Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Mravenec a Myš – Ant and Mouse

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Byla jednou jedna malá myška a malý mravenec, kteří žili v lese. Každý den se potkali na stejném místě, kde se bavili a sdíleli své zážitky. Oba byli velmi odlišní, ale tato rozdílnost je přitahovala k sobě. Myš byla rychlá a mravenec pracovitý, ale oba si byli rovni v síle své přátelství. Jednoho dne se však stalo něco velmi zvláštního a oba museli společně čelit nebezpečí. Tohle je příběh o Mravenci a Myši.
Once upon a time, there was a Mravenec a Myš – Ant and Mouse who lived in a lush green field surrounded by trees and flowers. They were the best of friends and spent their days exploring the field, playing games, and sharing their meals.

Jednou ráno – One morning, the Mravenec – Ant said to the Myš – Mouse, „Winter will be here soon, and we need to gather food to last us through the cold months.“

The Myš – Mouse was worried as she didn’t know how they would gather enough food to last them through the winter. But the Mravenec – Ant had a plan.

He said, „We will work together, and I will gather food while you keep watch for any danger.“

And so, they set out to gather food. The Mravenec – Ant worked tirelessly, carrying leaves and seeds back to their home, while the Myš – Mouse kept watch, making sure no predators swooped in to ruin their hard work.

As the days passed, they collected enough food to last them through the winter. However, the Myš – Mouse grew tired of keeping watch and wanted to rest.

„Will you not take a break, Mravenec? We have gathered enough food, and there is no danger in sight,“ she said.

But the Mravenec – Ant was wise and knew the importance of hard work. „No rest for the diligent, Myš – Mouse. We must continue to work hard even when there is no immediate need.“

Despite the Myš – Mouse’s reluctance, they continued to work, day after day, until the winter arrived.

The cold winds blew, and the snow covered the field, making it impossible for the Mravenec – Ant and the Myš – Mouse to leave their home. But they were prepared. They had enough food to last them through the long winter months.

As they sat huddled together, sharing their food, the Myš – Mouse looked at the Mravenec – Ant with admiration. „You were right, my friend. Hard work and diligence always pay off. I am sorry I ever doubted you.“

The Mravenec – Ant smiled back at the Myš – Mouse. „Do not worry, my dear friend. We may be small, but we are mighty, and together we can overcome anything.“

And so, they spent the winter months sharing their food, telling stories, and dreaming of the warm days of summer when they would once again explore the field and enjoy their days together.

Závěrečné myšlenky – Final thoughts

The story of Mravenec a Myš – Ant and Mouse teaches us the importance of hard work, diligence, and teamwork. No matter how small we are, with determination and dedication, we can achieve great things. And with the support of our friends, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. So, let us always remember the lessons of this story and work hard towards our dreams, knowing that success is always within reach if we believe in ourselves and work together towards a common goal.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Pohádka o Mravenci a Myši nás učí důležitosti tvrdé práce, pilnosti a týmové spolupráce. Bez ohledu na to, jak malí jsme, s odhodláním a oddaností můžeme dokázat velké věci. A s podporou našich přátel můžeme překonat jakoukoli překážku, která přichází na naši cestu. Pamatujme si tedy vždy lekce této pohádky a pracujme tvrdě k našim snům, vědouce, že úspěch je vždy na dosah, pokud věříme sami sobě a pracujeme společně k dosažení společného cíle.

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