching for those who were ready to meet their final destiny. She was a cunning and alluring creature, who lured her victims with her sweet singing and mesmerizing beauty. Once she had them under her spell, she would take them to the underworld, where they would live out their days in eternal darkness.

H3 – The Tale of the Lost Children

One day, a group of lost children stumbled upon Březa Smrti in the forest. The children were cold, hungry, and afraid, and they begged her to help them find their way back home. Březa Smrti, who had a soft spot for children, decided to guide them back to their village. She led them through the forest and over the hills, singing them lullabies and telling them stories along the way.

The children were enchanted by her stories and her singing, and they forgot all their fears and worries. But as they drew closer to the village, Březa Smrti’s voice began to sound different. It was no longer soothing and comforting, but harsh and snarling. Suddenly, the children realized that they were no longer following a gentle guide, but a terrifying monster.

They tried to run, but Březa Smrti was too fast. She snatched them up one by one, devouring their tender souls and leaving behind only their empty shells. The village was never the same again, for the children were all gone, and the tale of Březa Smrti had become a warning for all those who dared to venture into the forest.

H3 – The Story of The Brave Hunter

Years later, a brave hunter set out to capture Březa Smrti and put an end to her reign of terror. He was a skilled warrior, wise and cunning, and he knew the woods like the back of his hand. He gathered his weapons and set out to find the monster that had claimed so many lives.

It took him many sleepless nights and countless miles of tracking, but eventually, he found her. She was bathing in a small river, her hair shimmering in the moonlight. He raised his bow and aimed for her heart, but as he looked into her eyes, something stirred inside him. He saw the beauty and sadness in her soul, and he realized that she was not a monster, but a lonely creature who had been cursed by her father to roam the forests forever.

He put down his bow and approached her, and as he did, he saw a tear rolling down her cheek. „Why do you cry?“ he asked. „Because I cannot die,“ she replied. „I cannot find peace or rest, and all I have is this eternal solitude.“

The hunter felt a pang in his heart, and he knew that he could not kill her. Instead, he offered her his hand, and she took it. Together, they walked out of the forest, and the legend of Březa Smrti had come to an end.

H2 – The Moral of the Story

The tale of Březa Smrti teaches us that not all monsters are what they seem. Sometimes, behind the fearsome facade, there lies a lonely and vulnerable soul, longing for companionship and love. It also reminds us that violence is not always the solution, and that sometimes, the greatest act of bravery is to choose compassion over vengeance.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Jednou v dávné zemi žila krásná a mystická bytost zvaná Březa Smrti. Legenda říkala, že naláká cestující do kouzelných lesů a odebere jim duše do podsvětí. Jednoho dne se ztracené děti setkaly s Březou Smrti a prosily ji o pomoc, aby se vrátily domů. Byla pro něměká a byla jim průvodcem domů. Děti byly okouzleny a zapomněly na své obavy. Ale když se blížily ke vsi, Březa Smrti se změnila v děsivou obludu. Unášela jedno dítě za druhým, aby sežrala jejich duše. Žádné dítě se nevrátilo a legenda Březy Smrti byla varováním pro všechny, kdo se odváží do lesa. Několik let poté se odvážný lovec vydal chytit Březu Smrti a ukončit její terorizování lidí. Nakonec ji našel a pochopil, že není obluda, ale osamělou bytost, kterou její otec proklel, aby v lese pobývala navždy. Namísto toho ji poskytl svou ruku a společně vyšli z lesa. Legenda nás učí, že se nemůžeme řídit jen vnějším vzhledem a že násilí není vždy řešením. Někdy je největším činem odvahy vybrat soucit a lásku před pomstou.

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