Byl jednou jeden císař, který měl velmi nepříjemný problém. Trpěl nespavostí a i když se snažil usnout, jeho mysl neustále bzučela jako včela. Jednoho dne se rozhodl najmout nejlepšího lékaře, který by mu pomohl se z tohoto problému vysporádat. Navzdory všem snahám však lékaři selhali a císař stále trpěl neschopností usnout. Potom se ale objevila jedna zvláštní postava, která tvrdila, že má řešení. Byla to stará žena s výrazným nosem a kočičími uši, která se prezentovala jako Kozí Uši. A tak začíná pohádka o Kozí Uši Císaře a Lehkém Spánku.
Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a powerful emperor. This emperor was known for his love of luxury and extravagance. He loved nothing more than to surround himself with the finest things in life. His palace was adorned with the most beautiful art, the most sumptuous furnishings, and the most exquisite food. He was truly a man of great wealth and taste.
However, there was one thing that troubled the emperor. He suffered from terrible insomnia. No matter how comfortable his bed or how luxurious his sheets, he could never seem to get a good night’s sleep. He tossed and turned, he counted sheep, and he tried every trick in the book to get himself to drift off. But nothing ever worked.
One day, a wise old sage came to the emperor’s court. He had heard about the emperor’s troubles and had a solution that he believed would work. He told the emperor that he needed a special kind of pillow, made from the ears of a goat. The emperor was skeptical, but intrigued. He asked the sage where he could find such a pillow.
The sage told him that the only goat with ears long enough could be found in a far-off land, beyond the mountains and across the sea. The emperor was determined to have this pillow, and so he set out on a journey to find the goat.
For many months, the emperor traveled to distant lands and battled great dangers. He crossed treacherous rivers, climbed steep mountains, and braved scorching deserts. But finally, he reached the land where the goat with the long ears lived.
He captured the goat and brought it back to his palace. The ears were carefully removed, and a pillow was made from them. The emperor lay down on the pillow, and instantly fell into a deep, sound sleep. He was overjoyed. Finally, he had found the solution to his insomnia.
However, there was a catch. The pillow was so effective, the emperor could not bear to be without it. It became his most cherished possession, and he would never be parted from it. He would carry it with him everywhere, even into his meetings with foreign dignitaries and important state affairs. To everyone’s amusement, he would sometimes fall asleep in the middle of important discussions.
The emperor was so attached to the pillow that he began to call it by a special name: Kozí Uši, which means „goat’s ears“ in Czech. And from that day on, his advisors and courtiers all referred to it as Kozí Uši, too.
But as time went on, the emperor became more and more reliant on his beloved pillow. He slept with it every night, and he even began to carry it with him during the day. His obsession with the pillow grew to such an extent that he started to neglect his duties as a ruler. He stopped paying attention to the needs of his people, and began to care only about himself and his own comfort.
One day, a wise old woman came to the emperor. She had heard about his obsession with Kozí Uši, and she had a solution that she believed would help him break free from his attachment to the pillow. She told him that he needed to be taught a lesson, and that the only way to do it was to take away his pillow and watch him suffer.
The emperor was horrified at the thought of being without his beloved Kozí Uši, but he knew that he needed to break free from his obsession. He agreed to the old woman’s plan.
That night, while the emperor was sleeping soundly on his pillow, the old woman snuck into his chamber and stole Kozí Uši away. The emperor woke up the next morning and immediately realized that the pillow was missing. He searched high and low for it, but it was nowhere to be found.
Days turned into weeks, and the emperor began to feel the effects of his sleep deprivation. He grew tired and irritable, and he could barely concentrate on his duties as a ruler. But gradually, he began to learn the importance of self-discipline and detachment. He realized that his obsession with the pillow had been holding him back, and that he needed to let go.
Finally, after many long weeks, the old woman returned Kozí Uši to the emperor. This time, however, he did not cling to it as he had before. He set it aside, and went about his day without it. His sleep troubles gradually faded away, and he found that he no longer needed the pillow to rest well at night.
From that day on, the emperor became known for his wisdom and restraint. He learned that true happiness does not come from material possessions or external comforts, but from within. And he lived out the rest of his days as a wise and just ruler, beloved by his people.
Ponaučení z pohádky na dobrou noc
V dalekém království žil mocný císař, který miloval luxus a nadbytky. Jeho palác zdobily nejkrásnější umělecké předměty, nejvýstavnější nábytek a nejvybranější jídla. Byl to muž velkého bohatství a vkusu, ale trápila ho nespavost. Nikdy se mu nepodařilo dobře se vyspat, ačkoli měl nejlepší postel a luxusní povlečení. Jednoho dne ke císařově dvoru přišel moudrý stařec a nabídl řešení prostřednictvím speciální polštáře z kozačích uší. Tento polštář byl velmi účinný, ale císař začal záviset na své nové pomůcce natolik, že se mu začaly pomalu ale jistě poškozovat jeho povinnosti vůči lidem. Nakonec mu pomohla moudrá žena, která mu vzala polštář a naučila ho důležitosti sebeovládání a oddělení se od materiálních věcí. Císař se stal moudrým a spravedlivým vládcem, milovaným svým lidem, a učil se, že skutečné štěstí nezávisí na vlastnictví materiálních věcí a vnějších pohodlí, ale přichází zevnitř.
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