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Kůzle a réva v krajině snů

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Kůzle a réva v krajině snů

Byla jednou jedna kouzelná krajina, ve které se nacházelo nejkrásnější sousto vína v celém království. Toto víno pocházelo z hroznů, které zrály na vinicích mladé princezny. Ta však byla tak rozkošná, že se na ni snažil sultán ze sousední země. Chtěl ji za každou cenu získat a proto se rozhodl, že zdejší vína skoupí všechna. Svému plánu však zabránilo malé a nezajímavé stvoření, které se nazývalo Kuze a réva. To dokázalo uchránit víno i samotnou princeznu a splnilo mnoho dalších přání obyvatel kouzelné krajiny.
Once upon a time, in the land of dreams, there was a little goat named Kůzle. She lived in a beautiful valley surrounded by towering mountains and lush green forests. Kůzle was a curious little goat and loved exploring the wonders of her valley. She had heard tales of the magical vineyards that grew in the neighboring mountains, and one day she decided to embark on an adventure to discover them.

Chapter 1: Kůzle’s Adventure Begins

Kůzle set out on her journey early in the morning. She crossed shimmering streams and climbed steep hills, taking great care to avoid the thorny bushes and gnarly roots that lay in her path. As she climbed higher, the air grew warmer, and the gentle breeze carried with it the scent of grapes. Kůzle knew she was getting closer to her destination.

Chapter 2: The Enchanted Vineyard

Finally, Kůzle reached the mountain top, and what she saw left her breathless. Spread before her was a vast vineyard, with row upon row of grapevines stretching as far as the eye could see. The vines were laden with the most succulent grapes she had ever seen. Kůzle knew she had discovered the magical vineyard she had heard about.

Chapter 3: The Temptation

Kůzle was overcome by the sweet fragrance of the ripening grapes. She knew she shouldn’t eat them, but the aroma was just too irresistible. So, she plucked a juicy bunch of grapes, and another, and another, and before she knew it, she had eaten her fill. She lay down on the soft ground and closed her eyes, her tummy full and content.

Chapter 4: The Consequences

Not long after, Kůzle found that something strange was happening to her. Her once soft, clean white fur was slowly turning purple. She panicked and tried to rub off the purple stain, but it was like a stubborn dye that refused to budge. She knew she had been careless, and now she would have to face the consequences.

Chapter 5: The Salvation

Just as Kůzle was about to despair, she heard a soothing voice calling out to her. It was the spirit of the vineyard, and it spoke to her in a gentle voice, reassuring her that all was not lost. The spirit told her of a magical plant that grew in the valley, which could heal her. Kůzle was filled with hope and knew she had to find this plant.

Chapter 6: The Cure

Kůzle searched the valley for days, hoping to find the magical plant that the spirit had told her about. Finally, she came across it, a humble plant with tiny white flowers. Kůzle knew it was the plant the spirit had spoken of. She plucked a tiny leaf from the plant and chewed it, following the ancient recipe. Then, she waited, praying that the purple stain would disappear.

Chapter 7: The Return

To Kůzle’s relief, she felt a strange tingling in her body, and slowly the purple stain started to fade. The healing powers of the magical plant had worked, and Kůzle felt reborn. With a heart full of gratitude, she started her journey back to her valley, leaving the enchanted vineyard behind. She knew she had learned a valuable lesson, to be careful of temptation and to respect the gifts of nature.

Chapter 8: The Lesson

In the end, Kůzle returned to her valley, and her bright white fur had been restored. She told her tale to all the other animals, and they listened with rapt attention. Kůzle learned that in the land of dreams, there were many lessons to be learned, and one had to be careful not to be seduced by temptation. She knew that she was wiser now, and would always remember the magical vineyard, the healing powers of the humble plant, and the importance of respecting nature.


Thus, Kůzle’s adventure had come to an end, but the lessons she had learned would stay with her forever. The enchanted vineyard and the magical plant had left an indelible mark on her heart, and she knew that she would always remember them with fondness. In the end, Kůzle felt blessed to live in the land of dreams, where anything was possible, and where the lessons of life were learned.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

Kůzlátka, malá kůzlička, žila v údolí obklopeném vysokými horami a zelenými lesy. Jednoho dne se rozhodla vydat na dobrodružství, aby objevila kouzelné vinice v sousedních horách. Po dlouhé cestě se dostala na jejich vrchol a tam spatřila obrovské vinice plné chutných hroznů. Přestože věděla, že by je neměla jíst, vůně byla tak svůdná, že nemohla odolat a snědla je. Poté se však z jejího bílého srsti udělala fialová a prsty jí začaly hnědnout. Naštěstí se setkala se duchem vinice, který jí poradil, jak se vrátit zpět do své původní podoby. Kůzlátka se vydala na hledání léčivé rostliny, která jí pomohla a naučila se respektovat darům přírody a být opatrná na pokušení. Tento zážitek jí změnil život a naučil ji důležitou lekci.

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