Krátké české pohádky před spaním pro děti

Kozí Uši Císaře: Pohádka pro Dobrou Noc (The Goat’s Ears of the Emperor: A Bedtime Story)

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Byl jednou jeden císař, který byl velmi hrdý na své dlouhé a nádherné vlasy. Avšak jednoho dne, když se osprchování, zmizely mu jeho vlasy a namísto nich mu narostly kozy uši. Tak začíná příběh o Kozích Uších Císaře, který má navíc v sobě i kouzlo pohádkových bytostí, které čtenáře zavede do svého pohádkového světa a nabídne jim napětí, smích, štěstí a naději. Pohádka pro Dobrou Noc, která vás vtáhne do napínavého světa a pobaví vás do posledního slova.
Once upon a time, in the heart of a great empire, there lived a wise and just emperor. His reign was a prosperous one and his people loved him dearly. The emperor was known for his sharp mind, his quick wit, and his ability to solve the most challenging problems with ease.

One day, a strange rumor started spreading around the palace. It was said that the emperor had grown a pair of goat’s ears on the back of his head, and that he was hiding them from the world. No one knew whether the rumor was true or false, but soon it became the talk of the town.

The emperor was deeply troubled by the rumor. He knew that it would undermine his authority and make him a laughing stock in the eyes of his people. He needed to find a way to dispel the rumor once and for all.

So he called upon his advisors and asked them for a solution. They suggested various ways to tackle the rumor, but none seemed to be foolproof. The emperor was at a loss, and he began to despair.

Then one day, a young girl came to the palace with an unusual request. She asked to see the emperor and offered to solve his problem in exchange for a small reward. The emperor was intrigued and decided to meet with her.

The girl was a clever one, and she knew exactly how to approach the problem. She proposed that she would start the rumor that the emperor had grown a pair of goat’s ears herself. This way, the people would think that the emperor knew about the rumor all along and that he was not ashamed of it.

The emperor was hesitant at first but decided to trust the young girl’s advice. She started the rumor and soon, it became the talk of the town once again.

However, this time, the emperor did not hide his ears. Instead, he proudly showed them to his people and declared that they were a symbol of his wisdom and his love for all creatures great and small.

The people were amazed by the emperor’s courage, and they began to admire him even more. They realized that the rumor was false all along, and that the emperor was a great leader who cared for the welfare of his people.

From that day onwards, the goat’s ears of the emperor became a source of inspiration for many. They were a reminder that even a great leader can have imperfections, and that it is not important to hide them, but to embrace them.

The young girl who had helped the emperor became a favorite among the people. Her cleverness and quick thinking had saved the emperor’s reputation, and she was hailed as a hero. The emperor rewarded her richly, and she lived happily ever after.

As for the emperor, he continued to rule his kingdom with great wisdom and compassion, and his goat’s ears became a symbol of his greatness. And every night, parents across the land told the tale of the Kozí Uši Císaře: Pohádka pro Dobrou Noc to their children, as a reminder of the power of courage and honesty.

Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc

V pohádce „Kozí uši císaře“ žije moudrý a spravedlivý císař, který je oblíben svým lidem. Jednoho dne se však vyskytne pomluva, že císař na zádech nosí kozí uši. Císař se z toho velmi trápí a hledá řešení. Nakonec potká dívku, která navrhne, aby sama začala šířit zprávu, že císař má kozí uši. Aby ale lidé viděli, že si císař z toho nedělá nic a nechová se ostýchavě.

Císař s dívkou tedy plánují společné vystoupení na balkoně, kde císař ukáže své uši. Lidé jsou zaskočeni, ale nakonec uznají, že se nemá čeho stydět a císařův postoj jim pomůže přijít s podobnými nevyřešenými problémy v budoucnosti. Dívka, která pomohla, se stává hrdinkou a císařovi lidé i nadále připomínají, že i vůdce může mít nedokonalosti a není se třeba jich stydět.

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