Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

O Zoubku Antonínkovi

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Dávno, dávno dávno, když draví draci kroužili na nebi a pradávní skřeti číhali v temných lesích, žil na jedné malé osadě chlapec jménem Antonín. Byl to málo pozoruhodný kluk, měl zrzavé vlasy a zvláštní kostru nohy, která mu nedovolovala běhat a skákat jako ostatní děti. A přece se ve svém srdci cítil jako kouzelník a snil o dobrodružství… To byla začátek příběhu o O Zoubku Antonínkovi.
H2: O Zoubku Antonínkovi

H3: Once upon a time in a small village in the heart of the Czech Republic, there lived a little boy named Antonín. He was known to all as Zoubek, because he had only one tooth in his mouth. Despite this, he was a kind and curious boy who loved exploring the world around him.

H3: One day, Zoubek set out on a walk through the forest, hoping to find some new adventures. As he walked, he came across an old woman sitting by the side of the road. She was sobbing and seemed very upset.

H3: Being a kind-hearted boy, Zoubek approached the woman and asked her what was wrong. The old woman explained that she had lost her way and didn’t know how to get back home.

H3: Zoubek felt sorry for the old woman and decided to help her. He offered to lead her back home and the woman gratefully accepted. As they walked, Zoubek asked the woman her name.

H3: „My name is Baba Yaga,“ she replied. „And I am a witch.“

H3: Zoubek was surprised but not scared. He continued to walk with the witch and soon they arrived at her home deep in the forest. Baba Yaga thanked Zoubek for his kindness and invited him inside for some tea.

H3: As they drank their tea, Baba Yaga asked Zoubek why he was called Zoubek. Zoubek explained that he had only one tooth in his mouth and Baba Yaga took a closer look.

H3: She then said to him, „Zoubek, if you want to have strong and healthy teeth, you must go on a quest to find the magical herb known as zlatobýl.“

H3: Zoubek then asked Baba Yaga where he could find this herb. She replied, „It grows at the top of a high mountain, guarded by a fierce dragon. But if you are brave and determined, you can overcome the dragon and bring back the zlatobýl.“

H3: Zoubek was excited by the challenge and set out the next day to find the dragon and the zlatobýl. He walked for many days, through forests and over mountains, until he finally arrived at the foot of the mountain where the dragon lived.

H3: Zoubek climbed the steep mountain, struggling with the altitude and the rough terrain. But he persevered, knowing that the zlatobýl was his ticket to a healthier mouth.

H3: Finally, he reached the top of the mountain, where the dragon was waiting for him. The dragon was fierce and intimidating, but Zoubek stood his ground.

H3: He then said to the dragon, „I have come for the zlatobýl. Please let me pass.“

H3: The dragon was surprised by Zoubek’s bravery and decided to let him pass. Zoubek found the zlatobýl and brought it back down the mountain.

H3: Upon his return, he went back to Baba Yaga and gave her the zlatobýl. Baba Yaga then used the zlatobýl to make a special toothpaste for Zoubek.

H3: Zoubek used the toothpaste every day and soon his teeth became strong and healthy. He was no longer known as Zoubek the toothless, but rather as Zoubek the brave and determined.

H2: The Moral of the Story

H3: The moral of the story is that kindness and determination can help you overcome any obstacle. Zoubek was kind to Baba Yaga and determined to find the zlatobýl, and in the end, he was rewarded with strong and healthy teeth.

H3: This story encourages us to always be kind to others and to believe in ourselves even when facing the most difficult challenges.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Pohádka o Zoubku Antonínkovi nám připomíná, že laskavost a odhodlání nás mohou překonat každou překážku. Antonínek byl hodný a zvídavý chlapec se pouze jedním zubem. Jednoho dne se setkal s Baba Jagou, která mu řekla, že pokud chce mít zdravé zuby, musí najít kouzelnou bylinu zlatobýl. Antonínek se do toho pustil a nakonec našel zlatobýl po dlouhé cestě, kterou musel absolvovat na vrchol hory. Díky odvaze a rozhodnosti překonal draka, který ho hlídal a získal zlatobýl. Baba Jaga mu z této byliny vyrobila zvláštní pastu na zuby, díky níž se jeho zuby staly silnými a zdravými. Pohádka nám tedy připomíná, že laskavost, odhodlání a víra v sebe samého nás mohou dovést ke štěstí a úspěchu.

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